I found tiny lumps in my left breast. I also have the sores on my nipple. Plus to top it all off breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. I'm scared to death!! Please tell me the signs of ...
May i ask who it was? And what kind of cancer it was? We found out my Mom had kidney cancer after she passed away. We didn't know when she was alive she had cancer. And is your family member or ...
I'm wondering if this has ever been looked at. Specifically the material the seatbelt is made of (nylon), the materials' exposure to other auto-making materials (chemicals, plastics, metals)...
A family member passed away last week, she had cancer. While in her last hours we all took turns telling her we loved her and that she was free to go in peace. Is there any evidence that supports the ...
okayy my mom had her mammogram on monday and she got a call on wenesday that they saw smething. they want her to come back on friday. they sad theres endless things it could be so dont jump to the ...
My coworker blasts obnoxious rap music during work. It annoys me to no end, and sometimes i can feel the beat of the song in my skull, not in a pleasant way either. Can this kind of stress cause ...
ive had severel swollen glands under my left armpit at first there was only one big one and i was 16 at the time, now im 25 and theres still the big one but lots of little ones clustered around it, ...
How do I tell my parents that I think I have Lymphoma? Is there any way to start the converversation easily?
I've had the lumps for over a year now, but I somehow kept tricking myself into thinkng it was nothing, which it definitely isn't. Please any help is greatly appreciated.
It may not be easy to start the conversation but do tell them and do something baout the lumps soon. Cancer is serious business. Get better and good luck!
Hi, in my own opinion, it is best not "think" you have lymphoma, it is best to go do a check up, wait for the biopsy report. Don't give yourself stress and having you depressed of thinking you have lymphoma. Without proper medical checkup and confirmation, it is best not for us to anyhow think that the "lump" in your body is something bad. Don't think that way. Think something positive.. Quickly do a medical checkup, and best alert your family members
To answer your questions, how to start.. You can start off when everyone's back home after the dinner.. Sit together in the living room and tell them you have a lump in your body, and tell them how long it's being as such... or not, tell to the person which is the closest among your family members, whether is sibilings, mother or father. Tell them and talk to them.. dun worry about anything.. Don't hide anymore.. You can cause yourself pain and stress, and also cause pain in your family members.. You can start off saying.. "Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister, i actually have a lump in my 'body'(where ever it is), it has being for a year, and i am kinda scared, and i wish to go do a checkup."...
I believe I would just tell them what you know...that you have some lumps... you dont know that you have cancer until the proper test is run... I think you are getting the cart before the horse...
don c
Probably not any easy way but you can be prepared...get some literature and read up on the latest info on the net (they may not fully understand what it is you have, most people are unfamiliar with this)
chose a time when you are not likely to be interrupted like a sunday afternoon....
Tell them you have something important to discuss with them. When you have their attention.. "There is a medical condition called Lymphoma it is __ (briefly explain)__ I am amost sure that I have this condition." Be ready to answer questions. Good luck maintain your composure (if anyone becomes upset or overly emotional you may have to play the role of the adult) and be calm and confident about your ability to deal with the situation.
lucy in the sky
Don't jump to scary conclusions. Tell your mom you are worried about this sign and ask to go to a dr. Then let the dr decide what you have.
Instead of jumping to the conclusion that you have cancer, how about telling your parents that you have lumps and would like to go to the doctor and find out what they are. Seems like the logical first step to me.
linda m
How old are you and when was your last physical exam? You need to go to your physician for a physical and discuss the lumps with him, then he will either put your mind at ease, or if it is Lymphoma, will discuss it with your parents....Tell your parents that you need a physical for school or a sport if you don't feel comfortable saying anything about the lumps....I think however, you should just say you found some lumps and want to be checked out by a doctor...if they don't go for it, go to your school nurse...she can intervene.