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 Why is it that when you are diagnosed with cancer, friends and family avoid you like the plague?
I was diagnosed with bone cancer this summer after having surgery on my left arm where they found a tumor. now the cancer has spread and they are giving me about four months. Since my family and ...

 What is the best gift to buy somebody about to start a course of chemotherapy?

 Am I the only mother that would do this?
So we are on a trip in Mexico for 9 more days. I have 2 boys ages 14 and 8 and they have extremely fair skin, and there is skin cancer in our family genes. Yes, I slather bot of them down with ...

 Can we please get something straight?
There has never been one solid link to connect smoking with cancer. If you know of just one chemical that links tobacco with cancer then please tell me as there are billions of dollars on offer to ...

 If cell phones really cause cancer how long &/or how much use does it take?

 How many people here personally know someone with Cancer or has Cancer themselves?

Additional Details
I am a four year survivor. I am 34....

 Would you rather have a cure for cancer or have 4 men walk on the moon?
Britain and china are both planning to re visit the moon, it will cost about £1billion for each country lol. Would you rather the money be spent to find a cure for cancer?
I wouldn't, id ...

 Help - why won't my mom take me to the doctor?
A few years or so back I noticed I had a small lump near my jaw bone. My parents think it's just a fatty tumor. Flash forward to a few days ago and I noticed a lump behind my life shoulder blade....

 Breast Cancer!! I'm only 13?
I was wondering how to check for breast cancer. 'Cause I have pimple like lumps on my nipple. Also is it possible to get pimples on your breasts cause I've been wearing the same bra, ...

 Why is CANCER so deadly?
My great-uncle died from cancer of the oesophagus (the food tube from the mouth to the stomach) It then spread to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. What makes the body decide to turn on ...

Heart Disease Can Be Reversed
Doctors found the best evidence yet that heart disease can be reversed, and not just kept from getting worse. This evidence was provided by a study in which people saw their "bad cholesterol" reduced to the lowest levels ever seen and their blockages of the blood vessel shrunk. The data was seen in a study of 349 patients taking the highest recommended dosage of 40 milligrams of Crestor, four times than the starting dose of 10 milligrams. Crestor is currently the strongest of the cholesterol-lowering statin drugs on the market, though a consumer group stated that the drug has more side effects than its competitors. Dr. Steven Nissen, the Cleveland Clinic cardiologist who led the research said that this study shows a way to reverse the disease. Crestor reduced the buildup of fat, calcium and other deposits in patients' arteries by as much as 6.8%. It also reduced the cholesterol level in the blood by 52.2%, to 60.8 milligrams per deciliter of blood. The amount of good cholesterol rose by 15%. "To my knowledge, this is the lowest cholesterol level that's ever been seen. Traditional thinking has viewed atherosclerosis as an inexorably progressive disease for which even the most active therapies can merely slow advancement. The current study suggests that there is potential for a more optimistic strategy, in which aggressive cholesterol-lowering treatments can reverse the disease," Nissen added. However, about 20% of them had an increased build up of plaque. This risk could be worth it for many patients in early stages of atherosclerosis.

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