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 My arms just fallen off, what should I do??
It hurts quite a bit, and I havent got a plaster big enought to cover it....

 Should it be made illegal to have tanning boothes in the U.S.?
I know alot of people like to get a good tan, but man those things are dangerous. We get enough sun as it is with global warming and the sun. You can get skin cancer and age faster with a bad enough ...

 Why do my lips constantly need chap stick?
i cant go one day without my lips getting chapped and its always been like that for like 8 years. what can i do so they dont be so chapped anymore? go to the doc? why is my lips like this? thanks for ...

 How do i tell him he has nits?
i recently noticed my boyfriend had nits.. seeing them moving about on his head scared the life out of me =] however, we havent been together long, and I'm not sure how to bring it up or how he&#...

 My head is itchy its not lice and its not ring worms wat the hell is it?
some answers would be very ...

 My husbands hands are all dry and chapped is it a lack of vitamin c ? What cream can you recommend?

 Can you get burned or tan in water?

 Does being a virgin have anything to do with acne?

 How do i get rid of acne witout goin 2 da doctor?

 Is milk really good for you?
I have white spots on my fingernails and one on my tooth and someone told me it's because i dont drink enough milk, but i was also told milk gives you zits....
what are those white spots? ...

Mediterranean Menu Can Reduce Risk of Developing Alzheimer
A Mediterranean diet can dramatically diminish the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease, shows a recent study conducted in New York. This serves as additional evidence that the Mediterranean diet, high in fruits, vegetables, cereals and low in meat and dairy products, is good for the health. 2,258 people over 65 years in one area of Manhattan, who did not suffer from dementia, participated in the study, being advised to maintain the diet for about 4 years. They were tested for dementia every 18 months, 262 individuals developing Alzheimer's disease during the study. The volunteers were also given scores between 0-9 on how close they respected the diet. People with the highest scores ate mainly vegetables, beans, cereals, fruit and nuts, with moderate amounts of fish and only small quantities of meat and dairy products each day. They also consumed a moderate amount of alcohol, about 2 glasses of red whine a day. The risk of dementia for those who strictly followed the diet was 39% to 40% lower, while for those with average scores, a decreased Alzheimer's risk of 15% to 21%. Nikolaos Scarmeas, Columbia University, said the study shows that "an overall dietary pattern is likely to have a greater effect on health than a single nutrient." Previous research on the disease only focused on dietary components or nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, flavonoids, total fats, and fish, often showing conflicting results. The Mediterranean diet was also associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, several forms of cancer, and overall mortality.

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