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 My husbands kidney cancer is now in his leg bone and a lesion in his brain. How long?

 Do you ever get scared that cell phones and WiFi signals are giving you cancer/causing harm?

 Is it possible for a genre of music to be so annoying it could cause a form of cancer?
My coworker blasts obnoxious rap music during work. It annoys me to no end, and sometimes i can feel the beat of the song in my skull, not in a pleasant way either. Can this kind of stress cause ...

 Is it possible to survive 2b cervical cancer.?

 Could smoking marajuana make high grade precancerous cells in the cervix turn to cancer?

 Would someone who was really sick with cancer...?
...stay in bed or be in the hospital?
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assume the person was 70 years in age/...

 Swollen lymph glands?
ive had severel swollen glands under my left armpit at first there was only one big one and i was 16 at the time, now im 25 and theres still the big one but lots of little ones clustered around it, ...

 How do i break it to a friend that i have cancer?

 Is there a cure for lymphoma-cancer?

 Why the defence mechanism of body cant detect the changes in cancer cells ?

 How long does one normally live with Leukimia?? My friend has just been diagnosed!!?

 Has any one used Zyban to give up smoking?
I have been taking Zyban for just over 2 weeks now and i have successfully managed to kick the weed.
Lets hope I can keep it up when Ive finished the course....

 Can wearing a bra for a long time cause breast cancer?

 Im worried abour the lump on my back...?
i noticed that i have a lump on my lower back, im worried. what could it be, what should i do? its been there for a week now and it hasnt changed at all. it doesnt hurt. its about the length and ...

 Treatment of bladder cancer while pregnant?
need to know if you can carry a baby if you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and been surgecally ...

 Do cell phones cuz CANCER OMG?

 Is it true that allen carr (of easyway) has lung cancer?

 Can artificial sweetner cause cancer?

 What is cancer?

 Do all Cancer spread through-out the body?
What is Cancer?...

I am suppose to have a Mastectomy?
If the Dr. removes the nipple, what are my options? I have heard of tattoos and making a nipple. I am over 50, but I still have a hard time thinking of nothing there.

im not trying to be funny but i thought ive seen specials on tv where they remove the nipples through laser surgery and then put them back. maybe that was when the woman got implants but wouldnt that be able to still be applied? (no pun intended)

The Eciv
my mother is more than likely going to have to have this done. She just completed her chemo and was moving towards radiation and her path reports came back bad...the way i understand it they are able to reconstruct the breast as well as the nipple to make it very close to your original breast (this includes th nipple..) ..as with anything else you should speak with several plastics specialist to see what exactly your options are, ask to see before and after pictures of previous patients..most if not all should have them available for you. Good luck! Be brave!!

I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction after everything was healed the plastic surgeon makes your nipples from existing skin on your new breast....called a batwing prcedure?? They look almost natural and even better once they tattoo them.

sheila c
Insurance now days is suppose to cover reconstructive surgery. I think a tattoo is about the only realist option for the aereola (area around the nipple). As for the actual nipple it should be able to be resconstructed.

In my case the Dr reconstructed my "nipples" during my second surgery. I then received tattoos after that had healed. I'm very happy with the way they look, and my husband, whom I met after the procedures, has never complained either. A little note, I was a 28 yr old single mom when I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had my mastectomies, I am now 33, married, and have a wonderful bonus daughter, plus gave birth to a wonderful little miracle boy 14 months ago. Whatever you decide, talk to your health care providers and your support staff. The more informed you are, the happier you will be with your choices. And remember, there IS life after cancer!!

Often at the time of mastectomy tissue expanders will be placed and a few months later reconstructive surgery will be done. At that time the doctor will create a nipple from tissue from another part of your body and attach it to the breast. After this has healed, usually 3 months or so, they will tattoo the new nipple to make it a similar color as a natural nipple.

Many years ago the patient’s nipple was reattached, but we found this often lead to recurrence and therefore this practice was stopped.

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