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 Why do people keep getting cancer?
Lately, a bunch of people I know have been getting or dying from cancer. What has caused this sickness to become common suddenly? And why is it so hard to find a cure? I just want to get some answers ...

 What is the chances that I will get cancer? My great-grandfather had brain cancer, my great-grandmother has ov
What is the chances that I will get cancer? My great-grandfather had brain cancer, my great-grandmother has ovarian cancer and now my grandmother has kidney cancer. What are my chances of getting ...

 Do bone marrow transplants actually help anyone live longer...?
...or is this a desperate last-ditch procedure for people who are as good as dead anyway?

A third-generation ...

 Second hand smoke?
I never smoke but my husband does.. Our room is airconditioned (because we are in asia and very hot).. And I have been inhaling the second hand smoke for 2 years now.. will it harm my health?...

 Can anemia lead to cancer or leukemia?
I have anemia i pretty much had it since i was a kid im 20 with 3 kids. Im taking iron pills but im aways feeling very dizzy and sometimes i feel like faiting my body will get numb 4 a few seconds ...

 Are cigars more likely to cause cancer than cigarettes?

 Prostate cancer?
Is it possible for a young man under 30 to get prostate cancer?...

 Living will?
I lost my mom to cancer 4 weeks back, and i had to make the decision of pulling the plugs, it was not pleasant as you might imagine, this is why i decided that i don’t want to put anyone in ...

 How long to you life with lung cancer?

 Does Tanning cause Cancer?
There is a medical and scientific answer to this. Do you know the answer.....
Additional Details
Yes there is a Scientific and a Medical approach to this answer.. they both work together....

 Lump in armpit girl?
i went to surgeon and lump in armpit was biopsied...it was thankfully benign...but the surgeon ordered a mammogram and ultrasound of the breast on the affected side...if you read my previous ...

 Cure for cancer....?
Did you know there is a cure for cancer?? If you read the book called the Gerson Therapy, you will read about how people were cured of cancer. Did you also know that the AMA, AHA, and all those other ...

 What's the best thing to do for a friend (s) with terminal cancer?
Boyfriend diagnosed with blood cancer - 25% chance of beating it and best girl friend diagnosed with colon cancer - 40% chance of surviving it...help..? what's a friend to do?...

 Is there really a natural cure for cancer?
The doctors are now saying there is nothing left to do for my mother's lung cancer, I want to know is there something out there that can help her. I want to know is there something natural that ...

 What do the numbers mean when talking about the grades of tumors?
Is 4 medium, mild or horrific?...

 Effects of mobiles on human health?
mobiles emit radioactive rays which are harmful for human brain.it may lead to brain tummer.but its effects can be reduced if you adopt right way of holding it....

 Its Tough Going Watching Someone Slowly Die?
The cancer has now spread to his lungs from originally his bowel. He went and had some of his liver cut away, but it continued to spread into his spine and now into the lungs. They gave him some ...

 Insperational quotes for beating cancer?
This is my 3rd question about this now sorry but i need help, what is a nice quote for someone whos beat cancer?
"never give up" Fighter" immortal" add your quote here...

 Have there been any cases of people getting cancer when only smoking for 1 year?
Have there been any cases of people getting cancer from only smoking for a year?
And dont just tell me yes... Give me facts... not what you think

 How should I prepare for my husband's chemo tomorrow?
My husband has stage 4 Hodgkin's disease. His chemotherapy starts tomorrow morning at 8am. I am freaking out! Any advice or information you can send my way would be great. Thanks.

kitty katty
Which type of people are most likely to get lung cancer?
like what age group, people who have smoked, done drugs? etc

Smoke, done drugs, Yes!
Or even if you have been exposed among smokers (second hand smoke) - all can cause Cancer. Prolonged second hand smoke breathing can cause cancer. Age, I can't tell for sure but cancer strikes old and young, unfortunately so.

I was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer and I live a healthy lifestyle. I was diagnose just days before my 40th birthday. Up until then I was fairly healty.
It can strike anyone, but some people are more prone if cancer runs in their family or they live an unhealthy lifestyle.

People whose lungs have been abused from any source.

Alan S
Most likely: smokers.
Second most likely: people exposed to secondhand smoke, usually in the home or workplace.
Also people with jobs exposing them to a lot of dust or chemicals, but usually they get other deadly lung diseases.

As you age you are also more likely to get lung cancer, as with most other diseases, but exposure to cigarette (or cigar or pipe) smoke is the main cause.

Wellness Woman
Smoking is the number one PREVENTABLE cause of lung cancer. Heredity, family history, environment, and lifestyle all can play a part in lung cancer susceptibility. People who live in smog or smoke polluted environments are more at risk as well as people who use inhaled and smoked drugs. The lunges are designed to take in air and extract the oxygen, if other carcinogenic substances are inhaled (eg. smoke) the lungs ability to work efficiently is greatly reduced. If the lungs can not expel the foreign material due to saturation and long-term use cancer may develop.
If you smoke quit, if not don’t start!
Be Well!

The American Cancer Society states that smokers so have a higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers. It's also rare for young people to get this type of cancer, although it can happen.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women worldwide. Comparatively rare in the early 20th century, lung cancer cases soared with the introduction of mass-produced cigarettes.

About 87 percent of lung cancers are due to tobacco products, either through direct smoking or passive exposure to smoking, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). The number of cigarettes smoked per day and the length of time a person smokes directly impacts the risk of developing lung cancer. Men have a slightly greater chance of developing lung cancer - 1 in 12 - as compared to women who have a 1 in 17 chance. Lung cancer will account for 12 percent of all new cases of cancer.

There's more information on this topic below, including questions to ask your doctor : )


It is usually older smokers who chain smoke.These are the most likely. Gender is not an issue. Next most likely are the family members of a heavy smoker, then restaurant and tavern workers who were subjected to customers smoking for a long time. When tobacco companies started using additives, it speeded up the carcinogenic action of the smoke in the lungs, and the age where cancer set in lowered.

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