My sister's head is infested with lice, would should I do? |
I try using NIx, and other brands that has permethrin lotion 1%. I am tired of going to the doctor and finding out which products to try to prevent or eliminate them. I tried washing her head with H... |
Annorexia?? |
I am 15 and ever since I was in 7th grade, I began not eating. I thought of it as training myself to become "beautiful". Well, now Ive trained myself to eat less and less, and I can only ... |
What does smoking pot really feel like? |
i would NEVER try it and NEVER go near it, i just always wanted to know. like doesn't it burn your throat? what does it taste like?... |
I have a ver serious question?? |
Last yr around this time i was recovering from liver failure,really near death because of drinking.It obviousley didn't completley quit,but the docters were unsure if i would live through the ... |
Whats going on with me?!? |
so, from time to time my body freaks out. i feel extremely hungry, i get super shakey, i can feel my heart beating faster and faster, i can even hear it. and this isn't all happening just ... |
It hurts when I swallow, and my throat looks swollen inside any ideas? |
No cough or runny nose, do feel very achy and cold. feels like I have something pressing against the sides of my throat.... |
I have mild pains from my chest area that goes into my left arm - is it serious? |
The pain is mild, it starts on the left side of my chest and goes up into my neck and out to the inside of my left arm. It lasted about 2 minutes. Being that the pain is mild and last for a short ... |
Less Calories, Longer Life
Scientists found signs according to which reducing calories may lead to a longer life. The study led by a team from Louisiana State University said cutting calories lowered insulin and mentioned that further studies were needed to confirm the findings. "A lot of evidence already exists to suggest that calorie restriction increases maximum life span in several animal species. However, there hasn't been any proof of it being the case in humans. This is the first step toward looking at the beneficial effects of calorie restriction in humans," said co-author Dr. Eric Ravussin. 48 healthy overweight men and women were involved in a 6-month trial looking at the effects of calories reduction. The people were divided into 4 groups: a group which followed a normal diet, the second group received 25% less calories than the daily requirement, the third group exercised and reduced calorie intakes while the fourth group received a very low calorie diet, starting with 890 kcal a day and then increased to maintain a 15% weight loss. After the 6 months, patients in the first group lost 1% of their weight, those in the second and third lost about 10% and the ones in the fourth lost 14% of their weight. Lower blood levels of insulin and a lower body temperature were also noticed at patients with a restricted calorie regime. "Body temperature and blood insulin levels are markers of longevity like gray hair or wrinkles can be," Ravussin asserted. "It has been shown both in animals and humans that those with lower body temperature tend to live longer, and so do those with lower fasting insulin levels."