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 What can i use for nail growth?

 Someone told me that if you eat a potato that's gone green you will suffer an excruciatingly painful death!!
Is this true? Because if it is I wont bother setting the video to record Eastenders tonight!!!
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cutegirl, eastenders ...

 Very black neck!?
Black Neck?
Ok my skin is light brow. However, my neck is very dark. People quickly notice that my neck is darker then my face. My neck has little rings going around it too. I am overweight (14 ...

 Does anyone know how to get rid of warts?
i've got 5 warts on my hand frozen them with wartner but isnt working. does anyone know how to get rid of ...

 How do you get rid of acne?

 How do i get rid of the blackheads of my nose !
well i have some blackheads on my nose and i am trying to get rid of them i just bought the clean&clean blackhead clearing scrub yesturday and i did notice after 3 uses that the tiny blackheads ...

 Does anyone know of a cure tha actually works for hand warts?
Freezing doesn't work as it just seems to make them spread. Neither do bazuka or any other similar ...

 *yellow stuff comes out!!?
*all around my nose i have just started to get these tiny yellow things that stick out, and if i squeze my nose it all comes out...i don't know what it is. can someone tell me what and how i can ...

 I have a party in 5 days, but my face has erupted with spots. How can i get rid of them quickly?
I use Retin-A constantly but i still keep getting acne. Its very frustrating especially because its everywhere this week and i have a party on saturday....

 I want to get whiter! what is the problem with me?
I'm a Filipino. I have this sort of spanish mix down my system. I was born with fair skin, til now im still fair skinned.

I want to get whiter skin.

The natural skin color ...

Smoking Highly Increases the Risk of Premature Death
Several studies have shown on various occasions that smoking can be deadly, but a recent one brings new data to this problem. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of dying in middle age, but giving up this damaging habit strongly decreases the risk of dying prematurely. 24,500 women and 25,000 men in rural Norway born between 1925 and 1941 were closely followed for a period of 25 years and researchers found that 41% of men and 26% of women who continued smoking died between the ages of 40 and 70 years, while 14% of nonsmoking men and 9% of women died in that same period. This death data was charted into a graphic, resulting in the gentlest curve for people who had not smoked all their lives, the steepest curb for lifelong smokers, while those who quit smoking were situated in between. Stein Emil Vollset's team of researchers encourages smokers to quit as soon as they can, saying: "These data support the public health message that 'It's never too late to quit' and the expansion of smoking cessation and tobacco control activities aimed at older persons." Even if the results, as scientists stated, may differ for other groups of middle-aged people, the certain thing is that these results "should be a reminder of the historic dimension of the smoking epidemic" that annually causes the deaths of millions of people worldwide.

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