I have been taking Zyban for just over 2 weeks now and i have successfully managed to kick the weed.
Lets hope I can keep it up when Ive finished the course....
i noticed that i have a lump on my lower back, im worried. what could it be, what should i do? its been there for a week now and it hasnt changed at all. it doesnt hurt. its about the length and ...
My husband is 39 and is a Gulf War veteran. For the past 10 or more years he has suffered with chronic diarhea, sometimes with bouts of constipation. His weight fluctuates by about 10lbs up and down. ...
I am a 23 year old female, I have quite a large goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and I am worried that it may be cancerous. Please help if you can, any information would be truly useful and most ...
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?...
I want to know if there is cancer or any abnormality will the specialist at the hospital want you back in to see him within 2 weeks at his clinic? I had a phone call today from the hospital from the ...
Umm....smelly hair and clothing...a smelly house...brown teeth and gums not to mention fingers...Lung Cancer...Mouth Cancer...Throat Cancer...and when you are thinking of Cancer in one particular area...remember if left untreated or unnoticed it can move in your body to any organ or bones...that should be deterrent enough if not lets try ephysemia and pnuemonia....