Leukemia is cancer of white blood cells (leukocytes) that are not directly involved in controlling blood flow during hemorrhage.
I stand corrected. Thank you midnight. Low platelet counts can often be associated with leukemias, however that is not always the case and the word leukemia is not a synonym for thrombopenia. Rather reduced platelets can be secondary to the leukemia, but yes a sign. It is much more likely that excessive bleeding from the nose is due to something else.
But again, thanks to another answerer, I see my error. |

First, rednate is incorrect, as most leukemia patients have severaly low platelet counts, making excessive bleeding a symptom.
HOWEVER, there are many causes of nose bleeds including snorting drugs, using any kind of nose spray, huffing, dry skin, deviated septum as someone else mentioned, infection in the nose, high altittudes, high bp, ect...........
Go to a doc before you get all worked up, it is likely no big deal |