Hi I am a teenage girl who has a huge self-esteem issue and isnt very good at contronling her emotions. Ever since my dad died three years ago my life has fallen apart, I mean I am currently in colleg...
Hi I am a teenage girl who has a huge self-esteem issue and isnt very good at contronling her emotions. Ever since my dad died three years ago my life has fallen apart, I mean I am currently in college so i guess that means i want a future right? so then why do I beg God to take me!?! I hate being here!!!I go along with the actions every day like a zombie i smile and laugh because that is what is expected of me!!The truth makes people uncomfortable,to be honest i am not even sure what kind of answers i am looking for I guess i just want to tell someone....because not a single person knows this...this is my first time actually admitting this to anyone else.(if a ton of people i dont know counts as somebody)I guess i am just requesting some advice. whatever you can give me will be usefull.
![]() BaTu ![]() |
Dear Nena, I am sorry to hear the lost of your loved ones. I believe that you a a nice person and you have the strength to carry on your life. God has a meaningful purpose for you here, pray that He will giude you and be with you - than you shall fine life's purpose. |
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![]() Tan D |
Most people will gone through your current stage. A lot of people living just for the sake of still alive. But will suicide end everything? No one can answer that, it's could be a unknown, much more miserable life awaiting after death. Learn to let go and appreciate every little things in life will make you realise that actually it's wonderful to be alive.... |
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![]() Kamikaze |
If you respected and cared about your dad at all, imagine what he would think if you killed yourself? Live your life how he would want you to. Impress others about how well you've done recovering from what has happened, and learn from it. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Think about it. Also, go to and look at the suicide pictures. I Gaurantee you will change your mind after that. |
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![]() luciousgreeneyedlady ![]() |
get some counseling. please don't kill yourself. I am sure there are a lot of people who love you and it would hurt them badly. |
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![]() Forklift |
No offense, But I think committing such act is selfish. You only think about ending your pain but you do not consider the greater pain of loss that would be felt by your loved ones. Also, it is unfair to yourself since you immediately claim that your whole life is worthless yet you only have lived for less than 30 years. You still have a lot of things to look forward to, from graduation up to raising your grandchildren. In my opinion, what you really need is to talk to your family or close friend about the emptiness or problems that you feel. I am certain that they would be able to help you in terms of giving support and direction in life. Life is a gift, don't take it for granted. |
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![]() Angel ![]() |
Dont kill ur self ur dads watching u when ur up set go to his grave site or if u r really depressed i would talk to a doctor get some meds, sorry im no help. sorry about ur dad and take care dont hurt urself its not worth it |
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![]() psychpath64 ![]() |
you are in a lot of pain there is no denying. but you need to find a real, live breathing person without a keyboard and talk to them. no one can help u with a problem they dont know exist. dont worry about controling your emotions, who ever said u had to. if u need to feel something than let it out. it will never resolve bottled up. |
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![]() Baby'sMom |
suicide is NOT painless. It may not hurt you, but it hurts all the people who love you! My husband is suicidal, has been in several institutions since we were married, says he has felt that way since age 11. He convinces himself that I, his parents, and sisters, 'would be better off without him'. It's NOT true. People do love you, and people do need you. You were meant to be here, and you have a purpose. Just because you don't know what it is now, doesn't mean it isn't real. Get help. Get counseling. If you can't afford a counselor, go to your local MHMR. Or see if the college has someone you could talk to. Do it SOON. It's important! I can't say it often enough: Get help! Please! You're right, some people are uncomfortable with the truth, but there are people who will listen to you. There's also church, some churches actually have counselors on staff, and they're either free or very low cost. But please, please please, get help! |
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![]() night magic ![]() |
HI, I'm sorry you lost your dad,I also lost my dad 3 yrs ago.My dad died of lung cancer.I know the pain you are feeling.This is life,we all go through it.No one wonts to see there love one die,It is ok to cry every hr every day.Get it out of your system,you do have a future and you must go on.Do not give up on life your dad would not wont you to be this way. He gave you life,your dad will be very proud of you going through school and making a life out for yourself.I know your dad is looking over you right now.Just because you cant see him,he is in your heart.He will always be next to you.Cheer up sweetheart,you have alot to live for. |
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![]() Johnny ![]() |
Call a hotline. A friend of mine just killed himself over something so petty in the big scheme. Someday you will look back and think what was I so depressed about. Believe me. Call a hotline now for referral. I am sure you are worth more than you know. I wish I was your age again, everything lays before you. Trust me. |
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![]() shawna s horse lover ![]() |
um first of all if you think your the only one whose got it bad ...yor not alone girl ,look around you,theres fucked up people every where , (it would really suck to be a Arib} lots worse , do you think your dad would want you to end it so young,youve got a lot of life to live, make it a good one ,for your dad to watch . you only have one! |
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![]() dundeedave2001 |
Your not alone. Life is tuff not understanding it doesn't help. People often think of taking the easy way out. That's what killing yourself is, but why be weak & let the world win & hurting the ones who care for u? force your self to continue doing the right things. Realisticaly life doesnt get easier u just get tougher, but never give up & it will pay off. |
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![]() mick t |
we all have those thoughts at some point. that's when it's time for a kegger...LOL and time to hook up with some chicks! but you are a chick so, hmmm... haha, but seriously, life is too short. enjoy it while you're here! |
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![]() backinbowl |
PLEASE get yourself to a psychiatrist or college mental health center as soon as possible; this is NOT something to try to resolve by yourself (or with answers like this over the internet). IMMEDIATE PROFESSIONAL HELP IS MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! |
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![]() kevin d |
First of all think back to the loss of your dad , how you feel now , and how you felt then . Don't you dare talk like this .Imagine the pain you will iinflict upon others , who love ,know you , and probably lost your father to . Suicide is selfish , you want to nflict further damage to yourself , as well as those who have already , stood by , and suffered with you , at the loss of your father I will tell you this as well. Even if suicide is not the option , which it isn't .. Take into consideration the emotional suicide you are inflicting upon yourself , your self esteem , and your drive for life . Your father is dead god rest his soul , it what not his intention to drag you down . Are you the same girl you were when he was alive . Obviously not . When loved ones pass , we never forget , each time you choke up it is for him , and he is not forgotten . Do not confuse grief with depression . move on ,and make your world a better place . |
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![]() zoe |
First of all, please don't do anything to yourself. You have alot to contend with right now. Depression and not feeling very good about yourself can be a huge burden. Please see a counselor. You will feel so much better about yourself and life in general. Maybe you need to be on antidepressives. They can work wonders. Try all that b4 giving up. |
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![]() sylviaernst | is no fun when you are not with the right people. So....I think you ned to find the "right" friends to hang with. Go on that quest. I promise it will be the most rewarding experience when you found the folks you belong to. A good way to start is to check what you like. Is it some kind of sports? Travel? Or reading, writing? Or playing chess? Or playing theater? Making music? Painting? Whatever it is.....find it...and put all your passion in... Actually I had a time in my life where I was wondering abut"what am I dong here" and "where is the sense of me being here"? - not to the degree that I wanted to kill myself but everything felt senseless. And then I got into an extremesport and that's when life became suddenly very interesting. I had no time for sad thoughts because when doing the sport it was about survival. I foudn out that I really ewanted to live and survive. Any thoughts at the side would have been dangerous, full focus was required at all times. But more important is that l I met people there who did the same thing and we helped each other to survive and watched out for each other. There is nothing better than friends. Real friends. And this experience changed my life forever. I went in with fear and the feel of senselessness and came out fearless and happy and knowing that life has a meaning and it has to do with other people. So - if you have the feeling that something is missing in your life then you should try something really new, something what attracts you and what makes you excited, and perhaps a bit scared. And just be very open to all the new stuff which is coming towards you, especially new people in your ilfe. |
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![]() k_rapture ![]() |
why do u think so ??? see its really sad that ur dad passed away...but life must go on...yes i know that at first everyone feels so but one should try and come out of depression....suicide is a very wrong act and it shows that u are a loser...and have u every thought what will happen to the other family members of yours when u have commited suicide....if not for yourself live for other... find happiness in every small thing...thats what makes life beautiful... another thing >> have u every thought how will ur father who is in heaven will feel when u will commit suicide.. dont give him a second death... see, life is precious and u got to live every second of of luck.... |
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![]() Perfect Lady |
you never know your future, what if 2 years from now you would have met the man of your dreams and started a family or you would have gotten your dream job or won the lottery, suicide is the stupid way out of nothing. U know how it feels to lose ur dad, how would ur family and friends feel the rest of their lives because they lost you? i suggest you go get some professional advice, really.... be strong! trust me, there are people out there that love you and are willing to talk with you for any needs you might have. |
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![]() phoenix ![]() |
Honey, I'm sure all teenagers feel like that, I know I sure did. Life was just a big act, I was miserable and just wanted to give up. One thing that really helped me get through it all was someone to talk to, knowing that you have someone to trust and they won't judge you whatever you say really helps. I know I don't know you but if you want to chat sometime I'm at |
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![]() Irish Red ![]() |
Lord I pray that nobody on here decides to be "funny". Sweetie, you're having a very stressful time. Your dad passing is a huge deal and you should have had therapy for that. Going to college is rough, I know cuz I'm there too. I would suggest going to your school's guidance center to ask for help. It's hard but you have to take that first step. You have a purpose here - I didn't know your dad but as a mom I can say that I know he wouldn't want you talking about your life as if it were disposable. I have been down the road to hell myself. I took a pile of pills but I was saved at the bitter end by someone who loves me. I am mortified whenever I think about what I did. I almost left my kid motherless. I went on to have another baby. If I had been successful he'd have never existed and the thought of a world without that little ray of sunshine is something I don't wanna imagine. You are worthy. Please go talk to a professional and don't come to yahoo looking for real answers. These people mostly suck. lol Good luck to you. |
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![]() Meow |
Im sorry to hear you feel like this. I know life can be hard sometimes but remember things will get better. You will find someone who will make you feel better about yourself. I hope this somewhat helps. Good luck and take care. :D |
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![]() chad_hilse1 ![]() |
Contrary to the wisdom of DTB, suicide is not painless. However contrary to eevryone else's reassurances, there is no gaurantee things will get better. I can't tell you that you will miss out on some wonderful experiences. I can't tell you that in six months, your life will suddenly turn around, and you'll look back on this time, and praise the flying spagetti monster that you stuck it out. What I can tell you, with nearly 100% certianty, is that if you go now, you'll never know. Personally, I'm rather interested in what's going to happen to me, if out of nothing more than morbid curiosity. Oh, and, while it's far from a gaurantee, statistically, things do get better with time. |
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![]() Impavidus ![]() |
Working out is definitly a good way to help prevent depression, because it releases endorphins which make you happier. But that isn't a sure fire fix, you may have bi polar disorder or something like that, many many many people have it, like 1 in 5 or something. If this is the case then it is a sickness, the same way getting the flu is a sickness, and sicknesses are treated with medicine. So maybe seeing a doctor is the best idea, if you would rather remain incognito, there are always phone numbers you can call regarding the way you feel, and people will talk to you for free and help you get your life back on track. I knew a girl who killed herself, and I see now how much she really is missing out on. Even years and years later it still hurts to think how much she is missing. Jst hang in there and you will find that thing will work out, especially if you are proactive and try new things. Maybe helping people that are in need e.g. homeless or Greenpeace or something like that, get active, and MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LISTEN TO MUSIC THAT MAKES YOU SAD, even if it feels good to hear it, music is a powerful force and can influence your actions very much. So try to think happy, you have to believe in yourself and sometimes work hard. Don't forget that there are ALWAYS people who can help, and feeling depressed and suicidal is a problem that can be solved, just make sure you keep going, no matter what because every day there are people in your life that are so happy just because you exist. So keep on keepin' on and I can guarantee you will find that it's worth it!!!! :D |
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![]() an14341991 ![]() |
dont kill yourself.. you will miss out on so much.. stick it out.. things will turn around.. did for me.. stick with it! dont give up hope.. |
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![]() annastasia1955ca ![]() |
There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Please don't do anything foolish. We will miss you. |
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![]() california gurlie poo |
work out! it makes you feel wonderful..ive been depressed for five years and i started working out at the gym and my depression is gone. i feel happy. Finally. |
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![]() randrnorman |
Your depress and need alot of friends and family to help you through this but remember suicide not the answer because you may end you pain but not your friends and families pain of losing you.Also get pof help to because you may need to be on medicine. Good luck and stay strong. |
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![]() slippie ![]() |
you may be feeling pressured to fit in and be a success. ive found that the best way (for me), to be happy is to be completely selfish and self centered. forget what anyone thinks of you, forget trying to please, forget popularity, and be a success for yourself if you desire, not for them. its better to love yourself and be hated by all others than to be unhappy and be a puppet. |