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 How do i break it to a friend that i have cancer?

 Is there a cure for lymphoma-cancer?

 Why the defence mechanism of body cant detect the changes in cancer cells ?

 How long does one normally live with Leukimia?? My friend has just been diagnosed!!?

 Has any one used Zyban to give up smoking?
I have been taking Zyban for just over 2 weeks now and i have successfully managed to kick the weed.
Lets hope I can keep it up when Ive finished the course....

 Can wearing a bra for a long time cause breast cancer?

 Im worried abour the lump on my back...?
i noticed that i have a lump on my lower back, im worried. what could it be, what should i do? its been there for a week now and it hasnt changed at all. it doesnt hurt. its about the length and ...

 Treatment of bladder cancer while pregnant?
need to know if you can carry a baby if you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and been surgecally ...

 Do cell phones cuz CANCER OMG?

 Is it true that allen carr (of easyway) has lung cancer?

 Can artificial sweetner cause cancer?

 What is cancer?

 Do all Cancer spread through-out the body?
What is Cancer?...

 Colon cancer probability?
My husband is 39 and is a Gulf War veteran. For the past 10 or more years he has suffered with chronic diarhea, sometimes with bouts of constipation. His weight fluctuates by about 10lbs up and down. ...

 What is the difference in level 3 and stage 3 cancer?

 What are some possible symptoms of thyroid cancer (or even any kind of cancer)?
I am a 23 year old female, I have quite a large goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and I am worried that it may be cancerous. Please help if you can, any information would be truly useful and most ...

 Is there any programs for people with cancer who can not pay the med. bills?

 Do diet sodas really cause cancer?

 Why can't they cure cancer yet?
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?...

 Which country has the highest rate of cancer?

Please read...?
okayy my mom had her mammogram on monday and she got a call on wenesday that they saw smething. they want her to come back on friday. they sad theres endless things it could be so dont jump to the conclusion that its cancer. today i have had such a hrd time and its been twice as bad for her.. i need help. please tell me that its not cancer. its so funny to cause everything has been going so well lately and this is happening. idk what to do

Yvonne B
worry holds no promise for the future --pray

It could perhaps be some sort of something minor, so I wouldn't entirely freak out. Today's medicine has advanced so far that even Cancer stage 0 tumors (I'd even bet stage 1) can be taken care of easily without any type of chemotherapy. Don't worry and get stressed, everything will work out, just continue to pray.

marie a
As they said don't worry until they check things out again. I've had a couple of abnormal mammograms then it turned out to be a swollen gland or once it was a mole they thought was a lump. So just try not to worry until they are done checking things out.

I am as firm believer in not worrying until there is something to worry about, however that is much easier said than done in this case. Take it day by day, and the fact that her mammogram showed something, it could be a cyst, a fatty tissue deposit or yes a tumour. Whatever it is there are treatments for it all, so take a deep breath and just be there for your mom, she is probably even more terrified than you.
Whatever it turns out to be, do you research and be sure to get at least 2 opions. Education is the most important thing! Know what they will be doing, and ask questions!!

Depending on your mom's age/family history/physical condition, it may merely be an infected milk-duct. Or it could be carcinoma-in-situ. Or it could be a cyst. Or a benign tumor.

I'm not trying to be flippant about it. You have every right to be worried for your mom. And scared for her.

Take it one step at a time. Go with your mom Friday if you can. (if she's going back for a compression view mammogram...that will be more painful than the usual mamogram)

If she gets results back that don't lead to a biopsy, great!

If she gets results back that may lead to a biopsy, be there for her. It will be terrifying. But she'll do so much better with your support.

I actually just had the same thing happen a few months ago with my mom. I wigged out also, but in the end, she still had it, although it wasn't too bad.

Don't get too freaked because a lot of times it's not cancer or it's a very low risk, they ahve lots and lots of technology out there Good Luck :)

I know how hard it is to wait and see. Waiting is the worse part. As they said, it could be many things, not necessarily Cancer. But no one here can tell you it's not Cancer. There are alot of women who have to go back for another look after having a mammogram and things turn out just fine. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.....but I'm still here:) Even if it were to be what you fear, it's okay to be afraid, but try to stay positive for your mom. There are many treatments available to us today, and there are many many survivors out there. Even though it's easy for all of us to tell you not to worry, I know from first hand experience it's hard NOT to worry. But hang in there. My best to your mom and you. I hope everything turns out fine for her.

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