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 Does smoking cigarettes have an effect on your cholesterol levels?

 Is 52 a low heart beat ... was is considered a normal heart beat im 22 yrs old ?

 What are the 5 main things that cause heart attacks?

 My friends mom just had a heart attack, and shes feeling alot better at home. I want to bring her something ?
& i dont know what to bring her. A low fat cake? Fruit dessert? I have to drive an hour to see ...

 I am not afrain to die, they tell me I have congestive heart failure.?
Should I worry? Will it hurt when I die?
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I am sorry about my spelling....

 I am female aged 60 with a blood pressure reading of 148/73 is this normal?

I am a 22 y/o female & I am obese. For about a week, I have had a tingling feeling in my right side of my chest (between my breasts and under my right breast). Today I started to have some ...

 What causes a stroke?
What causes a stroke? What are the features of stroke? pls help !!...

 I just Had a Heart attack in August of this year at the young age of 34. How do I deal with all this?
Im 35 now.I just turned 35 in september but in August of this year I had a heart attack. I had 4 blocked autries and so therefor I had to have a bypass done. I cant believe at 34 years of age I had ...

 I'm 45, and I've been experience some sqeezing pain on the center-left side of my chest?
The pain seemed to radiate from the center-right side of my chest (around where the heart is) and it spreads up my sholders and down to the stomach, and I seemed to sweat and be short of breathe when ...

Ovary Removal May Increase Risk of Dementia
New research suggests that removing the ovaries, especially in the case of young women, significantly increases the risk for cognitive problems later in life. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic showed that the surgically removal of a woman's ovaries raises the risk of developing dementia. Dr. Walter Rocca, a professor of neurology and epidemiology and lead author of the study, advised women to be cautious when deciding to undergo the procedure, estrogen possibly being "the root of the problem". Estrogen-replacement therapy might help avoid these cognitive problems. . Rocca's team focused on women who no longer had ovaries, a major source of estrogen. 300,000 women undergo annually ovary-removal surgery or ovariectomy, because either they fear cancer, or they have it. Researchers investigated medical records of 1,209 women who had both ovaries removed and 1,302 women who had only one removed from 1950 to 1987 and tested their cognitive ability. Women who had their ovaries removed were 1.2-1.6 times more likely to suffer from dementia. The risk is higher for women who remove both of their ovaries before 46 years and for those who had one ovary removed before age 38. "We can't be sure whether it's the estrogen itself that's involved, or rather that women who have the surgery may be already genetically predisposed to having estrogen-related problems," Rocca said. Researchers also suspect that some women have a genetic predisposition that "dictates" the need for ovary removal, and also causes a rapid development of dementia.

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