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 Framingham Heart Study?
I'm doing a project where I need the History of heart disease. Could you tell me if there's any site with really extensive info on the Framingham heart study, or something similar, that ...

 How long does it take for the 'setup' of a stroke to develop?

 new cure for pulmonary hypertension. what do you think of this?
I came across on the internet that scientists are about to make a breakthrough on the cure and reverse of the condition pulmonay hypertension.please see this links: http://www.ivanhoe.com/c...

 Why does my heart feel so heavy?
Is like i watched this show and i finsihed watching the entire series but is like i wan to watching again again and again and my heart feels heavy WHY??? adnormally? in me? and is like i LOVED that ...

 Pre Atrial Contractions and Heartburn?
Hi, I am 18 and have been diagnosed with PAC's since last year. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they could cause heartburn. I have had them so bad that they caused me to caugh, but ...

 laboratoristas clinicos, patologos, inmunologos, bacteriologos, drs en general?
Dentro de lo estandar en una biopsia muscular se analizan en microscopio electronico y la inmunohistoquimica solo de las miofibrillas, miositos, o tambien se estudian las inervaciones y los vasos. S...

 Can you will your heart to skip a beat or two?
Like, focus real hard on it until you think you felt it stop beating for a moment? Or maybe some kind or action, besides outside machines or chemicals....

 What list of foods help heighten good cholesterol?
My good cholesterol is low, what's a list of foods that will help?...

 How few of beats per minute can a well-conditioned heart make at rest?

 can a person have two heart blocks?
can a person have both second and first degree av block?...

 Why is it that I am having painful heartbeats?
I am having palpitations this past few days. For 2 consecutive days, I had painful heart beats and it radiates on my right jaw and arm. This lasted for few seconds only. My bp and heart rate is ...

 Cardiac arrest than coma?
1 day 1/2 ago my grandfather went into a coma after cardiac arrest. When he first went into cardiac arrest my cousin was there performing cpr on him but could not find a pulse. according to the ...

 Have you ever had a heart palpitation and chest pain at same time?
When I eat sometimes I have palpitations, because I'm nervous about eating and I breathe and swallow very tensely. Today I had a palpitation while eating with a sharp pain in my chest and pain ...

 How can I slow my heart rate down without meds when I'm having an anxiety attack?
I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and have been taking Lexapro 10mg. for about 6 weeks now. At first it was great but now they have come back. Lately, I have been noticing my heart beat at rest ...

 Can someone on Coumadin get tattoos?

 Is this a very high heart rate for a 16 year old?
To start off, I'm in shape and healthy-- I work out 3-4 times a week. Recently my brother came down and said my heart rate was really high! My resting heart rate is 60+ while his is around 40. W...

 in what condition of the heart does LDH increase?

 Chest pain that has lasted a day so far, need a doctor's or nurse's opinion?
I'm 25 and female. I am underweight, but not severely so. After I got off a medication I should have never been prescribed, I had really bad withdrawals. After that, my heart has been messing ...

 very low heart rate. why?
whenever im chilling out and im real calm, and then i go do something very physically taxing (like some quick pull ups or pushups,) right after i finish my heart rate slows (shouldnt it speed up) and ...

 how long does someone usually live after they get a heart tumor?

alexei lebedev
i smoked weed, and my heart started beating really fast, and my throat felt like it was closing up.?
i have no idea if i went into anaphylactic shock, or if i just had a panic attack. i am 17, and have smoked weed about 4 times before, with no negative effects. when this happened, i took a few hits from a joint, waited a bit, then took a hit from a pipe. as soon as i expelled the smoke from the pipe, my heart started beating really fast, and i felt like i could hear it. also my throat felt like it was closing up, and i immediatly started drinking as much water as i could, thinking it would keep my throat open. i went through about 4 bottles of water, and after about 2 hours, my heart rate returned to normal and the sensation in my throat went away. there were no other symptons. this has happened to me once before about a year ago, and this was the first time i have tried it again since. i have no idea if im allergic and suffered an anaphylactic shock, or was i merely paranoid and suffered a panic attack? i also have very mild asthma ps. this has happened a third time, my mom drove my friend home while he was reeking of dank, and i smelled it. i was terrified that my mom would smell it, and i exhibited the same symptons for about an hour. Allergies, or anxiety? is it safe to do it again will i experience the same symptons? and dont tell me pot is bad i know it is i just want a straight answer

smoking weed speeds up the heart you or your have family a history of disease, i wouldn't smoke it the choice is yours.

axeity...u just smoked sum really good heat...iv had that happen be4

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