My father was coughing up blood, so we took him to the local hospital. After running some blood work that came back normal, the decided to look in his stomach. After going in there, they saw ...
he was taken to the VA hospital last night. his blood oxygen was way down (71). they gave him a transfusion and he is on oxygen. he looks yellow. he wants to go home because he doesn't want to ...
Stage 3, have not yet begun any treatment. I am still in shock..please, any suggestions on how to tell my daughter? We are very close and she knows nothing up to this point, other than I was not ...
I had a biopsy done and all they could tell me over the phone is that it is not mild. What is a mild result and what could I have if it is not mild? Could I have precancerous cells or could I have ...
I think i found a lump in my breast, but im not to sure, i know there is a way u can check ur self.. but im just not to sure how to do it, could some one PLEASE tell me how to do it myself.... also ...
Why can't they cure cancer yet? Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?... Read More
Colon cancer probability? My husband is 39 and is a Gulf War veteran. For the past 10 or more years he has suffered with chronic diarhea, sometimes with bouts of constipation. His weight fluctuates by about 10lbs up and down. ... Read More
Im worried abour the lump on my back...? i noticed that i have a lump on my lower back, im worried. what could it be, what should i do? its been there for a week now and it hasnt changed at all. it doesnt hurt. its about the length and width... Read More
Swollen lymph glands? ive had severel swollen glands under my left armpit at first there was only one big one and i was 16 at the time, now im 25 and theres still the big one but lots of little ones clustered around it, i... Read More
Cancer question? My grandpa was diagonsed with lung cancer 5 1/2 years ago, and he is still alive. Is this unusal for someone with lung caner?... Read More
Please read...? okayy my mom had her mammogram on monday and she got a call on wenesday that they saw smething. they want her to come back on friday. they sad theres endless things it could be so dont jump to the con... Read More