My mum has stage IV breast cancer. It is extremely bad and she is undergoing chemo and radiation therapy. To my knowledge she has not been given, or asked, the doctor how much time she has left. O...
Are brain tumors contagious? For example, if a person has it, and coughs and sneezes without covering their mouths, would it be contagious for other people??
My grandpa has skin cancer I think thats what kind it is.Well he has it on his face could he die from this? Additional Details It is skin cancer and he has seen a doctor they said he ...
Dad is still recovering from his colon surgery... but in about a month, he will be seeing an oncologist who will either recommend treatment ...or not.. I have heard both terms used.. radiation and ...
I have had many blood tests and my doctor hasnt mentioned leukemia as being a possibility of an illness i could be suffering with. In my opinion ive done alot a research and i have more symptoms of ...
my in-law has breat cancer she underwent radiation for 6 weeks then she was hospitalize and they found she has panreatic cancer now they are talking about surgery to take out the panreast/stomach how ...
yesterday i have suddenly got this patch on my face around my mouth which is flaky, crust,painful and really itchy. i have been putting some E45 cream on but i dnt know if it will work. i looked it ...
Additional Details well i just wanted to know how some of u felt because i have had a transplant (kidney) allready. i now have to go through every thing again becouse my kidney is ...
The mom has been taking Kaley to Riley for several weeks now and they are feeling finacial difficulty. I don't think they would ask so want to be able to get them help if possible....
i am 31 year old married woman. normally healthy. for the last 2 months, been having strange symptoms. swollen nodes in neck and one in armpit, they kinda hurt at times. kinda dizzy, like spaced out ...
It's just started and it's slow growing..but she has to go to a specialist to have the cells burned away. Then hopefully with check ups often she'll be ok..has anyone gone through this ...
of a 70 year old smoker (smoking since he was 9 years old) that has had 2 skin surgeries from melenoma. (cancer of the skin) and has thought that he has had it for 5 1/2 years? He is still up and ...
I found a hard round lump right by my right ear, below it actually and its next to my neck. Its round and hard- and the doc said he is doing a cat scan on it this week. Anyone know what it could be? A...
I've broken up with my girlfriend because she is sick. At first she didn't know what she had. Her doctors didn't know if it was a tumor or that she has lung cancer until she gets ...
Cure for cancer....?
Did you know there is a cure for cancer?? If you read the book called the Gerson Therapy, you will read about how people were cured of cancer. Did you also know that the AMA, AHA, and all those other medical associations heard about the cure for cancer, but realized they couldn't patent it so they covered it up? Basically the very doctors that you trust to cure you, would rather use the money they make to go on a vacation than cure you of a deadly disease. Did you know that? Additional Details O.K Desi Arnaz; I am only willing to give out facts to people who are willing to hear them, alright? no hard feelings?
Cancer is a huge moneymaker for doctors and hospitals. The treatments are expensive and often drawn out over many visits, and usually continue until the patient is bankrupt, or dead. This is why you don't find many doctors or hospitals teaching people that the best way to cure cancer is to make sure it never happens in the first place.
Doctors and hospitals only make money when people are sick. If no one got cancer (or any other chronic illness) anymore, they'd soon be out of business. Bottom line: for the sake of the Almighty Dollar, most doctors and hospitals WANT you to be sick. So it doesn't surprise me that information about successful treatments would be surpressed.
Free Thinker
In some folks eyes you may be naive... in mine you are brave. There is so much money involved in this whole thing. Yes I do believe there is a cure for cancer that has been shunned by the medical community but there certainly are times when the medical community helps folks. Most people would rather go to Drs and have operations and chemo/radiation as did my brother who died nearly 3 years ago. He rejected the value of natural/alternative health. There is a price to be paid to regain one's health. I was dying about 14 years ago and tried everything. The only thing that helped me is goldenseal- a very good germ fighting herb and specific raw juices. I was sick for 6 months and it took about 6 months for my recovery... It was hard, very hard but I won. I'm healthy and well. Thank God!
Doctors along with any other profession have a place in this world but they are NOT God! Though they frequently in arrogance pretend to be. If doctors would be true and honest they would recognize that this body we live in was devinely designed to heal itself...but there is not much money in helping people regain their health, not nearly as much money as cutting out the offending parts.
Don't concern yourself with that whole thing though, learn the truth and help those who have ears and are willing to hear.. That's what Jesus did and continues to do... Let Him be your example.
I think the Gerson Therapy cured some people of cancer. I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer 2 years ago and had natural treatment. I am healthier now for it. There is no way I would get treated in the U.S. for cancer, it is an outrage here. A person has to get their immune system up and running in order to fight cancer!
Ms. Informed
wow. you're so smart.
it's all well and good when people decide to be proactive about their health and make conscious eating and lifestyle decisions (prevention)--but that's not a substitute for seeking a medical professional's advice about SERIOUS conditions such as cancer (treatment); there is a difference between prevention and treatment you know...
do what you want with yourself...but don't go touting the glories of ONE book versus the collective knowledge of a whole field of science to promote what could potentially be false hope.
(and btw: when you're sick you can't work. when you can't work, you don't make's not anyone's best interest to "keep people sick")
Ay yi yi ...
Which type of cancer? Cancer of the Liver? Cancer of the Throat? Stomach Cancer?
CANCER is a big word, and it covers so many different areas of the body that there isn't 'one' particular cancer.
Did you know that spreading false doctrine about a book that spreads false doctrine is also considered "cancer?" Did you know that?
don't believe everything you read sweetie
i work at a cancer center, and no one would force these people to go thru what i see them go thru daily
I for one would like to hear about this cure for cancer