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 Why is CANCER so deadly?
My great-uncle died from cancer of the oesophagus (the food tube from the mouth to the stomach) It then spread to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. What makes the body decide to turn on ...

 If a person is diagnosed with cancer do u think they have a right to know?
When my father was diagnosed my mother and 2 sisters felt that telling him would only make him worse. He was given 4-6 months to live and the doctors said there was nothing could be done for him. Its ...

 My friend is dying of cancer- I don't know what to say to him.?

 Is it wrong to not tell your family you have might have serious cancer?
I'm 22 and don't want to worry anyone. I've told a few friends about the biopsy, but not the results.
Additional Details

 Is there anything now days that doesn't give you cancer?
organic food doesn't then it does, high fat diets do then don't,low fat diets do then don't. If you eat a malteaser on a Wednesday afternoon you are more likely to get cancer than if ...

 Can you get lung cancer from one of your famliy members that smokes and you dont?
My dad smokes since he was 18 years old. Can I get lung cancer from him even if i dont smoke?...

 I want to test out a theory about smokers.?
A co-worker and I were discussing this, and I wanted others opinions on it. I am a smoker, she quit several years ago. She think that most smokers skip breakfast, she did when she smoked and now ...

 Should smokers be put to the back of the line when they wait for treatment caused by smoking.?
i think non smokers should get prefferential treatment and get operated on first as long as the op is not life threatening.smokers have brought on their own afflictions and deserve to be treated last,...

 Why cant my son talk? Serious only please!!?
My son is almost 2, and he cant talk. Have you dealt with this? what is wrong with him???

If youpost anything derogitory about my son, I will flag you and send you a citation !!!!!!!!!!...

 Why is life so bl@@dy cruel?
Just when i thought my life couldn't get any worse than it is already, something comes along and smacks me full belt in the face and knocks the wind out of my sails!
I lost my wonderful mum ...

 You have one year to live, tops you find out 5 days before your wedding Day, Do you tell your spouse?
you get diagnosed with a terminal illness that is incureable, you find out five days before you get married, you have about a year to live and you already told them you cannot have children. Do you ...

 Should cigarette smokers be refused medical treatment for lung cancer if they continue smoking?

 My dad has cancer, is it wrong for me to be tired of fighting?
I understand that its really him fighting it and not me, but we have been doing this for 2 years now, dont get me wrong I DONT want him to give up, its just that this is all getting to me. Im so ...

 How do you get bone cancer?

 Question on smoking?
I smoke around 2 - 3 marlboro red ciggerates everyday. Obviously its going to effect my body, but how severely do you think it will effect me? Also I started about a year and a half ago.

 CAn another dr call another dr about a patient with out the patients premission
dont they need you to ...

 Do you have a family membor or friend whos suffered from cancer?
both my mum and dad have passed away cos of cancer.

if cancer was standing in front of you right now. what would you do?

personally, i would kick the living **** out of it.

 I've already asked this but I want as many answers as pos. What is worse epilepsy or cancer of the blood?

 Do people still give there hard earned $$$$$ to the cancer society ?
they have cures they dont want you to know about why cure it they say you will make billions but they make 100 x's that now why cure it....

 Is it true that even if you stop today after like 15 yrs of smoking that the damage is already done?
Do your lungs ever truly heal?...

I have just been diagnosed with cancer, what do I do now??

Get educated. Learn everything you can. Be your own advocate!! Don't let a Doc treat you like a number!!

God bless, little sister.


Pray, Pray, Pray. That's what you need to do. And if you are not healthy, now it is time to start living healthy. I'll even pray for you. Talk to GOD. He will tell you which way to go. GOD bless you.

1. Remain calm
2. Call everybody in your family and tell them.
3. Follow your doctor's instructions.

I'm a survivor and I would like to tell you that this will pass too! You will get through this. Just stay calm. Always get a second opinion. Not only on the diagnoses but also on the treatment plan. Call a specialized hospital and see if you can get an appointment. Try to take your rest and eat right. Remember: Cancer does not effect your personality, who you are on the inside. So use your brain to make the most of it. (read about it, talk to people who know about your type of cancer) Make a project of it and win!
I will cross my fingers for your quick recovery!

Live life to the fullest, and follow your doctor's advice on the rest. Best wishes to you!

Fight like you've never fought before. Take all the treatment you are offered and buy a juicer and start doing all you can to boost your immune system. Stop any and all bad habits. Get support, from friends, family, church, and anyone else! But do not give up! My sister beat it and has been alive for 18 years. I took her to all her treatments etc. and it was really hard but, she fought it with all she had. My sister-in-law is fighting it now! Don';t look up too much information. Take it in small doses because you will read a lot of negative things. Use music to soothe your spirit and pray every time you receive treatments...that it will work! Pray over the chemo...that it will work. Take all of it and do your best to fight it!!!

Get mad at it, get treatment, and find a support group that is targeted at someone your age with the same kind of cancer. Fight back

first off, don't freak. you'd be surprised how powerful your mind and body are, especially when being positive. keep a positive attitude. find stuff that makes you laugh. not just a little teehee type laugh or a giggle. i'm talking all out laugh!

second, cut out the sugar. cancer cells love a particular environment. cut out the environment and it's hard to live. the body stops eliminating the waste of cancer cells, the waste starts backing up making the environment more to their liking. and when you order in catering for them , like sugary stuff, they have a feast and multiply faster. (if you see the words "corn syrup" or "high fructose corn syrup", run) so cut off their food supply, start eating real health food to help feed the surrounding cells that were malnutritioned, and get some proper exercise to help get the lymph system running again (the only way it circulates), to start flushing out the waste. (get a rebounder, aka a mini trampoline. you can do all kinds of routines on it, but you can just basically bounce up and down on it without your feet leaving the rebounder, just bounce. raise your arms up in the air and keep bouncing. 20 minutes a day is good. just put on a tv show you like if you want to and do it during the show.)

so basically this goes along with what doctors have said all along.

1. a healthy attitude
2. a healthy diet (healthy choice is not really health food, that's called marketing scheme)
3. healthy exercise
4. laughter is the best medicine.
5. love. friends, family, etc.
6. spirituality. doesn't mean you have to be religious. just find your spiritual center. in other words, RELAX. breathe deep. close your eyes. stop stressing. clear your mind. see the forest for the trees. see everything around you and just appreciate it without passing judgment. just be happy.

Educate yourself, do not just rely on what you are told by your oncologist....also dear, get a second opinion....and take charge of your healthcare, they may think you are a pain in the butt,,,,, but that is only because they are used to patients taking them at their word........hope all turns out well

Take a deep breath. Before starting any treatment, research your options. Don't just go on what your doctor says. Both radiation and chemotherapy have a lot of negative side effects that will stay with you even if they get rid of the cancer. There are a lot of alternative therapies out there that do work. A couple of questions though. 1. What kind of cancer? 2. What is the cause? In theory, if you can reverse the cause, you will be that much closer to curing yourself. (ex: if you smoke, stop) If there is no real cause, work on getting yourself healthy. Another thing to keep in mind is how powerful suggestion is. If you let yourself believe that you are sick and not going to get better, you won't.

Your doctor should have referred you to a surgeon or specialist. DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Every minute counts. Get started on a treatment plan as soon as possible. I am one of the few survivors of Ewing's sarcoma. I beat it only because it was caught early on, and I began treatment immediately. Good luck.

What you do next is find strength you never knew you had. Ask your doctor what treatment he recommends then investigate to be sure you know all the risks and if it is right for you. Take control of your treatment the best you can and participate in all phases of your recovery. Find out all of your options and how far you want to go to save your life. Set boundaries and if you decide on treatment approach that decision with bravery and determination. Live everyday to its fullest and you will find how many things are just unimportant. Good luck!

well....seek treatment options. Keep hope. Attitude is importnat!!

I would also check out natural treatements.

be proactive!

Educate yourself about the type of cancer you have but don't overdo it !!!! Try to keep calm, ask for sleeping pills if you need them. Do what the doctors suggest, they know what they are dealing with. It is no fun, but with support from friends and family you get through this. Good luck to you. Keep your head up and fight.

Mad Roy
You might find some good ideas in Beating Cancer With Nutrition and How to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Natural Medicine. Do get the best oncologist you can find to help you in your treatments. Never give up.
Good luck and God bless!

I was told to give up dairy,
take vitamin c,
take flax oil pills,
buy organic foods,
use natural products to wash your clothes,
your hair,
eat organic meat,
use non flouridated toothpaste,
rid your kitchen of anything plastic that might touch food....
use a cast iron frying pan....
take hot showers and scrub skin with a softbrush
use a sauna if you can....
research immunizations and the risks....

I was diagnosed with skin cancer a year ago and have made tons of changes...

my eyes have been opened ...you can email me at


Agent J

Most people are beating cancer these days. My old neighbor had advanced brain cancer, 18 months to live max, that was 5 years ago. Now the cancer is gone.

I really hope you are not kidding....as cancer is no joke. I came across other questions you've asked and you seem like you're about 12 years old....

Listen to the song, "Live Like You Were Dying" and then do what the song says

Talk to your doctor about starting a treatment plan and find cancer support groups so you can talk to people who have been through what you are going through.

The kind of cancer, where it is and how far along it is should be the deciding factors in any kind of treatment you decide on. Can you post more info?

Decide what your course of action is. If you want chemo or radiation, if surgery is an option. Discuss what your options are and then decide which would be best and right for you. You can beat cancer. It is not the death sentence that it once was. Live life to the fullest everyday that you can. Try not to be too petty about things. None of us, healthy or battling a disease, knows how long we will be around for sure!

go to the doc and fight it with all you got, stay positive.

Take 1 day at a time that's what I do I have Throat Cancer..
Good Luck

jit bag
sorry to hear that. try chemo, therapy, and make sure you have lots of moral support from your loved ones. good luck.

Take a deep breath. Get a second, and third, opinion. Educate yourself. Read as much as you can on the type of cancer you have, even the things you might not want to think about right now.

You have to get yourself in survival mode -- this means standing up to doctors to get the answers you need, and having the courage to look for another one if you're not happy with the care you're getting.

No matter what the statistics say, assume you will survive this. Even the worst cancers have a 1% survival rate. Who says you can't be in the 1%?

Hang in there!

Ms. Lise
Honey you need to pray and listen to the doctors. And live life don't stay sad, depressed and couped up.

Leandra V
I can only tell you what I've been through with my mom having cancer. She was diagnosed when she was 18 and she is 46 today she is still kicking. The doctors told her that she wouldn't live to see her 40 b-day but she did it. Live life to it's fullest let others help you and if you are a strong willed person than there is no telling where you will go. Make sure your family knows and friends. Just remember god doesn't give us more than we can handle. Never lose yourself in the battle!

Make an appointment with an oncologist.

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