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 Why is it that when you are diagnosed with cancer, friends and family avoid you like the plague?
I was diagnosed with bone cancer this summer after having surgery on my left arm where they found a tumor. now the cancer has spread and they are giving me about four months. Since my family and ...

 What is the best gift to buy somebody about to start a course of chemotherapy?

 Am I the only mother that would do this?
So we are on a trip in Mexico for 9 more days. I have 2 boys ages 14 and 8 and they have extremely fair skin, and there is skin cancer in our family genes. Yes, I slather bot of them down with ...

 Can we please get something straight?
There has never been one solid link to connect smoking with cancer. If you know of just one chemical that links tobacco with cancer then please tell me as there are billions of dollars on offer to ...

 If cell phones really cause cancer how long &/or how much use does it take?

 How many people here personally know someone with Cancer or has Cancer themselves?

Additional Details
I am a four year survivor. I am 34....

 Would you rather have a cure for cancer or have 4 men walk on the moon?
Britain and china are both planning to re visit the moon, it will cost about £1billion for each country lol. Would you rather the money be spent to find a cure for cancer?
I wouldn't, id ...

 Help - why won't my mom take me to the doctor?
A few years or so back I noticed I had a small lump near my jaw bone. My parents think it's just a fatty tumor. Flash forward to a few days ago and I noticed a lump behind my life shoulder blade....

 Breast Cancer!! I'm only 13?
I was wondering how to check for breast cancer. 'Cause I have pimple like lumps on my nipple. Also is it possible to get pimples on your breasts cause I've been wearing the same bra, ...

 Why is CANCER so deadly?
My great-uncle died from cancer of the oesophagus (the food tube from the mouth to the stomach) It then spread to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. What makes the body decide to turn on ...

 If a person is diagnosed with cancer do u think they have a right to know?
When my father was diagnosed my mother and 2 sisters felt that telling him would only make him worse. He was given 4-6 months to live and the doctors said there was nothing could be done for him. Its ...

 My friend is dying of cancer- I don't know what to say to him.?

 Is it wrong to not tell your family you have might have serious cancer?
I'm 22 and don't want to worry anyone. I've told a few friends about the biopsy, but not the results.
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 Is there anything now days that doesn't give you cancer?
organic food doesn't then it does, high fat diets do then don't,low fat diets do then don't. If you eat a malteaser on a Wednesday afternoon you are more likely to get cancer than if ...

 Can you get lung cancer from one of your famliy members that smokes and you dont?
My dad smokes since he was 18 years old. Can I get lung cancer from him even if i dont smoke?...

 I want to test out a theory about smokers.?
A co-worker and I were discussing this, and I wanted others opinions on it. I am a smoker, she quit several years ago. She think that most smokers skip breakfast, she did when she smoked and now ...

 Should smokers be put to the back of the line when they wait for treatment caused by smoking.?
i think non smokers should get prefferential treatment and get operated on first as long as the op is not life threatening.smokers have brought on their own afflictions and deserve to be treated last,...

 Why cant my son talk? Serious only please!!?
My son is almost 2, and he cant talk. Have you dealt with this? what is wrong with him???

If youpost anything derogitory about my son, I will flag you and send you a citation !!!!!!!!!!...

 Why is life so bl@@dy cruel?
Just when i thought my life couldn't get any worse than it is already, something comes along and smacks me full belt in the face and knocks the wind out of my sails!
I lost my wonderful mum ...

 You have one year to live, tops you find out 5 days before your wedding Day, Do you tell your spouse?
you get diagnosed with a terminal illness that is incureable, you find out five days before you get married, you have about a year to live and you already told them you cannot have children. Do you ...

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Don't you think worse than havin cancer to die from would be Alzheimer's?
Just watched an old movie that i had never seen before with Mia Farrow and Martin Sheen and i was spellbound to what this woman was going through. I had rather die from anything but having my brain de... Read More


proud walker
UK What should my friend do about her cancer?
She had an operation for cancer some time ago, now they say it's back. They told her she should have chemo a few weeks ago, then she went to an outpatients clinic thinking it was to sort out the ... Read More


Does ur chest get smaller wen u get breast cancer??
Plz answer this, is very important!!... Read More


Matet d
Do we have the right to die?
in case of cancer patient, do we have the right to die?... Read More


Nervous about lung cancer!!!!!!?
I am 35 years old. My mother died of lung cancer one year ago. She didnt have any symptoms, just got sick one day, we took her to the hospital, she was diagnosed and died 6 months later. She had smok... Read More


Bubbles ")
Dad advice about smoking.?
My dad lied to me when i was six and i believed him he said he stopped smoking. i later found out he has a pack of ciggarets every week i am very sad because his dad died of lung cancer. i don't ... Read More


I have a lump in my breast and schuled for a breast aspiration..I am sick about the whole thing but scared to?
I am scared so terribly of the needle going in my breast...they said this is probably nothing is that true? Any one been through this?... Read More


Cancer Donations?
Can someone give me sites where you can donate money or anything to Cancer research?... Read More


Do you think there's an actual effort to finding a cure for cancer ?(read on)?
You guys do realize that a lot of people profit from all the money that's put into the RESEARCH and TREATMENTS for cancer. A cure would ultimately defeat that purpose.

You need to real... Read More


Could it be cancer?
last night my partner found a hard pea sized lump on the top of the bridge of his nose. im worried its cancer wot else could it be?... Read More


Is it possible?
Is it possible for someone with Stage 4 cancer to recover? I have a friend whose father is suffering from Stage 4 cancer and he's undergoing chemo now. He was stuck in hospital for a long time bu... Read More


Help really bad stomache pain?
I woke up this morning and my upper stomache started hurting really bad, yesturday I didn't eat breakfast, but I ate a sandwich for lunch and chineese for dinner, later I snacked on my left over ... Read More


Does anybody know anyone that has died from lung/kidney cancer?
How does it start to affect that person? and how long are they expected to live?... Read More


Does chemotherapy cause a significant amount of weight gain?
I ask this question because my oncologist said that I will gain weight during chemo treatment but she says that it will be less than 5lbs. I have a feeling that I may gain more weight than just 5ibs.... Read More


Do any body use sun block any Moore?
... Read More


Barry L
Is anybody taking Tamoxifen tablets following Breast cancer ?
If so, is it normal to get bad diarrhoea, sickness and pains after taking them ?

Sensible answers only please.... Read More


Should I be worried if mydoctorsaysI have Breast Cysts?
My doctor said that I have a cyst, but she didn't elaborate. She didn't suggest an ultrasound or mamogram, or any treatment. She just said to avoid caffiene, because that could make the cys... Read More


Cure for cancer.?
okay,, i know this may sound wierd, but do you ever think that the cure for cancer is a simple thing, like eating a elephants poo, and then everyone is spending soo much money trying to find one, when... Read More


Paul L
Does anyone have any ACTUAL FACTS about cigar smoking and the health risks?
I've read all the comments on yahoo answers regarding cigar smoking, cancer and other health risks. To be totally honest though, none of the comments are really informative. Most people have abso... Read More


I have a lump on my breast and it has turned into a huge red boil type thing.?
Does anyone knwo the pre-symptoms of breast cancer?... Read More


Do you think you have to see an oncologist if?
I have non invasive cancer and atypical hyperplasia and I'm taking tamoxifen. Do you think I should be seeing an oncologist on a regular basis, and how often should I be seen or not seen?
... Read More


Brain tumors?
Has anyone had surgery to remove a brain tumor, 95% - 98% of it, and if so has it grown back? If so please fill me in on how you thought or felt it was growing back besides headaches and seizures and... Read More


Recently Diagnosed ...any advice would be so much appreciated ....?
I was diagnosed with Malignant Melonoma on two moles on my back about 2 weeks ago now, they were both very thin at just 0.4mm. I had a wide local excision of the area and i now have another 1 and a ha... Read More


Can Demerol cause headaches?
My wife has other health problems and last week started having bad headaches. She has been in the hospital and has been taking Demerol but does not seem to get any relief. The headaches started after ... Read More


If someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, on average, how long does it take before they start treatment?
... Read More


Will chemo work better on a lump than radiotherapy ?
... Read More


Please answer DOCTORS AND NURSES or any one who might know?
have been having problems with my hemogolbin levels beng really low....a few months ago it was 10.4 and as of monday it was 7.3 i have been taking iron but it does not seem to help! I had more labs do... Read More


My husband was dignosed three years ago with lung cancer, . He never done radiation. it kills faster dos it?
husband has lung cancer , dos radion theropy kill faster ?... Read More


Amanda M
Could it be breast cancer?
I have a small bump on my right breast under the outer layer of the nipple. Its about the size and shape of a bean. Could it be breast cancer. Maybe a swollen lymph node? are there lymph nodes near th... Read More


♥ Meggers!
Can you PLEASE....?
please please please pray for my sister. i know none of you people know her but i really need alot of people to pray for her. her name is Bailey and she is 11 years old. she has cancer and right now s... Read More

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