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 Is brain tumor contagious?
Are brain tumors contagious? For example, if a person has it, and coughs and sneezes without covering their mouths, would it be contagious for other people??

I have read that brain tumors ...

 Help Please!!!?
My grandpa has skin cancer I think thats what kind it is.Well he has it on his face could he die from this?
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It is skin cancer and he has seen a doctor they said he ...

 What does radiation....and Chemotherapy mean?.. is one more agressive than the other?.?
Dad is still recovering from his colon surgery... but in about a month, he will be seeing an oncologist who will either recommend treatment ...or not.. I have heard both terms used.. radiation and ...

 Can Leukemia always be detected through blood tests?
I have had many blood tests and my doctor hasnt mentioned leukemia as being a possibility of an illness i could be suffering with. In my opinion ive done alot a research and i have more symptoms of ...

 Help my friend has cancer?
my in-law has breat cancer she underwent radiation for 6 weeks then she was hospitalize and they found she has panreatic cancer now they are talking about surgery to take out the panreast/stomach how ...

 How much vomiting is to expected during chemotherapy?

 Do i have skin cancer ? ?
yesterday i have suddenly got this patch on my face around my mouth which is flaky, crust,painful and really itchy. i have been putting some E45 cream on but i dnt know if it will work. i looked it ...

 Is donating organs(human)a good thing to do?

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well i just wanted to know how some of u felt because i have had a transplant (kidney) allready. i now have to go through every thing again becouse my kidney is ...

 Is excessive bleeding from the nose a sing of leukemia?

 Were is the femer bone located?

 Where can we get financial help for a family with a 3 year old girl that has juvinile leukemia?
The mom has been taking Kaley to Riley for several weeks now and they are feeling finacial difficulty. I don't think they would ask so want to be able to get them help if possible....

 How do i know if i have cancer? I'm younger but i don't know if i have or not.?

 HELP. what is my problem?
i am 31 year old married woman. normally healthy. for the last 2 months, been having strange symptoms. swollen nodes in neck and one in armpit, they kinda hurt at times. kinda dizzy, like spaced out ...

 I just found out that my 28 year old daughter has cervical cancer?
It's just started and it's slow growing..but she has to go to a specialist to have the cells burned away. Then hopefully with check ups often she'll be ok..has anyone gone through this ...

 What is the life expectancy..................
of a 70 year old smoker (smoking since he was 9 years old) that has had 2 skin surgeries from melenoma. (cancer of the skin) and has thought that he has had it for 5 1/2 years? He is still up and ...

 Is it true about Patrick Swayze having cancer and dying? And Jeff Healey died?

 What could this be?
I found a hard round lump right by my right ear, below it actually and its next to my neck. Its round and hard- and the doc said he is doing a cat scan on it this week. Anyone know what it could be? A...

 My girlfriend broke up with me because she has cancer. How do I get closer to her w/out pushing her away?
I've broken up with my girlfriend because she is sick. At first she didn't know what she had. Her doctors didn't know if it was a tumor or that she has lung cancer until she gets ...

 I have recently taken up smoking again?
and it must be stopped. So smokers/ former smokers tell me why I am an ...

 Is a mole that changed from brown/black to a white flaky hard dangerous?

ebony p
Is there really a natural cure for cancer?
The doctors are now saying there is nothing left to do for my mother's lung cancer, I want to know is there something out there that can help her. I want to know is there something natural that can cure.

akshay k
if u drink the urine of a cow it's cureable

Quiet One
there maybe, but not one has found it yet. I am sorry to hear about your mum

It Is Chronic Unintentional Dehydration That Causes Pain and Disease, Including Cancer In The Body.
Acidic pH Levels Lead To Cancer...
Normalizing pH Levels Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks
There is plenty of research showing that cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and doesn't survive in an normal, more alkaline environment. Cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic. Taking action to make your body more alkaline is vital in the battle against cancer. Unfortunately... The majority of the foods and drinks we consume are acidic, such as meat, grains and sugar, with colas and other soft drinks being highly acidic. So unless you have been eating a very healthy diet, full of fresh fruit and vegetables, your body is way too acidic. Creating a very good environment for cancer to grow in. Actually, a too much acidity is an underlying factor in many degenerative diseases -- diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and more. A basic maxim of natural physicians is: Balance the bio terrain. Do this first, then everything can come back to normal. Taking medicines or supplements while your body is highly acidic is a bit like washing dishes in a sink of dirty water, even when you put in plenty of soap, you can't get the dishes clean. According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances in the blood (usually toxins) into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. However, this causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes. Over time, he theorizes, these cells increase in acidity and some die. These dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some of these acidified cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNA memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer. As you can see, he is describing, from a different point of view, the process by which low oxygen levels turn some cells cancerous. Alkaline water (including the water in cells) holds a lot of oxygen. Acidic water holds very little oxygen. So the more acidic your cells are, the less oxygenated they will be. To make matters worse, the fermentation process cancer cells use to produce energy creates lactic acid, further increasing acidity and reducing oxygen levels. Sang Whang, in his book Reverse Aging, points out that toxins are acidic. If your blood is too acidic, toxins will not be released from your cells into the blood. So your cells can't be detoxified. This buildup of toxins in your cells results in acidic, poorly oxygenated cells, which can turn cancerous. He explains, "In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within us. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. From that point on, the normal process of life is to gradually acidify. That is why these degenerative diseases do not occur when you are young. Reverse aging requires two separate steps: chemical and physical. The first step is to lower the acidity of the body so that it can dispose of acidic wastes in the blood and cellular fluids safely and easily. The second step is to physically pull out old stored wastes into the blood stream so that they can be discharged from the body". There is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalinizing the body. It is one of the basic strategies in the battle against cancer and for improving your health in general. Everyone with cancer has low pH levels. Unfortunately, when someone has cancer, it is very difficult to raise pH levels quickly. Even taking large quantities of minerals and greens won't work fast because cancer cells pump out lactic acid which creates even more acidity. It will always take months to normalize pH levels because as you start to improve them, the body releases stored up toxins which increases the acidity again.

from www.waterCure.com
My research revealed that unintentional dehydration produces stress, chronic pains and many degenerative diseases. Dry mouth is not the only sign of dehydration and waiting to get thirsty is wrong. Medicine has based its understanding that it is solid matter in the body that regulates all functions of the body. I have explained scientifically at the molecular level that it is water that regulates all functions of the body including functions of solid matter. 75 % of our bodies are composed of water. The brain is 85% water. It is water that energizes and activates the solid matter. If you don’t take enough water, some functions of the body will suffer. Dehydration produces system disturbances. When I use the word water cure, I am referring to curing dehydration with water."

I would look into natural cures from books at book stores and libraries. Green tea, broccoli and tomatoes have anti- oxidants that kill cancer cells. You have to get exercise, fresh air. Drink alot of juices. Take coral calcium. Have faith and pray. Try cancer centers of America. They have helped when other doctors couldn't.

Want to buy a nice bridge in Brooklyn?

No. There is no natural cure for cancer.

If you have already been through traditional treatment and they are saying there is nothing left to do, you should consider calling in hospice. Hospice can guide you through this last journey.


"At fifteen, life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice. - Maya Angelou"

Peace to you and your mother.

Hi! There are no known cures for cancer. I do have a friend that is 77 years old that was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. His PSA was 3,360. Yes this is the highest I have ever heard of. The cancer had metastasized and was in his lungs, bones, spine and lymph nodes. Needless to say the doc said there was nothing to be done, the cancer was everywhere. 1 ½ years later, no treatment other than hormone shots and a product called Immunocal and the cancer is not to be found.

The Product Immunocal will help. Immunocal is not a cure. It is clinically proven to raise Glutathione in the body and the body does what it was designed to do - fight off pathogens and diseases.

In a nutshell, Glutathione is a molecule found and produced in every cell of the body. It is responsible for the proper functioning of the immune system, detoxification, recycling of antioxidants and several other things. Glutathione is the first line defense against diseases. And along with liver, lungs are the largest user of Glutathione in the body. Best resource of information is in the book "Glutathione (GSH). Your body's most powerful protector" by Jimmy Gutman, MD, researcher and emergency physician. Chapter 5 of this book addresses Cancer and the role of Glutathione in cancer prevention, treatment and recovery. It also explains how to raise Glutathione safely and effectively (there are different ways including taking Immunocal) since you can't get Glutathione in your system by eating Glutathione. Or email me from my profile page if you want more information. I lost my mom to breast cancer in 2000. I didn't know all this back then. I am trying to educate people. Olga

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