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 Does eating too much ice give a person cancer?

 If i donated my organs after death,would my wife be able to have a say in who received them.?

 I just found out that one of my best friends has cancer. They gave her 5 months... What can I do to help her?
Like the question said, I just found out that a close friend has cancer. I don't know what to do or say. I just feel like breaking down, but I wanna be strong for her. If anyone (ANYONE!!) can ...

 Why are only girls getting vaccinated against Cervical cancer?

 Should smoking cigarettes be illegal?
They cause cancer and so many deaths, just like drugs, which are illegal. So should cigarettes be illegal too?...

 Do you think that smoking causes lung cancer?

 Is it smart to visit a dying relative?
I have just received notice today that my aunt has been given 6-8 weeks to live. I am very upset and would like to fly out to see her, however, someone told me that it might me better to remember ...

 I have just been diagnosed with cancer, what do I do now??

 How can i tell my parents i think i have cancer?
I'm 19 and have a small lump and think i might have testicular cancer. I know i need to have it checked out but just cant seem to tell my parents i have a lump and think i need to see a doctor. ...

 Why is it that when you are diagnosed with cancer, friends and family avoid you like the plague?
I was diagnosed with bone cancer this summer after having surgery on my left arm where they found a tumor. now the cancer has spread and they are giving me about four months. Since my family and ...

 What is the best gift to buy somebody about to start a course of chemotherapy?

 Am I the only mother that would do this?
So we are on a trip in Mexico for 9 more days. I have 2 boys ages 14 and 8 and they have extremely fair skin, and there is skin cancer in our family genes. Yes, I slather bot of them down with ...

 Can we please get something straight?
There has never been one solid link to connect smoking with cancer. If you know of just one chemical that links tobacco with cancer then please tell me as there are billions of dollars on offer to ...

 If cell phones really cause cancer how long &/or how much use does it take?

 How many people here personally know someone with Cancer or has Cancer themselves?

Additional Details
I am a four year survivor. I am 34....

 Would you rather have a cure for cancer or have 4 men walk on the moon?
Britain and china are both planning to re visit the moon, it will cost about £1billion for each country lol. Would you rather the money be spent to find a cure for cancer?
I wouldn't, id ...

 Help - why won't my mom take me to the doctor?
A few years or so back I noticed I had a small lump near my jaw bone. My parents think it's just a fatty tumor. Flash forward to a few days ago and I noticed a lump behind my life shoulder blade....

 Breast Cancer!! I'm only 13?
I was wondering how to check for breast cancer. 'Cause I have pimple like lumps on my nipple. Also is it possible to get pimples on your breasts cause I've been wearing the same bra, ...

 Why is CANCER so deadly?
My great-uncle died from cancer of the oesophagus (the food tube from the mouth to the stomach) It then spread to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. What makes the body decide to turn on ...

 If a person is diagnosed with cancer do u think they have a right to know?
When my father was diagnosed my mother and 2 sisters felt that telling him would only make him worse. He was given 4-6 months to live and the doctors said there was nothing could be done for him. Its ...

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After taking chemotherapy,when the body regain its health?
I mean hair,strength of blood................ Read More


Is there any proof that people with end stage cancer and in a coma can hear?
A family member passed away last week, she had cancer. While in her last hours we all took turns telling her we loved her and that she was free to go in peace. Is there any evidence that supports the ... Read More


Amanda R
Can a mammogram see an abnormality that an ultrasound can miss?
... Read More


Link between seatbelts and breast cancer?
I'm wondering if this has ever been looked at. Specifically the material the seatbelt is made of (nylon), the materials' exposure to other auto-making materials (chemicals, plastics, metals)... Read More


People need to learn humor
Have you ever had a Friend or a Family member with Cancer?
May i ask who it was? And what kind of cancer it was? We found out my Mom had kidney cancer after she passed away. We didn't know when she was alive she had cancer. And is your family member or f... Read More


How do you know if you have breast cancer?
I found tiny lumps in my left breast. I also have the sores on my nipple. Plus to top it all off breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. I'm scared to death!! Please tell me the signs of b... Read More


I am suppose to have a Mastectomy?
If the Dr. removes the nipple, what are my options? I have heard of tattoos and making a nipple. I am over 50, but I still have a hard time thinking of nothing there.... Read More


Karen D
Can you tell me what it means that your body is low in potassium?
... Read More


senthil kumar
Why there is no medicine or treatment to cure Blood cancer and AIDS?
what are the difficulties to invent medicine to cure blood cancer and AIDS completely... Read More


Second opinion needed. How do we go about getting one? Mom diagnosed with terminal cancer.?
I have electronic copy of reports. Doctors at current hospital refuse to treat her for fear that treatment will cause her already reduced functioning kidneys to fail. They have recommended Hospice c... Read More


Hanna B
Question about cancer?
Does cancer hurt?... Read More


diane b
Which works best: nicotine patch, gum or lozenge?
... Read More


What are some songs about breast cancer?
... Read More


wondering mind
Can smoking marajuana cause cirrhosis of the liver?
... Read More


Top 10 ways to avoid ANY cancer?
What are the top 10 ways to avoid any cancer disease? what food, what vitamins?

So we can all be healthy and strong =D... Read More


April M
Please help! im scared that i might have skin cancer
i tan alot and i have a mole on my upper stomach, at first i thought it was a freckle now it is a mole and it looks normal its a circle...but is there any way it might turn to skin cancer?? please hel... Read More


How do I tell my parents that I think I have Lymphoma? Is there any way to start the converversation easily?
I've had the lumps for over a year now, but I somehow kept tricking myself into thinkng it was nothing, which it definitely isn't. Please any help is greatly appreciated.... Read More


Does fake sugar such as Splenda, Equal, Etc. reall cause cancer?
... Read More


My dads had a colonoscopy and they found 7 polyps this is the second time in a year
this time only 6 came black clear, the last one wasnt so they have sent the 7th one for another biopsy what do you think this means?

serious answers please... Read More


If you have one female relative who has the breast cancer gene, does that mean all of the females have it too?
i have an aunt who has had cancer twice and has the gene. does that mean i also have the gene?
Additional Details
i also had another aunt and a cousin who also had it twice.... Read More


I have blood in my stools sometimes,does that nescesarily mean I have colon cancer?
Yes,I don't know if I really have colon cancer or not.And I am to embaressed to ask my doctor if I do,considering the fact that I would have to tell him that I have blood in my stools.... Read More


Travis S
I have a lump on my wrist its been there for 8 months it doent hurt and its about the size of a pea ?
... Read More


Loveable x---> Miichelle
I got punched, will i get cancer?
Breast cancer it was so hard.. :(
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punched in my breatst... Read More


Do you think that it's even remotely possible that cell phones can cause brain tumors?
It was in the news recently.

If they can, do you think that you could eradicate the problem simply by using an ear-piece rather than the handset?... Read More


My sister thinks she has breast cancer?
I don't know anything about it, but she keeps asking everyone if she does. She says she has lumps in her breast and they are big and hurt to poke. She is ONLY 13. She is small, and many people sa... Read More


Last question- leukemia??
Okay, I've decided to write my story about leukemia. For those who didn't read my past questions, it's about a 14-year-old who develops leukemia. She's going to still go to school,... Read More


What is it like to have a portacath put in?
I have to get a portacath inserted soon. Can some who has been through the procedure tell me what it is like? During, after...etc... Thank you!... Read More


Is cancer is natrual death?
In my opinion, cancer is not a natrual death, we can avoid cancer, for example you get skin cancer by staying out in the sun for to long, but we can control that and avoid staying out in the sun for t... Read More


Meagan K
Breast Cancer!?
Well, im a 15 year old female. who is experiencing a small seed like pimple on my breast. Its red all around the nipple of the breast, and its painful, theres a small lump behind the seed like pimple.... Read More


Homer Being
How would a person know if they had cancer?
What kind of sysmptoms would they display, this is of course assuming they have not been diagnosed. What symptoms would they display if they were slowly deteriorating. I know it it probably dependent ... Read More

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