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 Is drinking coffee safe for teenagers?
i heard that drinking coffee will stunt a teenager's growth but is that true and i mean teenagers age 13-19....

 How do I stop eating?
Like, I want to see what it's like to not eat anything for a few days, but I don't know how to explain it to my mom and how to actually get the willpower to do it......

 I am 14 and am 5'7.5 and weigh 135, is this average or underweight or what?haha?

 Made fun of for being skinny?
i know im skinny...i just turned 13 in november..and i weigh 78 lbs..im 4'11? my friends and people call me anorexic or whatever and they dont know how it hurts and i barely ever make fun of the ...

 How did YOU quit smoking once and for all?
It's been five days, and I'm down to three cigs a day now. But my head is hurting, and I'm very moody. Can you guys share your experiences, and little tricks that worked for you, as ...

 Am I over weight?
Im 13 and im 5'3-5'4. i weigh 120-130 lbs....

 How much should i weigh?
I am 14 years old and i am 5 2
right now i am currently 99 ...

 If I have my dinner at 8:30 pm will I get fat?

 Starving to lose some weight....?
Advice if starving to lose weight works?

Well I've never been happy with my size - ever...
i've reached the point in my life where i'm not liking 'me"!

 What are some good ways to make yourself get up early! say like 6:00 or 7:00?
i have to get up early to run 4-5 miles because i'm on the crosscountry team but i can't get up an earlier then 8 or 9!!! how do i wake up that early!!! (besides an alarm clock! i already ...

Mumps Epidemic in Iowa
Iowa is currently experiencing the biggest mumps epidemic in the United States in 17 years, more than one third of the state being affected. 245 confirmed or probable cases have been so far reported by local authorities, being caused by the same strain of mumps which has infected thousands of people in the UK. While the authorities are still trying to find where the outbreak originated from, neighboring states Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska are preparing for the infection. One theory is that the disease was brought from England, possibly by a college student because 23% of cases were found in colleges. Iowa state epidemiologist Dr. Patricia Quinlisk confirmed that the epidemic covered 1/3 of the state and spread across different groups of people. The previous epidemic of mumps occurred in 1988, when Kansas confirmed the infection in 269 people. Mumps is a very contagious disease, which infects the salivary glands. It spreads through saliva, by sneezing and coughing and being released from the nose and throat of an infected person. People who carry the disease experience swollen cheeks and jaw, soreness around the jaw area or pain in the neck or ear. Symptoms begin to show from 12 days to 3 weeks and about 30% of infected people do not show symptoms. About 25% of men experience swelling of the testicles caused by mumps, which, in some cases, lowers the fertility.

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