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 I can't control my temper, what can i do about it?
serouisly, i am really gonna end up killing someone one day and i can't stop arguing with my mam. everyday is hell for me! how can i stop being so stressed out? no nasty people please, i know i&#...

 Suicide please help?
i am 21 old with Cerebral Palsy i can walk and do everything i just walk funny i have a felony for robbery when i was 18 for a coat that fall off during a fight and then a few months later lost a ...

 How do you get ride of stress?

 I'm getting ready to snort heroin for the first time. What can I expect?

 What is your fear??
what are you most afraid of and why??

its ok dont be ascared!! xxx x x x x
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well im arachnaphobic - fear ...

 Should I run around the neighborhood naked screaming "I'M A LITTLE GIRL!!"?

 Do I have to tell my employer I take antidepressants?
Ive just finished college and Im going to start applying for jobs. Everyone I know that works in the field Im going into said they had to do a medical prior to getting there jobs, during with time ...

 How do you get rid of stress?

 Suicide thoughts?
Ever since I was twelve I have thoughts almost everyday of commiting suicide. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Father's Day, but I still have those thoughts. I have a thing against ...

 I'm drunk and feel really depressed?
No words can describe how low i feel right now,i'we been drinking none stop to help me for get my probs,i'm so down right now....

 Do i need help!!!!!?
everytime i have an argument with my boyfriend my anger goes out of control i kick things,hit things,shout,really cry and worse of all harm my boyfriend can someone tell me do i need help and what ...

 I want a fashionable mental illness! Should I go for Asperger's, bipolar or borderline personality disorder?

 Why am I so tired but I cant go to sleep?

 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

 I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk ...

 Should I feel stupid for crying to my psychologist in the first visit?
Umm, yeah, I'm really emotional, all she had to do was ask me to describe my mood swings and feelings...and I started crying...should I feel dumb?...

 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

 Im really ashamed of this but, I self-harm and need help.?
Is there anyway I can cover up the cuts on my body? And it will not wash off in the shower or bath etc. Could I use make-up or would it just wash off? Because people are getting suspicious about ...

 Is a messy house a sign of depression?
i often wonder when i see these programmes about how clean is your house, wether kim and aggie think about the people who are living this way

could they be depressed,

what do ...

POLL: Do you stress out over little things in your life ???
Thank you.

cowok insyaf
No I don't...

Prince Vegeta

Cσηvεяsε Cяαzч
I try my best NOT too, but i always do, and it's extremely HARD to stop =]

yer sometimes it all depends on what sorta mood iam in that day

Collette L
Nope. I believe things have a way of working themselves out for the best.

Even when they don't work out the way I hoped at first, usually, given a little time, I see the possibilities in the new situation.

Stressing don't change anything.

Johnny Bravo
I try not too....


I don't

Sir Knowalot
Must admit I do. Some little THINGS can drive me mental.
Oddly, I cope with major things reasonably well - from death of loved ones, accidents to my children, redundancy, financial distress (someone's just wiped/swiped my ID and credit worthiness of some 50 years duration).
But you wouldn't want to be in the same room as me when the pen or screw-driver that's been within arm's reach for the last 6 weeks has mysteriously disappeared - just when I need it.
I've wrecked a few rooms - smashing them up in search of such items - blaming gnomes, elves, leprechauns or dwarfs - all the usual suspects, causing me so much stress.

What do you think is "little things"? My definition of "little" and yours might be different.....

Yes I stress over the smallest stuff And I hate being like this .

Yes, but I know that it is my depression!
I seem to avoid lots of things because of it.


Really bad. On Sunday a friend said I owed him £30 but I'd givenit to him and even told him where and when. I was right, he knew I was right but was skint so started saying stuff like "I won't be lending you out again".
Even though I know I'm right, I felt bad and even considered giving him it anyway. I didn't though, but I'm still thinking about it now.

cloud 9

I don't get stressed out over the big things in my life. Only thing I've ever been stressed about in the past two years is getting my learners permit and messing up gears a few times on my second drive.

YES.....thats why I'm on pills lol!!!!

yes. i get stressed and worked-up about things very easily.

I used to until I realised the bigger problems, like my son's leukemia. I've learned to focus on the things that really matter.

Not really, I'm pretty laid back. My boyfriend stresses about everything though! Like going shopping with him is just so difficult because he worries so much about whether one pack of cheese has more in it than another pack etc. Poor guy!

Nah. Sort out the big things and the little things take care of themselves.

yes, I do. It irritates me that I stress over the small things but I can't tell myself not to stress or worry over them..My family has become very annoyed by how much I stress and worry.


karen m

No! Heres what you do when you start to stress out. ask yourself this: "Will this thing I'm stressing about, affect me in a year?" if you say NO, then forget it, its not worth stressing about. People just need to chill out. Everyone is in such a rush, slow down, take a deep breath... will that affect you in 1 year from now? NOPE, so just smile and go on. chill, smile, laugh... little things dont matter. stressing causes health issues later on. be happy!

claire g

like my family says; i am a natural born worryer!

if theres nothing to worry about, i still worry!
its a curse!

i do and i hate that i do,drives me nuts.x.

I try not too since i had a bad panick attack, i have learned to calm down...

No just one big thing.

hbd94- <3's her contacts
Sometimes...I try my best not to though.

All the time actually.

Baby Blue
Not very often. Sometimes l let Things Hurt Me.

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