I am totally obsessed with one touching me, and the worse thing is I'm a 6 foot 3 bloke, just seen one massive spider on my bed, absolutly hate them!!!...
Hi, I'm a 14-year-old girl that is always depressed no matter what happens. If something good happens, I don't feel anything....I have an anxiety disorder...I cry every night for at least 2 ...
Hi everyone, I've been sliding further into a depression the last few months, and have attributed much of this to suppressed childhood trauma, a failed marriage and an ex who chipped away at my ...
do you ever feel that you don't actually want to get better?
ok, i don't know how to explain this...
i've been diagnosed with depression...i have a lot of suicidal thoughts......
Im sooo emotional and I don't know why! Im crying and being paranoid. He mentioned his ex to some one telling them where she was from and even that made me pissed off. But it sounds like im some ...
Because I don't want to have kids, or travel,or study; and I don't think I could hold up a job or find a partner. Should I commit suicide? It seems like the only option......
Sometimes I feel really alone in this world. Although I have friends, and a boyfriend, I still feel like nobody really wants to hear how I feel. I feel like my life is fake and that I have to pretend ...
I went to a soccer game today to play and our coach told us that my best friend felix was not coming because his father went into his mothers hair soalon shot his aunt while looking for his mother ...
because they help me! i just realized this summer that when i write my emotions down then sometimes expressing them its so much better. Additional Details
i dont want to be here anymore i have no life both my parents are sick so im always in hospitals my kids give me nothing but bad manners my boyfriend vrrbally abuses me as well i dont eat or sleeep ...
I had a baby June of last year. I lost him at birth. This was a child that my husband and I tried to concieve for 2 years. Every since then I have went down hill. I had ppd, panic attacks, diognosed ...
hi, yesterday i was really unhappy and i asked for reasons why life is good. i got 49 reasons and by the end of reading all your advice i felt much better.
i lie all of the time, i can't help it. i even lie about stupid stuff like what time i went to bed. i lie to my friends about stories that never really happened and then i get alll confussed and ...
Depression....? I'm a 17 years old girl. I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't seem to do anything right. I have a few friends, I also have horrible grades. I'm failing almost all of the... Read More
Can i get SSI checks for mental issues? I'm 17 years old and I'm in Austin,Texas. I live with my 19 year old cousin, I was kicked out the house shortly after my 17th birthday, so I moved from Mississippi to Texas. I have a few me... Read More
I dont want to grow up :(? i feel like i haven thad a childhood and i was stripped opf my innocence at a very young age. now that i'm 19 and found someone who is like the mom i always wanted - just someone who would love m... Read More
I am dying.? I just hyperventilated and felt like i was dying...i could see the light....I'm dying inside and no one cares. Is this normal? Additional Details I just feel like giving up and dying... Read More
Is this Normal thinking for a teen? I know how dramatic this sounds but I feel as though no one understands me. I mean..for a teenager I'm very emotional and think about things in depth so much more then others and no one seems to ... Read More
How to not be gay??? Please help! And please don't just tell me to accept myself because ive tried,i cant and i wont,i cant be this way and need as much advice as possible. And if this is any help,im 14 and i dont ca... Read More
Need Answers !!? I'm really close to this teacher in my school, I could trust her wth anything. She's helping me quit self harming, but I'm worried that it's putting her job at risk cause I know sh... Read More
hello i love you goodbye
Is suicide the biggest sin? just wondering will you go to hell for it Additional Details i'm bathist (i can't spell good)chirstianty... Read More
Can parents be particularly detrimental to your mental health? how damaging can these things called 'parents' be? I remember a red dwarf episode in which people from the future finally proved that all our hang ups and neurosis were caused by our parents... Read More
marissa s
Should i tell my mother about my bulimia? i've been bulimic for 4 years now. but sometimes i get better but it always comes back. i haven't purged in 2 weeks now and i think i'm getting better. but still i know i'm not cur... Read More
Non Medication Aides for Anxiety? I'm trying to take the non-medication road to healing my panic and anxiety (seeing as how all the meds they put me on for that just THROW me into panic attacks). I was wondering what other option... Read More
Psychologist? I had been to see a Psychologist and had therapy for 2 years and it ended last Christmas. I wanted to go back to see her as I was having problems again but Mental Team said No. Once you have had your ... Read More
Sucide? Please help! Some ones life is in danger!? Okay. Last year (Novembersish) I found out that one of my best friends were cutting. And these were not thin little knife marks they were very large and looked as if she were trying to skin her self... Read More
Any ideas on how to become more confident? Additional Details I am not really that ugly or so people tell me and i have a bunch of friends, just with myself i feel bad about myself.... Read More
Can't seem to get out my depression? Im 19 and I've been feeling very low for too long now and have been secluding myself from all my friends for about 2 months. my parents have been my rock during the 2months and my two sisters are... Read More