i noticed that i have a lump on my lower back, im worried. what could it be, what should i do? its been there for a week now and it hasnt changed at all. it doesnt hurt. its about the length and ...
My husband is 39 and is a Gulf War veteran. For the past 10 or more years he has suffered with chronic diarhea, sometimes with bouts of constipation. His weight fluctuates by about 10lbs up and down. ...
I am a 23 year old female, I have quite a large goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and I am worried that it may be cancerous. Please help if you can, any information would be truly useful and most ...
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?...
I want to know if there is cancer or any abnormality will the specialist at the hospital want you back in to see him within 2 weeks at his clinic? I had a phone call today from the hospital from the ...
Is it possible for a genre of music to be so annoying it could cause a form of cancer?
My coworker blasts obnoxious rap music during work. It annoys me to no end, and sometimes i can feel the beat of the song in my skull, not in a pleasant way either. Can this kind of stress cause cancer or an aneurism or something? Additional Details please give details.
yes. for sure!! the veins in my head would explode.
Robin L
I have never heard of it happening.
Shaun the Sheep
No, but it will cause hearing problems. You should complain to your line manager to see if anything can be done. It's probably breaking health and safety regulations.
You could always try removing the plug from his radio!
Yeah. I mean- "I feel you." I don't mean that in a gay way- I just mean I can relate to your caucasian pain.
People in my neighborhood like to play their loud, unwholesome rap music at EXTREMELY EXTREMELY high decibels- in particular, while operating their automobiles.
Sometimes, I see weird visions of black magic and crap when I hear that horrible rap.
Sorry aboot your sKull.
I don't think that it is carcinogenic- but it is VERY annoying, isn't it?
Mr. F
There is a possibility that you can get so angry and so stressed out that you could have a heart attack or just plain go bazooka and kill your coworker.
In which case you should go to Anger Management very soon.
Rap is not music, it is noise.
I am not aware of any type of music causing cancer, but some forms of music to cause physiological changes in the body.
Any music with a discernible beat effects how the heart beats, and can cause palpitations. It also negatively effects a persons ability to think, remember and learn.