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 Five year old swallowed coin!?
About fifteen minutes ago my five and a half year old swallowed a coin. It was about the size of a penny (German money that his Grandpa gave him). At first he was very pale and in a lot of pain and ...

 Is it normal to be bleeding out of a hole at the top of ur butt?
It has been going on for months. I am a 18 year old male. At the way top of my @$$ crack there is a tiny little hole where if bothered will bleed. There is also a lot of pain coming from my tail bone....

 Does Weed (pot, Grass whatever) have any long term effects?
just wondering? what about Herroine? or however you spell ...

 Apart from drinking water, what other ways are there to cure a hangover?

 How much would it cost to outfit a hospital bed at the intensive care level (equipment + supplies)?

 Can a Over weight person be Beautiful?

 I'm so tired and in pain , what can i do?

 Is it ture that steve the corcodile hunter died?
i heard tat he was stung by a sting ...

 What should be your first response to severe bleeding?

 Are you afraid of heights?

Preeclampsia May Increase the Risk of Strokes
Pregnant women who develop preeclampsia already have an increased risk of having a stroke during pregnancy, but scientists discovered that the disease is also a risk factor for future strokes. Dr David W. Brown and colleagues in Atlanta looked at data taken from studies regarding young women's risk of strokes and tried to determine a possible link between preeclampsia and stroke in women aged 15 to 44. 261 cases of strokes were identified among non-pregnant women in the study group, comparing them to 416 who have not had a stroke. Investigators mentioned 15% of women with strokes and 10% of healthy women had a history of preeclampsia. After considering age, race, education and number of pregnancies, women who suffered from preeclampsia, a condition that includes abnormally high blood pressure had 60% more chances of developing a heart attack than those who did not suffer any complications during pregnancy. Researchers have yet to discover the reason behind this increased risk, but they say that women with preeclampsia should be monitored after the pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of a heart attack later in life.

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