- Gloucestershire
County Council
- Focus
on Disability
A wide range of information for Disabled People,
The Elderley and their Carers in the UK.
- The
Institute for Molecular Medicine
The mission of the Institute for Molecular
Medicine is to contribute to the understanding
of and the prevention and cure of catastrophic
human chronic diseases, such as autoimmune
diseases, fatigue illnesses, rheumatic diseases,
cancer, AIDS, and infectious and genetic diseases.
- Psychiatric
Medication Awareness Group
is a small group of British Columbia citizens
concerned about the increasing use of psychiatric
drugs in B.C. and Canada, and the potential
harm associated with these drugs.
- The
Minnie Pearl Cancer Foundation
is a nonprofit organization committed to funding
programs that provide the greatest benefit
to cancer patients and their families. New
programs in cancer research, education, and
patient and family services are in memory
of internationally known and beloved comedienne
Minnie Pearl.
- The
European Parkinson's Disease Association
EPDA) is a non-religious, non-political, and
non-profit making organisation concerned with
the health and welfare of people living with
Parkinson's disease, their families and carers.
By promoting constructive dialogue between
international patient and neurological organisations
and the pharmaceutical industry, EPDA are
able to develop research projects into quality
of life issues, and conferences for multidisciplinary
teams and people with Parkinson's of all ages.
- Natural Supplements for Tinnitus
including the gingko based Arches Tinnitus Relief Formula. Natural cure treatment to clear tinnitus-induced ear ringing.
Link exchange:
If you are interested in exchanging links with us please put our URL on your site first and then contact us providing your title, URL and description. We reply every email within 24 hours.
<a href="http://www.healthexpertadvice.org">Health Expert Advice</a> Medical information and health website.
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