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 Blood test?
if i have had alot of blood test done..does blood test give doctors a hint if anything is wrong even if its not wat they are looking for..like skin cancer,tumors and ect.......

 What could cause water in the lungs and around the heart?
Anything other than cancer?...

 What can i do to console a person that suffer from leukemia?

 My leukemia is back?
I'm 15 right now.
I had my bone marrow when I was 9 and I relapsed again a year ago, and I had my bone marrow in July last year, and I've taken blood tests regularly and I just found ...

 I have fairly advanced stage 4 esophagus cancer metastezied into the liver. Can I eat ice cream?
I am on chemo for a year now. I understand that sugar feeds cancer cells. My blood sugar hovers around 100. Can I still eat ice cream in small amounts? The doctor says yes. They want to keep my ...

 What can happen if epidural misses your spine?

 What does it mean when the Dr says your bone marrow looks milky?

 About dry month after radiation treatment, can anyone help me?

 Severe depression?
this xmas was pretty bad...i think it will be the last time i see my family. i have been mentally abused and manipulated by them for 35 years...my husband stood up to them when they were treating me ...

 Do i have mouth cancer?
the inner surfaces of my cheeks have these white stuff that feels like excess skin tissue (i'd chew them off but they'd grow back), and i occasionally have a blister under my tongue. One ...

 Do you know any total cure of cancer?
I have heard about a place in Mexico, but I would like to know people with this experience if it exist. My father has just 2 months left, so any regular medical help it wont make him to survive....

 What did you do to past time while on chemo?
My grandpa is on chemo right now and I want to get him something he can use for christmas. He doesn't really like to watch anything right now because it makes him dizzy so no t.v. or reading. W...

 Does my mom have breast cancer?
she feels her breast has this solid thing in it. at first, it was only one breast, so she took a mammogram and it said she didn't have breast cancer. but now, her other breast has the solid ...

 Looking for High Protien soft food recipes and ideas for mom with throat cancer during treatments?
Hi , my mom is under going daily radiation treatments, this is the 3rd week , her throat is dry and very sore and swollen from the side effects of her treatment, she needs High protien as suggested ...

 Leukemia? Need answers?
Alright, I just recently got news that one of my friends, one of my friends, was diagnosed yesterday with leukemia. He was one of my most trusted friends, and I was surprised to hear that he had ...

 How did u get over cancer if u ever had one?
I had last operation one year ago. Now I'm almost 16. at first it was scary and imposible to believe that my life was in dangerous. As about now I feel well and grateful I was ill bc it changed ...

 Which type of people are most likely to get lung cancer?
like what age group, people who have smoked, done drugs? ...

Can it be cured? I just found out my mom has it. I'm real scared for her.
Additional Details
She has Chronic Leukemia.


 Can prostatic cancer prisent as early as in early 20s ? please i want the answer from experient doctor?

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note/ could it happen if PSA level is 1ng/...

 I want to become a physician,or surgeon do u have any advice?

Why can't they cure cancer yet?
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?

I personally believe the pharmaceutical companies making the current drugs available for treatment, are making far to much money to release any cure for cancer. Also the money from charity is some way probably goes towards the costs of these medicines for cancer patients.

Take a skin cell for example humans loose 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells every minute. a cancerous cell, for some reasons unknown transforms and does not take on the past cellular memory (which is knowledge from prior cell, in which it has derived from) in short a cancer cell does not die, like a normal functional cell will. And through this it multiplies and can cause anything from cancer of skin. or if internal cell a tumor.

I believe all top pharmaceutical companies do know the answers and have the remedy. In 1950 first head transplant was successful, though be it monkey. Also cut it short again who knows what technology is suppressed for what ever reason.

you can ask the same question on Alzheimer's, and the simple answer is that illegal drugs can cure both! yes! that's right, the cure is just a pill/smoke away from us.

"...have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier?" No 'they' don't. They simply use pain medicine, generally morphine, big deal. If I were dying I wouldn't want to be without it, but it certainly isn't "all the drugs in the world." As far as a cure, refer to the above poster "pblcbox", he's got the answer.

Alan W
Dr Max Gerson said 50 years ago that there is no money to be made in finding a cure for cancer, only looking for a cure. Cancer cannot be cured by a drug or a chemical, it's impossible. They will never find a cure. I have written an article titled "Why can't Medical Science find a Cure for Cancer" and posted it in articles on my web site. Go to www.cancerhealed.com to read the article. I have also written a book on cancer called "Cancer, its Causes and its Cure."

they cant 'cure' cancer yet because they arent sure what exact causes trigger cancer. thats why they blame smoking, hairspray, asbestos etc. if they knew, there would be a cure. actually its the body's immune system that fights off the cancer cells. everyone has cancer at times but our bodies fight the cells off. when the body stops fighting it off thats when your diagnosed as 'having cancer' search the web and you'll see its true.

Ah, if only "cancer" was a single disease....

Sadly, what we generically lump into the category of "cancer" is a whole variety of different illnesses, with differing symptoms, various rates of transmission within the body, and many different risks of metastasizing (where the original cancer migrates through the body, creating new tumors).

Some cancer types seem to be caused by outside factors (smoking with lung cancer, for example), while others are genetic (perhaps prostate cancer, or osteosarcoma (bone cancer). In each instance, treatments that may work on one type of cancer (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) may not work on another.

For example, when caught early, skin cancer can be treated by simply excising the tumor (surgery), but the same is not true for bone cancer, where radiation or chemotherapy may be required.

Each and every part of the human body can be effected by cancer - it **is**, after all, just uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. From our bones to our organs to our lymph nodes (Lukemia and Hodgkin's Lymphoma), we're susceptible to uncontrolled cellular growth anywhere we've got cells.

That's the reason why cancer hasn't been cured yet - there are too many types, with different treatments, for a single cure-all to be 100% effective.

...but give the folks working on genetic therapies some time, as I have a hunch that'll be the avenue that works.

The problem with finding a cure is that cancer is not a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be.

But quite a few cancers CAN already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx (voice box) are cured with radiotherapy.

Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough - three quarters (75%) of breast cancers found at stage one for example.

Yes there’s still a long way to go, but there is much dedicated hard work going on to find treatments and cures.

Your question is already attracting suggestions that there’s an existing cure that’s being kept hidden to maximise profits. This cancer cure conspiracy theory is a sort of game played by people who've never had or been close to cancer.

If there were a 'secret cure'...

In order to prove that any secret, hidden cure worked, or for anyone to know they were ‘getting close’ to a cure, several hundred people would have to have been cured by it (otherwise how would its discoverers know it worked?). Every single one of these people would have to be keeping quiet about it– not a word to the media from any of them, or any of their delighted relatives and friends.

Any drug company discovering a cure would make far more money than they can have dreamed of making up till now – fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams..

Doctors, scientists, researchers etc would be watching their relatives die and dying themselves (they and their families develop cancer at the same rate as the rest of the population) rather than revealing any existing secret cure

Most unlikely of all, if there were a secret cure, every medical professional in the whole world would have agreed to keep existence of a cure secret. Every single one. One blabbermouth, one disgruntled researcher or sacked nurse and the whole conspiracy’s blown. Newspapers and other media wouldn't have got a sniff of it. Likely? -and is it likely that these people, who went into medicine to help people, would be conspiring to kill them? If they wanted to make a fortune, medicine was a very poor choice of career.

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