I am severely depressed and feel suicidal. can someone please help. can you give me a purpose for living?
Additional Details hi, i dont see a purpose for life. i dont know why im here and what and why i am doing things for. if there is a go...
Additional Details
hi, i dont see a purpose for life. i dont know why im here and what and why i am doing things for. if there is a god, then should i not worship him? and will i get punished for not doing so and sent to hell. i am really scared, i need help.
![]() Googlypants |
Find something that you wanted to do when you were a kid, and do it. The dog comes and goes, but not if you're not in the land of the living. |
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![]() VeryQuietGirl ![]() |
You do need to get help beyond what an online bulletin board can give. Have someone take you to the hospital, call 911 or call a mental health hotline-if you're in the US, try 1-800-suicide. Treatment of severe depression needs a balance of medication, therapy (counselling) and lifestyle changes; it can't just be thought away or prayed away. You do have a purpose in living-you were put on earth for a reason. It sometimes takes time to figure out what that purpose is, though. If you were to hurt yourself, your family would be devastated and your friends would be at a total loss. That may be hard to believe now, but I've seen family members and friends grieving the loss of a loved one's suicide-they almost all say they would have done anything had the person just let them know how bad they were hurting. Until you can get to the doctor (please go to your emergency room or call 911??), check out some websites below. Many of them have phone numbers of help lines you can call, while others are just there to help you stay in one piece until you can get help from a doctor or mental health team. |
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![]() daniele™ ![]() |
there are lots of reasons for living! 1.no more friends 2.no more ice cream 3.no more animals 4.no more concerts 5.god does love you and if you commit suicide, then you go to the holding place. it is not fun there. 6.your family will miss you and feel guilty. 7. it might drive others to do the same thing 8. talk to someone. it helps! 9. god does not punish you. THERE IS NO HELL!!!!!!!!! it's just something that is made up. if god did that to his children, then how could he be a loving god? he couldn't, now, could he? 10. you will get through the tough times GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... |
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![]() bleachblonde311 |
LOVE whats bothering you? |
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![]() crazi0819 |
Your right Life has no meaning. |
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![]() chocolatecupcake ![]() |
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![]() ριηкι ![]() |
Hey dont feel sad I think everyone goes thru feeling like this.Ur own problems seem much worse to whats going on in the world I know....Plz dont do anything........Im hear to listem if you wanna chat ok x x x |
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![]() kiwii |
I've been there, I've done that, and I got help. And recently as of yesterday I'm severely depressed again. Family and friends are supportive you need to be around them and let them know so they can help you! They do care whether or not you believe it! I still haven't found my purpose in life either! BUT IT'S OUT THERE! You need to reach out and get help. There are lots of people that can help you through this! |
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![]() Agony Aunt |
Hi there I've been reading lots of the previous comments and most answers just seem that you can snap out of it! There is a purpose in life, you just need to find yours. You sound a very caring person, seeing what some people have to live through and what difficulties they face, I think it should make us realise how good we've got it. However, when you feel helpless at the situation - it isn't going to do any good if you kill yourself. My advice, if you're serious about attempting suicide is to call for help, either a doctor or a member of your family. Treatment is available, and when you start to feel better, think of ways you can help other people. Perhaps you could start helping out at a charity job - go into nursing - joining the samaritans. It won't be an overnight cure, but you can decide, new year and a more positive start................ good luck |
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![]() ptrlack |
on this one i recomend you read wollemi_p... i'm with him. and in the meantime I ask our father God in the name of Jesus Christ . That he will stretch out his healing hands and lift you up in your hour of darkness and bring you to a place of peace , whether you know it or not, you are surrounded by his Love part of the evidence of that is all the lovely people on yahoo Answers who have responded to your cry for help . Please please do not listen to the father of lies . He is the one trying to tell you you are worthless . This is the way he works . So I commanded him in the name of Jesus Christ to leave you be for you are a child of god whether you know it or not . Four when you have come through this experience , you will then be able to help others and as you know there are many out there going through what you are going through and even worse. So for the love of Jesus don't give up don't. Give in to the father of lies or you play rights into his hands. And I don't think you are silly enough to do that . You can be sure that others are praying for you right now all over the world . Because they know your life was worth Jesus dieing on the cross for your sins and all the world's . Would you want to let him down . I don't think so . that's your hands your feet your eyes your years your mouth, serve him in any way he calls you to . May God our father bless you and yours in the name of Jesus Christ . I ask this . It is so. |
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![]() .:.:.Mizz_undaStood.:.:. |
please talk to your parents or teacher or even you docter. its a chemical thing. its not your fault. good luck. |
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![]() Wicked ![]() |
ok if you are depressed , that is ok , most of us are 1. worry about yourself--not the world 2. think about what makes you depressed---why 3. can you except this problem, if no 4.. get help from a doctor wellbrutian will not make you gain weight 5. gain weight is a whole new problem for depressio 6. if you can except the depression problem a low dose of meds 7. try to find a new life or a reason to change 8 do not tie your life to anyone or any thing but YOURself. 9 you are the most important person in your world. find someone that wil make you feel that way. if not make your self feel that way. if you feel wonderful and incharge others will see you as that |
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![]() Crocus Behemoth |
There is no good reason for dying, old mate! Tomorrow always brings the prospect of a better day |
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![]() b1uecee |
yes, i was feeling depressed and suicidal many many years ago. I took an interest in lots of things and hobbies. i made friends and went out for long walks in the countryside. i started to meditate. meditation is great for depression. learn something you always wanted to learn or go to college and go on a course nothing to heavy something fun and its a good way to meet people or join a club.I think you should go and see you doctor for teatment. You got to ask yourself why you are depressed. why you are suicidal. please get help and very soon. life is a great but you got to go out and find what you want and like from life. don't give up, so much to life, love friendship and lots to learn and have fun and doing something worth while like care work or doing something for the community. we are all your friends and want to help you. good luck |
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![]() amy02 |
Google search: suicide help line http://www.nami.org/Content/ContentGroups/Helpline1/Suicide_-_Learn_more,_learn_to_help.htm NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. This page lists signs of suicide risk and further resources including phone numbers which say "this is not a crisis line." Google search: suicide crisis line http://suicidehotlines.com/ "For Suicide Prevention & Emotional Crisis. When You Feel You Can't Go On. . ." 1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK 1-800-779-4TTY (4889) TTY device for the deaf. This page also lists "Hotlines in Your State" (presumably there's at least one in every state, but I'm not going to sit here and make sure all 50 states have entries). :-( There used to be a website called www.solos.org, and a corresponding support group called SOLOS (Survivors of Loved Ones' Suicides). It's not coming up tonight, which may mean anything and nothing. There also used to be a site called 1000deaths.org ("a suicide dies once; those left behind die a thousand deaths trying to figure out why"). This was started by a member of the SOLOS support group. A Google search for "suicide survivors" also brings up quite a few sites. I first encountered the term "suicide survivor" in 1990 when I was trying to make some emotional sense of a chance acquaintance's revelation that he once attempted suicide and had been "clinically dead for several minutes." Emergency personnel don't exactly bust their butts to save someone who has tried to kill him/herself (this may have changed with mental-health parity laws, but certainly in 1989 this was true), and so that statement made an impresison on me. Richard was still a suicide attempter and not a suicide survivor, however. |
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![]() kinderegg_uk ![]() |
de-stress, surround youself with loved ones and TALK to them you'd be surprised how helpful they will be. ignore god, i dont believe in him but im sure if he does exist, he could be understanding enough to wait for you to sort your self out, before you decide about him. remember god is meant to be loving and compassionate he will understand. just take one step at a time. heck if all else fails i'll marry ya! there hows that for a reason to live! |
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![]() mitch ![]() |
life is worth living because u want too live if u dont then yes you will feel sudical and in need of help... me ive been in a wheel chair for many years now due too a gentic illness i had since i was born and many times i do feel like life isnt worth living but then i wake up the next day and start again thats all u can doo.whatever problems worries or fears u have in ur life there is one thing u have too realize the decision comes back down too you do u want too live or die it is that simple. I dont know if there is or isnt a god or what my purpose is here on earth but what i do know is that all life includeing urs is precious even if u dont beleive that at the moment.. what u have too think about before u do this is will my family miss me ,'will my friends miss me.what will u yourself miss if ur not around too see it... I'm not saying life will get any easyier for you because it might not that is the beauty of living you never truly know in ur heart what will happen next you have too take the good and the bad stuff together thats just how life works..god or no god.. For some people regilion gets them through the bad times and moments in their lifes and for others it doesnt..what i can tell you is this that the choices u make over the next few hours days months or years these need too be choices from ur own mind your own heart even with a illness you can carryon in life you just not got too give up because if you do then in the end you only let yourself down don't you. Life might not be great at the moment but surely there was some point in ur life when u was truly happy remember it treasure it and hold on too that hope when ur down cos in the end thats all u've got friends come and go,'family memebers will eventually pass away but just cos some people are no-longer around it doesn't mean they would want you too cut ur life short does it.I hope u reconsider ur thoughts for the moment because it would be such a waste too end ur life now when there is so much out in the world for u too see good and bad but stuff none the same.stay well whoever u r and dont let the world around you get too you...happy xmas and a happy new year |
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![]() wollemi_pine_writer |
perhaps ten years from now a little child will run out into the street and you are meant to be there to pick them up out of the path of a truck and return them safely to the footpath... perhaps five years from now a man will be on his way to jump from a bridge and kill himself and he is ment to pass you in the street and you will smile at him and wish him a good day and that one moment of kindness will divert his attention away from killing himself and his family will be saved from great heartahe... perhaps tomorow a lady will ask you for help.... and you will be the only person who can give it to her... perhaps on your death bed in hospital as you are gasping your last from old age a nurse will feel hopeless in her life and feel she has no choice but to give up everything....... and that one small clever phrase from your aged lips will give her cheer and a sense of purpose in her life... perhaps your purpose in life is to give others purpose... perhaps it is to write a letter to a editor that will change public opinion about a particular topic... perhaps your purpose in life is to look one disabled person in the eye and ask simply "How are you today?" I am sorry I can be more specific... I cant tell you exactly what your purposeinlife is... at the end of your life... when it comes at the right time.... you will know what the purpose was.... |
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![]() Drunvalo ![]() |
Maybe try and find your purpose in life , helping others always makes you feel warm inside , You can work on Animal Sanctuary or aid missions. My Aim is to open an Animal reserve , that's my focus in life , that's what a dream about. Its my passion and i will one day complete my dream and create my reserve . Where the trees and flowers can grow and the animals and insects can live without fear. |
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![]() deedee ![]() |
life is a precious thing, their are many people in this world that are sad, life is not always going to be perfect ,we just have to do the best we can, see a counselor they can help you. I lost my mom 4 MT'S. AGO. this was my first Christmas with out her,I would never kill my self that is up to God when are time is up,their is a reason why your here or you wouldn't;t still be here, and I WANT TO SEE MY MOM AGAIN SOMEDAY IF I killed my self then I COULD;t GO TO HEAVEN .I Really wish I COULD FIND THE WORDS TO help you ,their are people who care ,I care or I wouldn't of answered this.I hope you get to feeling better,and please get some help ,I SEE A COUNSELOR,she has helped me a lot,but she can;t do it all ;I KNOW, we have to want to help ourselves AN LOVE OURSELVES ,try and find something you enjoy doing a hobby ,church,you can find friends their,going for walks helps the depression too,visit your library get some good books to get your mine off things.just keep very busy ,giving in to depression is the worst thing.don't give up,get up and get busy doing something even if its just scrubbing the floor. good luck to you, and God bless.hope this helped |
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![]() Duisend-poot ![]() |
Dear Shane, feeling depressed is sooo awful i often get depressed but fortunately i have two wonderful animals that cheers me up, My dogs can sense when i am down and specially the Alsatian will come up to me and start nibbling my knee or toe and just play silly fools, it cheers me up within seconds. Please get a dog, they love you all the time and just need you to love them back. The whole world is full of problems there is nothing you can do about it. I also worry about others specially when i hear people crying and screaming while their hubby's taken out their drunken anger out on them, that stresses me to no end. But if you want to do something to help and make you feel better offer your services for a couple of hours a week to an old age home or dog kennels, it will make you feel like you have done something useful. Even just helping out at a youth club or something. Please don't kill yourself there is always someone out therewho feels the same as you do and please phone Samaritan's they will help you get over it everytime you feel like that. I will be thinking of you and please take care of yourself.:)) Have a Happy New Year, try , ok.:)) |
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![]() Miss Psycho ![]() |
yep, I understand you...I'm in the same situation... But i guess bcos i have it for more than 3 years...i had some time to think about it... First, how long you've been depressed for ? Please just ask for help before doing anything bad...and don't leave it like this thinking "oh nevermind, nobody can help me anyway..." bcos this will make it even worse. I thought like that some years ago....and how am I now ??? .....with some serious mental breakdowns...something I never thought I'll have...but here I am.... And then you'd be a very selfish person by killing yourself, you'll hurt so many people....and you know it !!! but you just let that pain to take over you, your thoughts...and you just can't do this ! You have control over your own feeling, thought....I know it sounds so hard....but you can do this, you just don't try it enough bcos you think it's useless anyway... And aren't there some things that you'd miss if you'd go away ?? Your best friend(s), who can always make you feel better, your family, chocolate, music !!!!!!!! You won't get this things on the other side.... Do you have any hobbies ? any heroes related to something you love to do ??? To be honest...my hero changed a bit my opinion about suicide. I LOVE MUSIC, i play guitar and my hero is Jason Becker....he would've been the world's BEST guitarist ever if life wouldn't be so ironic with him.... He played guitar till he was 20 years old and then he was diagnosed with ALS, which is a diseas that paralyses your entire body... Since then he stopped playing guitar....bcos he just wasn't albe to do it...and now he is completely paralyzed, he can't even talk bcos you need muscles for that too....but all this time he composed a lot of music and he still has a lot of music in his head. Now...I was thinking, this man had been through so much in his life....and he still has a very hard life, but he didn't give up 1 minute !!! Doctors even said that he'll die.....obviously he doesn't want to leave soon. and us, me, you......we are phisicaly able to do everything, if we need psychological help we can get it, we just have sooo much....and then yet we just wanna destroy everything... why?? I don't know why or how we get there... There are people who are worse then us, who actually are helpless, hopeless......but WHY THE HELL CAN'T WE JUST ENJOY LIFE ???? Are you looking for happiness and can't find the magical formula?? and you never will....it doesn't exist... Thinking too much about useless stuff....but you just can't stop your thoughts ?? And I wonder...Am I lost in a circle that can't be broken ?? I don't know...but DAMMIT will I ever find out ??? Oh probably everything I wrote here is a bit confusing...sorry, but It's 5 am and it's my second week of sleepless nights...I guess I'm a bit tired.... Do you see my point ?? Life is HARD, but you can't be the weak one...you just can't give up without fighting... Take care kid ! see ya later... |
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![]() epctrust |
i have the same feelings you have especially the confusion about god heaven and hell and my empty life. what makes me feel better about the whole thing is that i've realized that we are living in hell. this earth is hell. i know that it doesn't sound good, but the real kicker is that everybody is blind to it, except people like us. I think that the reason that we feel the way we do is beacuse we can see the misery that exists in this world and we can feel the pain of others. We don't just blow it off and move on we connect with reality on a deeper level. So your purpose in life should be to educate others about your feelings and more importantly why you have those feelings. I highly suggest you buy a notebook and write down your ideas and feelings. Also listen to Tupac and realize the hopelessness of his words. You are not alone, there are many more like us. |
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![]() tigress_taz |
I've felt the same on and off recently. I'll tell you what worked for me. I admitted it to all my family and friends and had an interesting variety of advice from st john's wart to antidepressants. I helped myself by realising that even if I cant see a purpose in life, i need to create one for myself. I happened to come by a charity shop locally, donated some things, had a chat about what I can do to make a difference...and there you have it. The purpose in life is to make others happy and in turn you will be happy. I know life is a struggle, I've had more than enough too, but bringing a smile to a lesser fortunate person can bring a warmth in your heart and keep you going... |
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![]() Noota Oolah |
I'm a Buddhist and I believe all life is very precious from bacteria to people. Your life is precious because you are a Buddha. You have in you all the knowledge of the universe, you just can't access it. That's what enlightenment is. If you are feeling this way I will guess you are living in the lowest world, the state of hell. It feeds itself and is very difficult to break, sadly death will not break it either, you could feel this way in the next life if you don't change it now. So please, help yourself now so that you can be happy for many lifetimes. The scary thing about hell is that when you are there you can't see the way out, but you've done the first thing, you've asked for help. Life is the biggest mystery in the universe, what is life? No one can tell you. No one who is not enlightened. But I can tell you it is precious. Your life is more valuable then the wealth of the world combined. I don't know you and I cherish you more then all the contents of my house. So please, ask someone close to you that you trust to stay with you tonight until you can seek out more permanent help. If you haven't gone to a doctor, go asap. You would if your leg was broken wouldn't you? Well your spirit is feeling broken and its of more importance then your leg. Trust in others of clear mind when you can not trust your own thoughts. It is difficult to stop the cycle of hell, but it is not impossible. The Buddha tells us "a poisoned mind sees a poisoned world". Your mind if full of poison so I know it is difficult for you to see the good things around you and in you, but as soon as you heal that poison, you'll see a beautiful world and you'll see it in yourself. |
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![]() bridget |
i was once there, where you are now and it felt calm and comforting. but someone said something to me which made me feel think twice. i stopped myself just the same way you will. i became a different person after that, i had a different perspective. Patience will lead you to a place where you will find purpose in why you are here. you contribute to the world just by being, simple kindness to others,---you have great worth, use it. |
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![]() markos m |
I don't know how old you are, you sound as if you are fairly young. I believe that most of us growing up go through this negative phase. I remember myself at the age of 18, working on a merchant ship as a deckhand with the dream of becoming someday a deck officer (navigation officer). Life was so harsh aboard the ship, that it pushed the realization of my dream beyond my reach, and every year that passed was worse than the previous one. After four years of work, I finally decided to go to England and study for my second officers certificate. I joined a nautical college in London and began my studies. The money that I had saved was barely enough to cover my expenses for the period of my studies. One day, I got word that my mother was seriously ill and needed to undergo an urgent operation (I forgot to mention that my father had died when I was four years of age and that I had three younger sister that needed support). I was compelled to discontiue my study and send the money home for my mother's operation. Being without money, I had to rejoin a ship and sail out to sea again. Two years went by and I decided once again to return to London and continue my studies. Three months had barely gone by when the little money I had stashed away got stolen from me, forcing me to discontnue once again my studies and return to sea. Again two years went by before I decided to return to Lodon and resume my studies. From the pressure that I was under, I suddenly suffered a nervous breakdown and I was taken to hospital and was told not to tire my mind with studying, forbidden therefore to study, for the first time the feeling of suicide crossed my mind. I opened my heart to a priest that was visiting the hospital and he with great patience gave me back the confidence that I had lost. If you are wondering whether I completed my studies, the answer is yes, and I joined a very good company and I erased my ugly past from my memory. You are too good a person to let depression overcome you and as for your suicidal thoughts, you are to immediately throw them into the garbage can. And before you know it you'll acquire a purpose for living and a bright life will be waiting for you. Don't give up please! |
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![]() Apple |
go to the DR they can give you pills to feeeeeeeeeel happy. It's all in your mind focus of happy happy joy joy. Think about all the good stuff in your life Friend and family |
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![]() BRENDA 1 |
I suffer from depression as well...so I know what you're going through. It does lift eventually. You could call a hotline or a close friend or family member. Your purpose for living is that you're here, alive. Pease do not act on your suicidal feelings in any way. If you can try and put them out of your mind. Try to remember a happier time and get some sleep. Sleeping always helps when I'm depressed. Good luck and keep writing and asking for help...eventually you will feel better. I promise. |