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 Please read...?
okayy my mom had her mammogram on monday and she got a call on wenesday that they saw smething. they want her to come back on friday. they sad theres endless things it could be so dont jump to the ...

 Cancer question?
My grandpa was diagonsed with lung cancer 5 1/2 years ago, and he is still alive. Is this unusal for someone with lung caner?...

 Can putting plastic plates and bowls in the microwave give cancer?
they say when you put it in the microwave,waves go in through the plate into the food.Is this true?...

 What can Using Tobacco cause???

 My husbands kidney cancer is now in his leg bone and a lesion in his brain. How long?

 Do you ever get scared that cell phones and WiFi signals are giving you cancer/causing harm?

 Is it possible for a genre of music to be so annoying it could cause a form of cancer?
My coworker blasts obnoxious rap music during work. It annoys me to no end, and sometimes i can feel the beat of the song in my skull, not in a pleasant way either. Can this kind of stress cause ...

 Is it possible to survive 2b cervical cancer.?

 Could smoking marajuana make high grade precancerous cells in the cervix turn to cancer?

 Would someone who was really sick with cancer...?
...stay in bed or be in the hospital?
Additional Details
assume the person was 70 years in age/...

 Swollen lymph glands?
ive had severel swollen glands under my left armpit at first there was only one big one and i was 16 at the time, now im 25 and theres still the big one but lots of little ones clustered around it, ...

 How do i break it to a friend that i have cancer?

 Is there a cure for lymphoma-cancer?

 Why the defence mechanism of body cant detect the changes in cancer cells ?

 How long does one normally live with Leukimia?? My friend has just been diagnosed!!?

 Has any one used Zyban to give up smoking?
I have been taking Zyban for just over 2 weeks now and i have successfully managed to kick the weed.
Lets hope I can keep it up when Ive finished the course....

 Can wearing a bra for a long time cause breast cancer?

 Im worried abour the lump on my back...?
i noticed that i have a lump on my lower back, im worried. what could it be, what should i do? its been there for a week now and it hasnt changed at all. it doesnt hurt. its about the length and ...

 Treatment of bladder cancer while pregnant?
need to know if you can carry a baby if you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and been surgecally ...

 Do cell phones cuz CANCER OMG?

Hanna B
Question about cancer?
Does cancer hurt?

Patricia J
It's like any other thing in life. You have to go thru it yourself. I mean personally to feel it. Everybody take it differently. it's not a bed of roses. But just having that moral support behind you makes a big different.

Not all Cancer will show signs until it gets worse. I do believe though that some will start off wil some mild pain, a good website is About.com it has alot of general information and links to other websites If you think you might have cancer do not put it off go see a doctor

yes- i had a brain tumor and had very very very bad headaches. then the chemo makes you even sicker: throwing up, after that my throat was so sore from the medicine and vommiting i could not eat anything. then i found out i had osteoperosis when i had several compression fratures in my back which was the worst pai i have ever had in my life. so yeah it hurts

It depends on the type of cancer and the stage it is in. Emotionally it takes it toll on your perception of time. Some people try to speed up their life too much after cancer. My brother has had it twice and he only sleeps about 3-4 hours per night and he is trying to do everything at once. I have had it in a minor form and it make me think that my life was over at a young age. My personality is one that takes life one day at a time while including plenty of sleep and a good diet. I think lung cancer is very painful, I have known a few people that have died from it. To tell you the truth I think life can be very painful.

start 6-22-06 summer time Mom
from what I can tell , from my family members & friends that have had it YES, it eats away @ the part of the body that it is in (depending what type of cancer) the chemo is very painful too & my Aunt said that when you are on the chemo it's tough to even swallow a pill, due to the pain.

There are over 200 different types of cancer. Pain depends on the type of cancer and the location in the body. If the tumors are invading tissue or pressing on nerves or engulfing organs or blocking the intestines than it can be painful. But there are cancers that are life threatening but you are also totally asymptomatic.

My son had a stage IV widepred abdominal sarcoma and he had no pain at all. He did have ascitis, which is what finally clued us all in that something wasn't right. Ascitis is when the tumors begin to 'weep' and fluid can fill the abdominal cavity and extremities. This made his stomach bloat and his legs swell. But he was still able to move around normally for quite some time. The only other symptom (in hindsite) was that he would eat two or three bites of food and than feel full or nauseous. Yet when you looked at him he looked fairly normal. At 17 years old it just didn't seem that unusual at the time.

He's been fighting the disease for 20 months now (8 months in remission). Other than when he has had surgery (which he always recovered from within a weeks time) or high dose chemo . . he is uncomfortable with nausea, but not really pain. He always used ativan and zophran to control those symptoms and is off meds when off chemo.

The point is . . that there are many cancer patients other than my son . . who live with their cancer. It could threaten their life at any moment, but you can co-exist and seem quite normal to most people.

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