How does Vicks vaporub work?

what action do the vapors do?...

what action do the vapors do?

It clears up your system and makes it easier to clean. Its like eatting a mint. It works with me well because i have allergies so i like eating minty gums like the black dentyne ice and at night i use vicks on my chest and near my nose.

Vicks Vapor Rub works by realeasing a menthol gas that can't be seen and when u breathe it in, the menthol gas clears up you sinuses allowing you to breathe better

i think it hells like when u have a flu or u cough too much
it work believe me and one more thing can u plese let me have 10 points

The Good Humor Man
The mentholatum in Vicks allows for the imflammated mucous membranes(sinuses/airway) to contract allowing for more air to be inhaled. Otherwise the membranes remain irritated and dilated which blocks the air passages.

like all menthol products the smell is caused by a oil that releases into the air ,,,all mentolated products do this like newports or halls ,, the oils in an onion are released and burn the eyes,

Well, my friend put some in his re-breather when he had to clean out the septic tank! It worked very well, and he didn't smell what he was cleaning.