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 How would you rate your current mood on a scale of 1-10? 10 being extremely happy?

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Someone asked about me...well, about a 6--I'm on this site procrastinating to avoid an incredibly messy house!...

 I did it again. I don't know what to do. I am so ashamed.?
I hurt myself again. I don't know what to do. I just lost control of myself. After 7 months of being clean. This was not supposed to happen. Not now. I thought everything was cool again. But ...

 How can I make my 16 yr old daughter quit eating boogers, dandruff, ear wax, crusty skin, etc.?
I am very concerned due to my daughter being 16 years old. If she was a little girl it would not concern me nearly as much. I will appreaciate any help and advice. Thank you in advance.

 I think I have a problem... what's wrong with me?
I think I might be depressed. I have very severe lows which end up with me sitting in the shower cutting myself with my razor while crying. The cuts aren't that deep but they hurt like hell and ...

 I cry everyday,, is this right?
I hurt myslf ...

 I am taking medication for depression, and I am having thoughts of suicide?
I am 15 and I have been taking medication for depression. I don't want to but my parents are making me. I have been taking them since June of 2006. I take two a day. But I hear that these drugs ...

 How many of u believe in---?
where there is love there is no respest and where there is respect there is no love---
please answer ...

 Is there any1 else out there feeling depressed? and wants to kill themseves?
anything to make me feel better..............

 What should i do when i get panic attacks?

 What helped you to stop cutting yourself?

 If you've ever been suicidal, what prevented you from doing it?

 POLL: Do you stress out over little things in your life ???
Thank you....

 BIG woman problems ahead for me. Advice urgenty sought ?
My g/f of six months belives i spent 8 years in the Parachute Regiment. I have even brought some second hand body armour for bedroom games and her nickname for me is " Serge"
Problem ...

 My sister just stopped breathing. She isn't answering my questions.?
what should I do......

 How do i cope with the death of my dad?
any ideas how im ment feel or is feeling numb normal
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thank you for all your kind words it's going be hard 2 ...

 I am 23 years old. I depend too much on my parents for everything. Am I normal?

 Should you ever seek revenge on someone who has caused you suffering and/or pain? Why/Why not?

 Weird question that ive always wondered
What time is it and what state do you live in,
I live in oregon and is 4:00 am ...

 I only have four cigarettes left?
what am i suppose to do i wont have any money until tomorrow and four cigarettes wont last that long. im not tired so sleeping wont help. IM FREAKING OUT!!! what do i ...

 Does any one wish they could delete unwanted information out of their heads?
I find I have far too good of a memory, I remember too much useless knowledge....

hi ppls!!
What 2 do when u r bored 2 death?
any suggestions of what to do when u r bored?

Skydiving is always fun and exciting!

go for a bike ride / skate / call a friend / go for a walk / listen to music / read a book / read a magazine / rent a movie / swim / dance / play a sport / go shopping

idk some random things to do in my town =]

have fun

Gwen H
i read, get on yahoo answers, watch a movie, or call my mom

go to sleep

watch TV!

get a hobby
join a club or start a club
go for nice walks(enjoy nature), take pictures, look at pictures online
look on youtube, lots of funny stuff
collect stamps
just a few ideas

Derek M
email me

Exercise, read, watch a movie, prepare a meal or dessert, do something good for someone in need, do yard work/gardening

go out and run excercise uhang out wit friends

I dunno depends what u like doin i start working on a project like proggraming a game i do that so i say u work on a project thats fun to u

♡❤♥ℓİv€ İn Łø۷ℓ♥ღ♥♡❤
go outside and play [=

go to sleep

"08" grad.
answer yahoo questions,
u know what im doing right now

eat ( i know i shouldn't).
watch funny videos on youtube.
do my nails.
draw something.
watch and old movie.
call someone.
try out different outfits and play with makeup.
do my hair.
make plans so i won't be bored again.

Tiffi's boyfriend was here!
Answer peoples questions and llisten to the radio it's actually not bad if your extremly bored that is

ello jello:]


Any show u can think of. Every episode too!

text/call a friend
go to showtime on demand (220) or hbo on demand (200) and watch full seasons of shows for free
download stumbleupon.com (for free) and stumble through the internet
download picasa (google picture editing for free program) and edit some of your own pics

go to a nursing home and cut their toe nails!!!!

ride a bike.... hahah me too!!!!!! the one above me

cup of joe

online pictionary!

Play with your hands

answer questions on yahoo


9th ward Bound
watch crazy funny videos on youtube.com

Dolly K.
haha...me too! I answer yahoo questions

I'm disabled, so I know a lot about boredom! I often surf the internet, I do crossword and puzzle books, watch TV and/or movies, do jigsaw puzzles...etc. I think it depends what your hobbies and interests are.

answer questions on yahoo answers, lol...thats what im doing right now

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