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I HATE BRACES i just got them and i cant eat for like a week
i cant even bite down i really stressing and just i hate them

do you have any ideas of what i can eat?...

 Who likes the dentist?

 Getting teeth pulled?
I have to get some teeth pulled because my mouth is crowded. Will the dentist people or whatever they are knock me out? or just numb me?...

 If i get braces how long will i have it for??
okay im thinking bout braces but i want to know how long i will have it for and if i will look good with it here is a picture of my teethhttp://i160.photobucket....

 How painful is it to get your wisdom teeth out? I am getting my out at 9:15am tomorrow. Any suggestions?

 What should I do first, brush my teeth or floss my teeth?
And why?...

 About braces...?
I just got my braces. I had one day of 'throbbing' in my teeth. Now my teeth feel fine...are my braces 'still working'? I don't see my denstist for 7 weeks and I just can'...

 It is known that anorexia/bulimia sufferers have bad teeth - but do they also have poor nails & hair?
If so, Is the damage irreversible?...

 I had a filling in my tooth yesturday and i still can't eat on the side of my mouth i had the filling.?
Is this normal? My tooth did not hurt before i had the filling....

 Has anyone had a tooth break while eating coleslaw?

 Im sooo scared!Im getting braces!Do they hurt?

 Hate how dentist makes small talk while I'm on the chair.?
Okay, I am going to the dentist in about an hour and I had to have this particular one because the man I prefer is booked out. This dentist however makes a lot of small talk, asking me about college ...

 How do i get whiter teeth in 1 month??

 I have bad & crooked teeth, who do I see first?
Should I see the orthodontist first or the dentist first?
My teeth are in bad condition and they're also crooked, havent seen a dentist in 10years
I thought I'll confront my ...

 I know that eating too much toothpaste can be fatal, but how much is too much?

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I don't have an obsession with toothpaste, I have a perfectly normal relationship with toothpaste. I do, ...

Does anyone the average cost of braces???...

 Omg braces!!!!?
I will be getting braces soon and im totally affraid. I mean yea i want them because my teeth are a mess but i hate pain. I just hate pain. Can someone tell me the process of getting braces and also ...

 What if you break your right hand what do you do?

 A painful white sore below my gum in my mouth?
i have had it for about 4 days. it is right where my gums end and where my cheek begins. It looks like a cut, but it is white so i didn't know if it was a canker sore. It looks a little ...

 My friend has bad breath.?
My friend has bad breath. she told me and i know its kind of true. she said that whenever she brushes her hard pallet and her tongue..is when she can smell it. but it often smells really bad. Some ...

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Which hurts more: wisdom teeth extraction or getting braces?
Already had my wisdom teeth removed (6 months ago), getting braces in about three weeks.
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When I had my wisdoms out, wasn't able to take medicine until a couple hou... Read More


What is peroxide?
... Read More


Drunk Guy
Will smoking crack make my teeth fall out?
... Read More


I just got braces and they hurt!what do I do?
I just got braces this morning and they didn't hurt then and I've taken tylonal and they still hurt what can I do?
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and I have these bit things behind my two f... Read More


How do I get rid of these mouth sores?
Lately, Ive been having these sores on the left side of my mouth and I cant seem to get them to go away.

Ive cleaned them and Ive went to the nurse at my school and she doesnt even know what they... Read More


D Block
Tooth Abscess?
Is it a disease? Tell me more about it please. Don't tell me to go to the doctor. I want to know what it is before I go. Can I die from it?, etc...

PS. I had a tooth abscess for 7... Read More


Why do braces need rubberbands?
- My orthadontist said so the teeht could stay in place or something like that... Read More


How many times should you brush your teeth a day?
... Read More


The things you hate?
they things you hate having done at the denists, compile your top 5 here... Read More


Emma -- ox <3
OK, Im off to my dentist when my mum can get me a appointment to get mesured for braces. what do they do, Ive heard they put clay in ur mouth then have to wait a bit to get braces made.. is this true<... Read More


Is there anyway i could fix my teeth i hate them.
Haha sorry for the obnoxious smile.

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sorry i didn't tell u what i didn't like abo... Read More


Feline Friend
My braces are really hurting after being tightened today, is there anyway I can ease thew pain?
It's like a strange sore itchy type feeling, if you've had braces you'll understand, please help!... Read More


Why do I still have 2 of my baby teeth at the age of 21?
It's so wierd because they are in the exact same place on the opposite side of my lower mouth.... Read More


For the past week or so ive had this thing on my gum and i need help with it?
its happened before its this little "bubble" like a blister on the gum of my tooth and it hurts a little and i dont know if this is related or not but theres somthing even worse jsut below m... Read More


White filmy stuff on teeth and gums in the morning.?
I brush my teeth in the morning and brush and floss at night before I go to bed. What is this white/clear filmy stuff that is on my teeth and gums in the morning? It's gross.... Read More


Im getting braces tomorro and i want to kno why the pointments are so long? does it hurt when you put them on?
... Read More


How long does nitrous oxcide stay in your system?
... Read More


I just got braces, and they gave me small pieces of wax, whats that for?
how do I use the wax?... Read More


How do I stop chewing on the backs of pens.?
It's a gross habit I've had since middle school and never broken.... Read More


Can you have silver fillings replaced with white?
I had a lot of cavities when I was young and they were all filled with silver fillings. Now that I am older I hate seeing them. Is it possible to have them replaced with white fillings and how much ... Read More


Everyday I drink a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water, I was wondering if this could damage my enamel?
If so do you think swishing water in my mouth after each time is enough or should I brush my teeth?... Read More


How to prevent cavity?
what should i do ? i brush, floss ...but not that often, and i use listerine.but i kept getting cavities !!!! is there anyway to HEAL the cavities ? so those ugly filling wont show ? any advice on an ... Read More


I am getting braces soon... do they hurt?
i have spacer right now... do they hurt more than spacers??... Read More


People need to learn humor
How bad does it hurt to get Braces on?
Will it hurt bad? Also from your Experience what foods are best to stay away from? And what foods are easy to eat? The whole time i have braces on will it hurt to eat hard food?... Read More


How would I make my teeth white?
How can I make my teeth look really white and clean?... Read More


Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago

and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by nerv... Read More


Qwerty Q
I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?
... Read More


Why do I have teeth?
Hi... Read More


J E N N ii E <3
Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
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Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all r... Read More


~i want while teeth~?
i want white teeth what can i use for toothpaste and what should i eat to make the really white... Read More

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