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 What will happen if i eat salad and water only and workout for 5 hours a day?
will i lose 6 pounds by august 31 please i need to know thats when school starts!!!!!!...

 I am fat what should i do should i stop eating or do some running or die what should i do can you help me say?

 What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!?

 What is the right weight for a 15 year old 5"3 girl?

 Am i fat.. thin or somewere inbetween?
im 5 ft 2 in and im 106 lbs.... wat do u think???...

 Is taking speed dangerous?
im 16 years old and i want to lose some weight fast i heard taking speed helps to lose weight but what are the affects of the drug?would any1 suss that i was taking it?...

 How can i stay motivated to lose weight?
the only time I can really focus on excercising is around 5;30 am, so how can i get out of bed?

im having a problem staying motivated, any ideas ?...

 I'm soo fat!?
people ...this is not normal...i'm 13 five feet 1 ...and i weigh 80 pounds OMG!! I'm soo fat ..i'm not joking ! I'm going on a trip like in 2 weeks and I dont wanna be the whale ...

 What is the best way to lose 30lbs in 2 months? Serious answers please!!?
I work 10-12 hour days, so workout time is limited... and the starvation diet isn't realistic, so any serious suggestions would be great!!...

 How come Chinese people are usually slim when their food is so fattening?

 Why does ear wax taste so horrid?

 Is 95 lbs too skinny?!?
Is 95 lbs for a 19 yr old girl too skinny regardless of size frame?
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by the way, im 5'7"...

 Am I fat? Please tell me the truth?
I just need to know becuase my friends call me skinny but all of my siblings and cousins call me fat I am 13 5'5'' and 69 lbs I don't think I am fat but it's just all of the ...

 Is 27 too old to start a personal or gym instructor course!?
I sort of started a course last year and then stopped due too lack or funds! Do u think 27 is too old to become a fitness instructor or perosnal trainer? ...

 What is the right weight for age 15?

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my height is 5'1 and my weight is 101 and i am 15. i have a small frame. is that a good weight for my height?...

 What is the quickest way to lose weight even if it is "dangerous". Quickest not safest, quickest.?

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 Have to swim in gym class. I'm fat! I will be humilated! HELP!?
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 Drug test for my job! please HELLLPP?
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I'm almost 19 now and only weigh 120lbs. Enough is enough! I've tried several methods of weight lifting along with taking supplements, but after a month or so each time I still see almost ...

Olivia I
How do u get abs?
im 14 and i have a pretty good bikini bod except for that u can only see my abs if i flex. i rly want those abs u see in victorias secret models. is there any excersize that will help me get those abs fast or so that ill see results soon. im not so into excersizing but im willing to do anything

non noob
you need to do something to get abs

Crunches and running. It's a myth that running doesn't give you abs.

Frantz C
Do lots of crunches and sit-up.
Do different kid of sit-up to work-out different sections of your abdominal area.
Types of sit-ups you might not be aware of:

1)Lift your legs (make sure you keep your legs straight when you lift them) but keep the rest of your body on the floor. (this will work out the lower abs section or what women call the pooche area) Make sure that you lower your legs back to the ground slowly! That will make each of the repetitions more effective!

2) Sit-ups while you lay on your side. Obviously do it for each side. That will align your abs in order to give you that nice straight line going through the middle.

Hope this helps!

|iDqAf ツ|
Do crunches while listening to music. Gets you pumped!

Adam L
do ab workouts a few times a week, 50-100, before you go to bed and right when you wake up, also do cardio.... this will burn the fat and make it to where your abs can be seen.... also stay away from deep fried foods and lots of sugar... good luck man, oh and do them with your legs elevated

Tina N
i wish i knew, but it is going to sound silly, but the ab lounge really does work, or just get a membership to your local gym and get with a trainer.

there is teenage exercise you can do to workout those abs
i think they are pretty good because they work
but they arent anythign heavy
try going to seventeen.com if your not a subscriber in the fitness section
or cosmogirl.com
if you are a subscriber they have workout moves in each issue

crunches/sit-ups and maybe the BENDER BALL

heather .
you can't spot train.. the only way to get great abs in watching what you eat, cardio and lots of working out

Hi its me!
everyone has abs people just want good looking abs. youll want to do cardio to burn fat, if you only do crunches your abs will be strong but the fat will still be there. crunches make them stronger and make them show out more. but those modles in victoria secret are fake, most have gotten surgery and in the pics they are edited.

Lizzy C
well your a little too young to start looking like victoria secret models try not to level up too them too stressing, but to help your abs they say to do 100 sit ups a day, and you should get fast results, its help them, also abdominal bridge always works try to do them for 30 second then try 1 min a day! hope this works

A lot of crunches & sit-ups!

Exercise or get videos working mainly on abs

My boyfriend has squares because of quality of food, amount and excersise every day even saturdays and sundays

Do sit-ups and crunches. Start at around 50 a day, and slowly do more and more. Don't overwork yourself or you will be in pain the next day, and remember, you don't want to look like a he-she on steroids.

yup just do situps anytime your not doing anything
it worked for me(:
oh and i do squats
now i have shaped thighs and a perky toned butt ahahah

do crunches and workout. also, by eating low carb, low fat foods you will not have any of that annoying...belly...flubber

yet another blind child has suffered the poisoning of commercial superficiality.

too bad

Forever young
How do you think the people that have the abs that you want got them, by posting questions on Yahoo/answers, exercising, sit ups, lots of sit ups.
If you want the 10 second abs, don't waste peoples time asking questions, that when you get answers, you just ignore them.
If you want to put in the exercise and the dedication, you can have any body you want.

ρσρ έұε
work out..

unless you have an airbrush artist to airbrush you you most likely won't get that way, maybe try yoga or any other core strengthening workout.

Check out the "Ab Ripper 100" video, it really helps.

Sit ups, crunches, and leg lifts are the best way to get great abs. Especially for a girl though, it will take a loooong time. Guys get abs faster than girls.

Hippie Love
work out and eat right. Crunches!!
James Criunches are the best.
You lay down on your back. Be on the floor. Then Lift you legs up about a foot then do a crunch.
They are really hard but try thoughs and they will help i promise. I have done then
good luck

Crouching Monkey Hidden Hippo
everyone has abs, you're born with them=)

This is real easy at your age. Low carbs, low sweets, crunches, and cardio. Cut those carbs and get moving and I bet you start seeing them in less than 3 weeks.

there is this exercise that is easy to do.. easier than sit ups/crunches... but it u can definately feel it working (u'll feel it the next day if u are doing it correctly)

get a small towel hold it away from ur body horizontally ur arms all the way extended. then draw figure eights.. keep ur torso still... u shud be able to feel the burn.

Kagiso L
The abdominal muscles are a very stibborn and difficult muscle group to work. Hers a few pointers,,

1) Cut out the fatty unhealthy stuff like Burger King/Mcdonalds/Pizzas etc. Fat deposits go to your belly if your a guy and that makes your abs difficult to see.

2) Control your diet intake. Dont over eat in other words. You want your abs to get back into a good form.

Now hers where it gets interesting.

3)If you want to work your abs you also need to work your lower back. A strong back forces you to stand up right. Which forces your abs to flex and hold your front.

4) Lots of sit ups and press ups do work,,but find what works for you. I hate sit ups on the floor but if i do them on a stability ball it really works.

5) Do head raises. This is like a sit up but instrad of lifting your upper body like a regular sit up you raise your head chin towards chest,,and YOU USE YOUR ABDOMINAL MUSCLES TO LIFT YOU. HOLD FOR 5 TO TEN SECONDS. I find this work really well.

every morning, you wake up.
20 push ups
25 sit ups
20 crunches.
look at your stomach after about a month after you started this.

Big Pimin
Eating healthy is key. I would only drink water. Its the best drink for you and it cleans bodily toxins. consume a little more protein (meat) than usual. Work out helps but getting abs is about your body fat percentage. Eating healthy is the main thing, then work out. Two strengths when combined, result in that figure your looking for. When you work out don't do the same routine work out everyday. alternate between 3 days and do different things each of the three days. like Monday do crunches, Tuesday sit ups, Wednesday go for a run. then Thursday go back to crunches. You can do more than one thing a day certainly but don't do the exact same workout everyday. Your body gets use to it. Mix things up. Eat a healthy breakfast. Eggs, bacon, milk, orange juice. that sort of thing. Just combine eating healthy with work out and you should see results in the first few days.

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