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 What do the numbers mean when talking about the grades of tumors?
Is 4 medium, mild or horrific?...

 Effects of mobiles on human health?
mobiles emit radioactive rays which are harmful for human brain.it may lead to brain tummer.but its effects can be reduced if you adopt right way of holding it....

 Its Tough Going Watching Someone Slowly Die?
The cancer has now spread to his lungs from originally his bowel. He went and had some of his liver cut away, but it continued to spread into his spine and now into the lungs. They gave him some ...

 Insperational quotes for beating cancer?
This is my 3rd question about this now sorry but i need help, what is a nice quote for someone whos beat cancer?
"never give up" Fighter" immortal" add your quote here...

 Have there been any cases of people getting cancer when only smoking for 1 year?
Have there been any cases of people getting cancer from only smoking for a year?
And dont just tell me yes... Give me facts... not what you think

 How should I prepare for my husband's chemo tomorrow?
My husband has stage 4 Hodgkin's disease. His chemotherapy starts tomorrow morning at 8am. I am freaking out! Any advice or information you can send my way would be great. Thanks.

 Cml cancer deadly?
i know a 15 year old guy who has it..
is it curable?...

 Symptoms helppp please!!!!!!!!!!?
im 17 years old and lately i have not been doing well. i have been throwing up a lot lately and have thrown up my bowel and blood several times. me and my parents were thinking maybe a bad virus but ...

 How do I cope?
My mum has stage IV breast cancer. It is extremely bad and she is undergoing chemo and radiation therapy. To my knowledge she has not been given, or asked, the doctor how much time she has left. O...

 What is the life span of the breast cancer patient?
my mom has breat cancer will she die soon. please tell me I can handle the truth....

 Is brain tumor contagious?
Are brain tumors contagious? For example, if a person has it, and coughs and sneezes without covering their mouths, would it be contagious for other people??

I have read that brain tumors ...

 Help Please!!!?
My grandpa has skin cancer I think thats what kind it is.Well he has it on his face could he die from this?
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It is skin cancer and he has seen a doctor they said he ...

 What does radiation....and Chemotherapy mean?.. is one more agressive than the other?.?
Dad is still recovering from his colon surgery... but in about a month, he will be seeing an oncologist who will either recommend treatment ...or not.. I have heard both terms used.. radiation and ...

 Can Leukemia always be detected through blood tests?
I have had many blood tests and my doctor hasnt mentioned leukemia as being a possibility of an illness i could be suffering with. In my opinion ive done alot a research and i have more symptoms of ...

 Help my friend has cancer?
my in-law has breat cancer she underwent radiation for 6 weeks then she was hospitalize and they found she has panreatic cancer now they are talking about surgery to take out the panreast/stomach how ...

 How much vomiting is to expected during chemotherapy?

 Do i have skin cancer ? ?
yesterday i have suddenly got this patch on my face around my mouth which is flaky, crust,painful and really itchy. i have been putting some E45 cream on but i dnt know if it will work. i looked it ...

 Is donating organs(human)a good thing to do?

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well i just wanted to know how some of u felt because i have had a transplant (kidney) allready. i now have to go through every thing again becouse my kidney is ...

 Is excessive bleeding from the nose a sing of leukemia?

 Were is the femer bone located?

Second hand smoke?
I never smoke but my husband does.. Our room is airconditioned (because we are in asia and very hot).. And I have been inhaling the second hand smoke for 2 years now.. will it harm my health?


it takes years for secnd hand smoke to kill ya.

but if you have asthma its kinda bad

Yes it will. You could develop lung cancer. If you have children they could develop asthma. If he wants to try and quit he should use the patch. If he doesn't want to quit, have him smoke outside when possible and when inside use an ash try that inhales the smoke.

probably, i'd go see a doctor and have a look at your lungs

Max Power
There has never been a study that has proven that second hand smoke causes cancer. But send him outside anyway when he wants to smoke.

Qwert Y
yes it effects

2 years? My mom has lived with my father for over 40 years and he smoked before they were married. Neither of them has had any smoking related illnesses. So stop worrying.

norton g
Yes, Sims- Your husbands smoking will harm both his health and yours. Second-hand smoke is definitely harmful to you.

Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or passive smoke, is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke from burning tobacco products:

Sidestream smoke: smoke that comes from the end of a lighted cigarette, pipe, or cigar
Mainstream smoke: smoke that is exhaled by a smoker
When non-smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke it is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking. Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke absorb nicotine and other toxic chemicals just like smokers do. The more secondhand smoke you are exposed to, the higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body.

Why Is Secondhand Smoke a Problem?
Secondhand smoke is classified as a "known human carcinogen" (cancer-causing agent) by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US National Toxicology Program, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a branch of the World Health Organization.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds. More than 60 of these are known or suspected to cause cancer.

Secondhand smoke can be harmful in many ways. In the United States alone, each year it is responsible for:
an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease in non-smokers who live with smokers
about 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smoking adults
other breathing problems in non-smokers, including coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, and reduced lung function
150,000 to 300,000 lung infections (such as pneumonia and bronchitis) in children younger than 18 months of age, which result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations
increases in the number and severity of asthma attacks in about 200,000 to 1 million children who have asthma
more than 750,000 middle ear infections in children
Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke are also at increased risk of having low birth weight babies.

An issue that continues to be studied is whether secondhand smoke may increase the risk of breast cancer. Both mainstream and secondhand smoke contain about 20 chemicals that, in high concentrations, cause breast cancer in rodents. Chemicals in tobacco smoke reach breast tissue and are found in breast milk.

The evidence regarding secondhand smoke and breast cancer risk in human studies is still being debated, partly because the risk has not been shown to be increased in active smokers. One possible explanation for this is that tobacco smoke may have different effects on breast cancer risk in smokers and in those who are exposed to secondhand smoke.

A report from the California Environmental Protection Agency in 2005 concluded that the evidence regarding secondhand smoke and breast cancer is "consistent with a causal association" in younger, mainly premenopausal women. The 2006 US Surgeon General's report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, concluded that there is "suggestive but not sufficient" evidence of a link at this point. In any case, women should be told that this possible link to breast cancer is yet another reason to avoid contact with secondhand smoke.

The 2006 US Surgeon General's report reached several important conclusions:

Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke.
Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and more severe asthma. Smoking by parents causes breathing (respiratory) symptoms and slows lung growth in their children.
Secondhand smoke immediately affects the heart and blood circulation in a harmful way. It also causes heart disease and lung cancer.
The scientific evidence shows that there is no "safe" level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Many millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes and workplaces despite a great deal of progress in tobacco control.
The only way to fully protect non-smokers from exposure to secondhand smoke indoors is to prevent all smoking in that indoor space or building. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot keep non-smokers from being exposed to secondhand smoke.
Where Is Secondhand Smoke a Problem?

There are 3 locations where you should be especially concerned about exposure to secondhand smoke:

Your Workplace

The workplace is a major source of secondhand smoke exposure for adults. Secondhand smoke meets the criteria to be classified as a potential cancer-causing agent by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the federal agency responsible for health and safety regulations in the workplace. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), another federal agency, also recommends that secondhand smoke be considered a potential occupational carcinogen. Because there are no known safe levels, they recommend that exposures to secondhand smoke be reduced to the lowest possible levels.

Secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace has been linked to an increased risk for heart disease and lung cancer among adult non-smokers. The Surgeon General has concluded that smoke-free workplace policies are the only effective way to do away with secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace. Separating smokers from non-smokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating the building cannot prevent exposure if people smoke inside the building. Aside from protecting non-smokers, workplace smoking restrictions may also encourage smokers who wish to quit or reduce their use of tobacco products.

Public Places

Everyone can be exposed to secondhand smoke in public places, such as restaurants, shopping centers, public transportation, schools, and daycare centers. Although some businesses are reluctant to ban smoking, there is no credible evidence that going smoke-free is bad for business. Public places where children go are a special area of concern.

Your Home

Making your home smoke-free may be one of the most important things you can do for the health of your family. Any family member can develop health problems related to secondhand smoke. Children are especially sensitive. In the United States, 21 million, or 35% of children live in homes where residents or visitors smoke in the home on a regular basis. About 50% to 75% of children in the United States have detectable levels of cotinine, the breakdown product of nicotine, in their blood.

Think about it: we spend more time at home than anywhere else. A smoke-free home protects your family, your guests, and even your pets.

What About Smoking Odors?

There is no research in the medical literature about the cancer-causing effects of cigarette odors. The literature does show that secondhand tobacco smoke can get into hair, clothing, and other surfaces. Though unknown, the cancer-causing effects would likely be very small compared to direct exposure to secondhand smoke, such as living in a house with a smoker.

What Can Be Done About Secondhand Smoke?

Local, state, and federal authorities can enact public policies to protect people from secondhand smoke and protect children from tobacco-caused diseases and addiction. Because there are no safe levels of secondhand smoke, it is important that any such policies be as strong as possible, and that they do not prevent action at other levels of government.

Many US local and state governments, and even federal governments in some other countries, have decided that protecting the health of employees and others in public places is of the utmost importance. And many have passed clean indoor air laws in recent years. While the laws vary from place to place, they are becoming more common. Detailed information on smoking restrictions in each state is available from the American Lung Association at http://slati.lungusa.org.

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