You are on life support, what would you want a loved one to do about it?
geee |
Depends... if the machine is there to stabilise my condition, say after an accident, and that my chances of surviving is 9/10, then they'd better keep it turned on. And if i'm certified by the doctor to be brain-dead, by all means, pull the plug immediately. Question now is...what would u do if the situation is reversed? |
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beth73065 |
turn off the machine immediately. |
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Lori |
I would want to be taken off the life support. I don't want my loved one to suffer for me. If it's time for me to go then let it be. And let my love one go on with his life and continue his journey as I will continue mine. |
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mickel |
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laydeeheartless |
Let God do his thing. |
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lynn |
I would want to stay alive on life support until i got to the point that even if i come out of it, i'd be a vegetable. if i can still function after coming around, then why would you kill me!? so until i'm useless, i'd like to stay on life support, and i've told that to everyone so no fights or disputes about it. i like to live, but if my life would be horrible and useless, then i'd rather just die than make everyone stop and take care of me. |
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loverboy89 |
I just would like them to give their best in accepting the reality.. either i will die soon or i will be dead later but still the one unavoidable fact is that i will die.. only God can tell when |
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Starlyn |
That is a touchy subject. If I had no chance of ever living a normal life, I would want them to pull the plug. If I am on life support due to an accident, I would hope they leave me on long enough at least to tell what my prognosis will be!!! I only want to live as long as I am physically able to care for myself. To take away from the quality of someone else life to care for me would be unthinkable. That is just my personal oppinion though... |
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ME |
unplug the life support already! |
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It would depend on what my chances were. Nobody ever knows but I would want them to go with their gut feeling. |
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katlyn: Yahoo chat fugitive |
I was actually on life support for eleven days and not expected to recover. I wouldn't want to be kept alive in that manner indefinately, but the thought that I could have been unplugged in that time is a bit chilling to me now. I don't really have an answer. If I was to find myself in that situation again, I would say pull it. It took years of difficult work to recover the first time and I simply don't have the energy to go through that again. |
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Drew |
Turn it off, my life isn't really that great, i would probably commit suicide soon after, give the bed to someone who really needs it |
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Prop me up in a department store and use me as a manequin. At least I will go to some good use! |
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rose_merrick |
depends what my chances are! Having worked in ITU I can tell you people are intubated and ventilated for many different reasons and many do make it and become 100% well again after recovery. |
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ϐabyloϞiaϞ βaЯbaЯiaϰ |
to shut the f up and disconnect the machine |
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Justin H |
If I'm on life support to help me recover from injuries then I would want my family to maintain the life support as long as I had a reasonable chance of recovering. If I was on life support as the result of some sort of disease or debilitating injury for which I would be unlikely to recover and lead any semblance of a normal life, I would want the life support withdrawn. Finally, I would not want to be put on life support to delay my imminent death. In fact, if I was in the final stages of a terminal disease, I would prefer a STRONG dose of morphine to make me "comfortable". Under no circumstances would I want my family keep me alive if doctors determined I was in a persistent vegetative state. |
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Beauty Bunny |
Frankly, I can't say they should pull the plug. While I don't want to be a burden, at the same time I feel like having to sign the release to kill me would be a huge weight on my next of kin's shoulders for the rest of their life. |
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Sven B |
Unplug me - Immediately! |
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kwilfort |
If there was no chance of recovering and living a decent life then pull the plug. |
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versantly |
honor my wishes about dying and living. |
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decrepid1958 |
Switch the damn thing off I don't want to be anyones burden |
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zzHoUnDzz |
DONT pull the plug!!! No matter what. And hook me up with headphones playing The Rolling Stones. |
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unplug me asap |
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uk_white_female |
Depends, if my chances of surving are good, regardless of slight brain damage, slight memory loss, etc, I would want to be kept alive. If I was severly brain damaged, which meant that I would have to have constant care, needed to be in hospital for extremely long terms, Lost movement or was severly paralysed, If my quality of life was next to nothing in comparrison to what I had, and my loved ones thought I wouldn't cope, then I would hope they would choose to let me pass, and allow me to watch them from above. |
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Job Lowe |
Trip over the cord on the way out. |
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just_another_nerd |
Donate my organs, and let me go peacefully! |
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Gary |
I was on life support last year, I have pretty much made a full recovery. The Docs didnt know if I was gonna make it from one hour to the next. So in my opinion leave the dam thing on. :-) |
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fire chief!!!!!!!!!!! |
bring me some weed so i can smoke! |
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mlgable |
If the medical tests say that I am dead (must be in black and white as in a paper report) then have the hospital staff pull the plug and let me go. I have worked in nursing homes for over 33 years and seen way to many families request heroics on someone who has no quality of life. Not me a favor and pull the plug please. |
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NurseNancy |
Well, if I was expected to not recover, I would want them to pull the plug. |
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chris_morganuk |
It would depend on the prognosis. If I could have the same quality of life as before then I would be happy to be left on it for a while. If the prognosis was that it was only the life support machine that was keeping me alive, or that my quality of life would be severely poor then I would want them to accept that the person I was had already died, and let me move on peacefully with those I love around me. |