Scientists Produce Healthy Pigs
A group of scientists stated that they have produced genetically modified healthier pigs, which have compounds good for the heart. The pigs have now higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, substances normally found in fish and linked to a good health. The team from the University of Pittsburgh used gene technology for the animals to produce the fat, thing which humans are unable to do. No one will know how they taste like until they are approved to reach the local supermarkets, in about a year. Not even scientists have tasted pork from the pigs, because some were killed for chemical analysis, while the rest are being kept alive for breeding purposes. The only way for people to get their needed omega-3 fatty acids is by taking dietary supplements, eating certain vegetables or fish such as salmon and tuna. "When you consume (the pork), you'll be able to get an omega-3 benefit similar to when you eat fish," said Dr. Jing X. Kang, the study's co-author. Omega-3 fatty acids help our bodies process cholesterol, lowering its level, stop blood vessels from clogging and prevent inflammation. Researcher Dr Randy Prather said: "Pigs and humans have a similar physiology. We could use these animals as a model to see what happens to heart health if we increase the omega-3 levels in the body. It could allow us to see how that helps cardiovascular function." The team also considered increasing the fatty acids' levels in chicken and cows, but more work is required before any definitive conclusions could be drawn.