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 the road back program?
Has anyone tried this http://theroadback.org/ if so did it work on getting off psych meds? I've been reading a lot of good reviews on this book but wanted to know more. I've been diagnosed ...

 Who knows anything about hearing aid feedback?
Recently got BTE Oticon Safari's. My right one never gives me feedback, unless I cover it with my hand. However the left one will give feedback even if i touch it slightly to adjust the volume ...

 What is Ambrotose used for and are there side effects?
I have pretty severe eczema and a friend told me Ambrotose might help, will it? please tell me anything you know about it thanks *M...

 Has anyone used Colloidal Silver for HSV1?
If so what has been your experience? Was it a positive one? I see quite a few forums talking about the various supplements to take but not a whole lot that talk about the effects/ outcome of ...

 como hago para q una pepa de rivotril (sustancia alucinogena) desaparezca de mi cuerpo rapidamente?
quiero saber como hago para que no me salga en los examenes de sangre la droga consumidaen especial si me mande una pepa 2mg de rivotril ayer 8 de octubre como hago para que no me salga en los ...

 How many Hydroxyzine's can I take?
Doc put me on Hydroxyzine for sleeping problems. He won't give me anything else due to my addictive personality. I take 4 or 5 Hydroxyzine's and sometimes a benedryl or 2 and I still can...

 Could it be something besides JRA?
My 10 year old daughter has been complaining of joint pain for the last two years that seems to be getting worse and worse. I took her to a Pediatric Rheumatologist a month ago, (after a 10 month ...

 Pills Vs. Immunologic system?
I'm a person that doesn't need pills to get better from a simple illness like a cold or flu; I have some rhinitis according to the doctor, I had a maxillofacial problem that was supposed to ...

 Do you or have you ever smoked Meth? Can you help me out?
I am doing a report on the drug problem in the United States and I need to interview people that use different drugs. I live in New York City and don't know anyone here that uses M...

 Is it safe to combine Adderall and Nuvigil (Anti Narcolepsy) at the same time?
I'm on Adderall and Nuvigil and was wondering if it's safe to take 25mg Adderall and 250mg Nuvigil....

 thoughts on Hawaiian skunk?
what are some opinions on this strain of marijuana. I for one enjoy it....

 anyone heard of 101generic.com?
i just want to know if anyone has heard of it and if so if they know if it is real or not im trying to order some meds ...

 Why is salvia still legal?
Share your experience?...

 Where in Kerala can i find good Ayurvedic treatment for Headache due to migrance of Sinusitis?
My friend is suffering from severe sinus headache problem. Can any one suggest good Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala?...

 Which is more relaxing, a relation massage or a hot stone massage?
i am planning to take my dads girlfriend to a spa. she works 12 hours a day of hard labor so trust me, she needs it. Which feels better? i want her to be as relaxed as possible (she has back problems,...

 Sinusitus or an ear infection or both?? Or just a really bad cold?
Hey, I have had a really bad cold for the past week. It started with a sore throat and then I lost my voice for two days and then once my voice kind of returned I was left with pains in my face, ...

 California Flag with Marijuana Leaf?
I want to know where I can find a California Flag that has a Pot leaf instead of the Red Star? I have seen one before but I'm not sure if they just got a Pot Leaf patch and covered the star or ...

 L-gluthatione pills for the skin question?
I'd like to imnprove my skin tone(discoloration due to sun mainly) and I heard glutathione pills work. I'm not sure is to buy the following brands: http://www.swansonvitami...

 Is Pomegranate juice beneficial for outer body also?
I've been hearing the news about Pomegranates being the best source of Antioxidents. I saw a body wash with pomegranate in it, and although taking in pomegranate is good for the body, is it also ...

 Why doesnt Insulin Resistance disorder produce same symptoms as Diabetes 2 disorder?

Dexter: Hypodermic Needles.?
Ok im doing a project on the TV series Dexter and i need to know a type of drug that can be used like in the TV show. He uses a Hypodermic Needle to inject .............. Into his victims carotid artery to Instantly render his average size victim unconscious. I need a list or a few names of Drugs that can do that. Thnx.

Don't take this as fact, but according to tvtropes, instant sedation like you see on Dexter is not a reality. I can't say if an injection to the carotid artery would make the difference or not. Maybe someone familiar with sedatives will answer more definitively.

That sounds like an interesting project. You haven't actually asked a question that I can see apart from "Hypodermic Needles?" You should be able to get them from your local pharmacy or drug clinic.

cool good luck lol:)

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