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 What type of cancer is this?
- It was diagnosed in a 16 or 17-year old girl.

- She went on chemotherapy and all her hair fell out.

- The doctors said it was nothing to worry about, but she later found out ...

 What would you say to someone that you've never met before, that has recently found out they have cancer?

 How do i deal w/my grandfather dying from cancer?
my grandfather has cancer & it is spreaing FAST. he is dying and its killing me. over the past few weeeks ive been tlkn to him more. but he is only going to live 4 a few more months how to cope?...

 Are there any suggestions for relief of cancer treatment radiation burns?

 Please, could you share with me the signs/symptoms of breast cancer?.....i am very worried, thank you !!?

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i am not going to go into the details, but you have helped so much. my partner and i were "spending time together" and i notices what looked similar to a &...

 Blood test?
if i have had alot of blood test done..does blood test give doctors a hint if anything is wrong even if its not wat they are looking for..like skin cancer,tumors and ect.......

 What could cause water in the lungs and around the heart?
Anything other than cancer?...

 What can i do to console a person that suffer from leukemia?

 My leukemia is back?
I'm 15 right now.
I had my bone marrow when I was 9 and I relapsed again a year ago, and I had my bone marrow in July last year, and I've taken blood tests regularly and I just found ...

 I have fairly advanced stage 4 esophagus cancer metastezied into the liver. Can I eat ice cream?
I am on chemo for a year now. I understand that sugar feeds cancer cells. My blood sugar hovers around 100. Can I still eat ice cream in small amounts? The doctor says yes. They want to keep my ...

 What can happen if epidural misses your spine?

 What does it mean when the Dr says your bone marrow looks milky?

 About dry month after radiation treatment, can anyone help me?

 Severe depression?
this xmas was pretty bad...i think it will be the last time i see my family. i have been mentally abused and manipulated by them for 35 years...my husband stood up to them when they were treating me ...

 Do i have mouth cancer?
the inner surfaces of my cheeks have these white stuff that feels like excess skin tissue (i'd chew them off but they'd grow back), and i occasionally have a blister under my tongue. One ...

 Do you know any total cure of cancer?
I have heard about a place in Mexico, but I would like to know people with this experience if it exist. My father has just 2 months left, so any regular medical help it wont make him to survive....

 What did you do to past time while on chemo?
My grandpa is on chemo right now and I want to get him something he can use for christmas. He doesn't really like to watch anything right now because it makes him dizzy so no t.v. or reading. W...

 Does my mom have breast cancer?
she feels her breast has this solid thing in it. at first, it was only one breast, so she took a mammogram and it said she didn't have breast cancer. but now, her other breast has the solid ...

 Looking for High Protien soft food recipes and ideas for mom with throat cancer during treatments?
Hi , my mom is under going daily radiation treatments, this is the 3rd week , her throat is dry and very sore and swollen from the side effects of her treatment, she needs High protien as suggested ...

 Leukemia? Need answers?
Alright, I just recently got news that one of my friends, one of my friends, was diagnosed yesterday with leukemia. He was one of my most trusted friends, and I was surprised to hear that he had ...

lisa m
Colon cancer probability?
My husband is 39 and is a Gulf War veteran. For the past 10 or more years he has suffered with chronic diarhea, sometimes with bouts of constipation. His weight fluctuates by about 10lbs up and down. Usually he eats and then has to use for bathroom immediately afterwards or within the hour. He sometimes even has accidents. Does get bloating and stomach cramps. The VA said IBS related to exposure in the Gulf but now want to send him for a colonoscopy and endoscope. He did have a fecal test done last week and it was normal. There is never blood or mucous in the stool either. We did get a letter several years ago saying that his unit was next to a munitions plant that exploded and that they were exposed to several gases. Could he have had cancer all these years and not known or is it likely to be something else? I'm scared to death for him.
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Thanks MR - appreciate it. He's seen a few doctors over the years and they all said IBS but have done no tests but his new VA doctor thinks he should have more extensive testing so that's why the endoscope and colonoscopy. The VA nurse asked this morning if he'd served in the Gulf War and I told her about the exposure and she just said "mmm that figures" and said that they'd seen a lot of chronic bowel problems with no cause so it's deemed neurological.

In Mexico, we prevent that cancer with the agave honey and kombucha.

You would have to try it, in addition you must not eat red meats, neither milky products nor foods with gluten.

I’m Adviser in Naturist Nutrition.

My friend's mother is currently beginning treatment for colon cancer and her symptoms were different than the ones you describe. Diverticulosis (sp?)( which she also has - poor soul) does have symptoms such as these though.
Best wishes

I think it would be highly, highly unlikely that he would have cancer for 10 years. Not only that, but 90% of bowel cancers occur in people older than 50. IBS is a probable diagnosis, however weight loss is not characteristic of IBS so if you're concerned about that, further evaluation would be warranted.
However if his symptoms have remained stable over the past 10 years (they have not worsened or changed) I'd say IBS is a likely diagnosis.

From my personal experience, I doubt that he has cancer. It really does sound like it could be IBS with constipation. Your description of his bowel movements after eating also sounds like Habba syndrome. I believe that I, myself, have Habba since the tests showed no blood, no diverticuli, no cancer, no polyps, yet have had chronic diarrhea for over a year now.

He should have a colonoscpoy, and an upper GI with small bowel followthru to rule out the cancer. I am willing to bet that they all turn out fine. His Dr will put him on meds, more than likely, for IBS. Hopefully it helps. You can print out the info on Habba syndrome off the internet and take that along with you to your dr if the symptoms sound correct. It is a newer diagnosis that many drs aren't aware of, or familiar with. I had to get the info online myself, my dr never suggested it to me.

Boxer Lover
Thats awfull....... Best wishes to you and your husband

Aww hun, I'm so sorry.

If it was colon cancer, it is rare that your husband would still be alive after 10 yrs and no treatment.

Those symptoms are classic IBS symptoms unfortunately.

Has he been evaluated for Chrons disease?

Have they done a barium enema on him looking for diverticulosis?

A colonoscopy would show up the diverticulosis or diverticulitis should that be there.

But honestly , it does sound like IBS. Have they tried different meds with him?

It doesn't sound like colon cancer at all.


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