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 Smoking Gives you Cancer, What about Natrual Smoke, Camp Fires, Weed, Ect...ect?
My friends and I were having a discussion, we all know smoking gives you cancer, has been for many years, we all know that.

What about Weed, Its Natural, and I remember hearing something ...

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 Breast Cancer........?
I think i found a lump in my breast, but im not to sure, i know there is a way u can check ur self.. but im just not to sure how to do it, could some one PLEASE tell me how to do it myself.... also ...

 What are your suggestions for healing cancer?
For you are a part of my God!

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine
In Forgive Affirmed Spirit
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there are 3...

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Daniel K
Question on smoking?
I smoke around 2 - 3 marlboro red ciggerates everyday. Obviously its going to effect my body, but how severely do you think it will effect me? Also I started about a year and a half ago.
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I'm also on and off with ciggerates, every month or so I don't even do any.

♥ ♥ ♥
That`s bad.
Did you know? Ciggarettes are made out of CAR GAS AND NAIL POLISH??!!!!
And all that car gas and nail polish went into your mouth! It`s kind of disgusting don`t you think?
It will severely affect your lungs. You might have cancer.
Live Life to the fullest. Try to be drug-free.

it would distroy most of ur good cells and would would die from smoking.

Well besides it takes 7 minutes off your life, it actually starts to effect your lungs and make it impossible to breathe after a while, and you give yourself a good chance of getting so many different types of cancer.


Michelle S
Hmm.... let's see.... smoking cigarettes. Shall we make a list?
-CANCER-- of the lung, larynx (voice box), oral cavity, pharynx (throat), esophagus, bladder, pancreas, cervix, kidney, stomach, liver, colon, etc.
-Emphysema (hey, breathing isn't that important right?)
-Heart disease
-Buergers disease (this is particularly pretty, basically your extremities don't get enough circulation and rot and have to be amputated)
Is that enough? We could also add in the fact that it makes you stink and age prematurely. Do we need to go on and on? Seriously. I can't believe you have to ask this question with all of the information about smoking that is available today.

It doesn't matter how little or infrequently you smoke, smoking at all makes you a smoker and puts you at risk for all health problems related to smoking. If you quit now you can probably undo all the damage in a few months or years.

as a smoker of 17 years>>>STOP NOW DUMMY
i wish i could stop for a month <id stop for good>
it gets SOOOmuch harder w/ years of smoking and at 28 i cant even excersize or run with my dogs because i smoke
i know you wont listen but maybe in 15 years when your an a$$ cuz you outta cigs and no $ maybe youll wish youd listened
by the way my3 aunts and two uncles are dieing now with CANCER my granny and pawpaw have died from cancer
youd think id stop but im SOOO addicted
good luck

the crusader
It actually depends on your genetics. Each person has their own level of tolerance to all stimuli, including cancer. Notice how some families tend to have cancer running through them. Someone could only smoke one cigarette in their lifetime and get cancer, while someone else could smoke 3 packs a day (unfiltered!), and live to be 105! I wouldn't worry about the little bit that you smoke, though. There's far more pollution from automobiles and other things in the air that you breath daily.

Joseph M
Very. There are tremendous side effects like lung cancer and stuff that will kill you.

hate to dis u buddy but...QUIT! then u wont have any self inflicted health problems. ciggerates kill.

Quit while you are ahead!!! I started the same way over 30 years ago, I still smoke about 8 a day. I would like to quit and wish I had never started. IT IS DANGEROUS!!!

smoking is going to do lots of damage to your body if you want to know the exact effects you can watch this video on how every cigarette does damage


Jennifer Genuine.
it's definately not as bad as it could be. but still it's really not good for you. just because you don't smoke a alot, doesn't mean that you can't get cancer.

very nice; it takes of efford. they say that every cigatette you smoke takes 7 minutes out of your lile; that means you are taking away from your life 21 minutes of your life everyday. not bad. seroiusly. am a heavy smoker and i know how it is. now, you should try to smoke even less, and finally you would probably be smoke free which is a good thing, and that i would love to do. so let's get the nicotine replacememt patches and start right now. let's see who made a good thing for themselves!

some say 1 cigarette takes 9-12 days off your life.. so if you put it that way, thats possibly 18-27 days a day.. however i dont really believe that. its good that you dont chain smoke, but you really should quit while youre ahead. dont let yourself become severely addicted or it can ruin your health. im a smoker too and am going through the same thing. i smoke maybe one a day, and some days i dont smoke any.. and i feel tons better cutting back! you dont realize how bad they make you feel until you feel healthy.


They take effect the minute you put one in your mouth! It just might not show for 20 years but it starts as soon as you smoke!

Well, if you keep it up, you will get addicted evn more and probably start smoking a pack or more a day, which will inevitably give you lung cancer.

Depends on your current age. I'm assuming your young mid teens.
You will eventually worsen and smoke even more unless you try to quit. Ciggerates will also take a toll on your wallet as well because they will get expensive.
It's a terrible habit and I recommend trying to stop immediately.

eventually it'll catch up to you... you should stop

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