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 Can artificial sweetner cause cancer?

 What is cancer?

 Do all Cancer spread through-out the body?
What is Cancer?...

 Colon cancer probability?
My husband is 39 and is a Gulf War veteran. For the past 10 or more years he has suffered with chronic diarhea, sometimes with bouts of constipation. His weight fluctuates by about 10lbs up and down. ...

 What is the difference in level 3 and stage 3 cancer?

 What are some possible symptoms of thyroid cancer (or even any kind of cancer)?
I am a 23 year old female, I have quite a large goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and I am worried that it may be cancerous. Please help if you can, any information would be truly useful and most ...

 Is there any programs for people with cancer who can not pay the med. bills?

 Do diet sodas really cause cancer?

 Why can't they cure cancer yet?
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?...

 Which country has the highest rate of cancer?

 Can you give a brief explanation about thyroid gland? What is its function? defeciency of thyroid affect how?

 I want to ask a serious quesiton here as I am not getting the answers in another section?
I want to know if there is cancer or any abnormality will the specialist at the hospital want you back in to see him within 2 weeks at his clinic? I had a phone call today from the hospital from the ...

 Why is the federal government (US) spending 7x more on breast cancer research than prostate cancer, despite...
...the fact that about 9 percent more men in the US develop prostate cancer than women develop breast cancer.

$550 million v. $80 million


 I have severe neuropathy in both feet following chemo treatment for colon cancer. How long will it last?

 What type of cancer is this?
- It was diagnosed in a 16 or 17-year old girl.

- She went on chemotherapy and all her hair fell out.

- The doctors said it was nothing to worry about, but she later found out ...

 What would you say to someone that you've never met before, that has recently found out they have cancer?

 How do i deal w/my grandfather dying from cancer?
my grandfather has cancer & it is spreaing FAST. he is dying and its killing me. over the past few weeeks ive been tlkn to him more. but he is only going to live 4 a few more months how to cope?...

 Are there any suggestions for relief of cancer treatment radiation burns?

 Please, could you share with me the signs/symptoms of breast cancer?.....i am very worried, thank you !!?

Additional Details
i am not going to go into the details, but you have helped so much. my partner and i were "spending time together" and i notices what looked similar to a &...

 Blood test?
if i have had alot of blood test done..does blood test give doctors a hint if anything is wrong even if its not wat they are looking for..like skin cancer,tumors and ect.......

Swollen lymph glands?
ive had severel swollen glands under my left armpit at first there was only one big one and i was 16 at the time, now im 25 and theres still the big one but lots of little ones clustered around it, it hurts if i investigate them and sometimes when im on my period they swell more and hurt more. i use to self harm by cutting my arms and the doctor has told me its because of that but its really worrying me because i worry that maybe its cancerous or could turn into cancer if the lumps arent removed, can anyone help? ty xx

sometimes when im on my period they swell more and hurt more.
I think you may have axillary breast.However the final diagnosis should base on biopsy

it sounds alot like a cyst-and I dont know why the dr. didnt say it- theyre harmless huge zits. Also swollen glands are a sure sign of infection somewhere

Don't worry, I don't think you have cancer. You probably have plague.

I suggest you see a doctor, even if it's at a clinic. I have had the same problem with my throat and glands sweeling and had to take antiboitics several times. Good luck, lemme know how you make out.

Don't agree with that doctor. Make an appointment with an oncologist (a specialist). See sites below to check out to see if you should consult with a physician.

Snark, Modest Lips
You need to see your gynecologist and have a mammogram to rule out cancer, because breast cancer does affect the lymph nodes at times. I don't see how cutting your arms has anything to do with swollen lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are a part of your immune system and become swollen when there's something wrong in your body (like an infection, for example). If they were cutting scars, they would not swell due to hormone fluctuations. Please see another doc and find out what is wrong. It may not be cancer, but you do need to find out.

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