What can i give my 21month old baby for constipation? |
she has recentley had a bout of sickness, when she stop being sick she started to compain about tummy ache, i think she is constipated, is there anything i can give her, its driving me mad aswell as ... |
What's a mom to do???? |
With all the news stories lately about cold medicine and kids how on earth are we to help them this cold and flu season. I, personally, would like to try herbal remidies. I just have no idea what to ... |
Should people who whine about "western medicine" be banned from getting chemo if they get cancer? |
Or immunisation from measles or flu vaccinations? Or blood transfusions or organ transplants?
Anyway you get the idea.
I for one would be quite happy never to be "treated&... |
I got a cold? |
does anyone know the best way to treat a cold?... |
Ok! How can I get rid of head aches naturally? |
I don't want to go to a chiropractor, so please don't suggest it! I can't swallow pills, so please don't suggest that either. I don't liek chewing pills because it makes me ... |
What are some natural ways to treat acute anxiety? |
Are there any supplements, vitamins or herbs you can take? Do they work? Which ones, and how well? How much of each should I take?... |
What are the goods and bads of taking vitamin B complex supplements? |
Additional Details
well i heard that being easily fatigued and easy (and undesired) weight gain points to lack in vitamin Bs, which ... |
CHINA: 10th Human Death of Bird Flu
A child in the south-east part of China has become the 10th person to be killed by bird flu. The girl, aged 9, died on Monday in the Zhejiang province, being the second Chinese citizen to die of bird flu in less than a week. She fell sick on February 10 with fever and pneumonia, after visiting the home of some relatives whose chickens died while she was there, but the cause of her infection still remains to be investigated. People who came in contact with the girl are kept under surveillance and have shown so far no symptoms. Almost all human infections are though to be caused so far by direct contact with birds. A mutation of the virus, making it transmissible among people, can cause a global pandemic, as scientists fear. Since 2003, H5N1 killed 95 people, mostly on the Asian continent. Since February, tens of countries have reported outbreaks of the virus. Despite China's massive inoculation effort, outbreaks are still very frequent. Officials have vaccinated massive flocks of chickens and ducks but infections are still reported. This week, a six-year-old boy was released from the hospital, being cured from the bird flu he contracted in December, after 44 days of isolation.