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 I have a viral infection, is it contagious? It's been two days. Read details?
I have had this for two days, and I was wondering if it is still contagious. If so, it could only be transmitted to another person by contact. What type of contact? Any contact? Or just contact like ...

 Scared of CJD....is this ok?
I saw that CJD that can be contracted from an operation, so my question to you is I had a tonsil operation in 1995 or 1996 I am not sure, actually they removed my third tonsil , but is there a ...

 What is mono and how do you get it?

 how can i get rid of my bladder infection for good?
i always get bladder infections. every month at least. sometimes several times a month and they hurt reallyyyyyy bad. in fact, i have one right now as i'm typing this and i just want to know how ...

 I have Aids what do I Do?

 what can it mean when the doctor says you have diffusion inflammation in your lungs?

 Is a small lump behind my ear, a thing I should be concerned about?
Hey I have a small lump behind my ear, and its the size of a nickel and it's getting bigger, yesterday it was smaller. Its not hurting. But it is tender to the touch. Should I go to the ...

 what the cmt tells the doctor when reporting?
what the cmt tells the doctor when reporting a patient is having ...

 how does the wnv cause disease?
how does the west nile virus cause ...

 how to get rid of cold?
i cant breath from my nose is there any way i can clear it with out tissues or ...

 Should you take a bath when you have the flu?

 can copper t prevent aids?

 getting rid of a cold..?
i have had a cold for a day now, and they usually last 2 weeks and are probabily the most annoying thing ever, particularly now i am in college, i have taken cold reliefe pills all day (the maximum ...

 Is it true that if you hold your breath on a strep throat test you won't gag?
If not, is there anything you can do not to gag? Ok, a doctor said one time that if you do that you won't....

 I was recently (last month) diagnosed with dengue, is it safe for me to go near children?

 Is there medicine for inner lip cold sores?
My husband got a cold sore on his inner lip after he went to the dentist and they cut his lip. He keeps complaining that it burns. Is there and medicine or creams I can buy at the drugstore for it?...

 why would tongue ulcer happen when i take food on not appropriate time?
i looked up on the causes of tongue ulcer and one of the causes is : taking food on not appropriate time and i dont understand why.. usually when people skip breakfast or lunch, they will have ...

 do i have the stomach flu or is something else?
okay today everything was fine well except this morning i kinda had ther runs, but everything was fine like i ate and didnt feel anything bad i got home things are going good i ate then i needed to ...

 What sickness do I have?
Okay so it started yesterday really fast like it just started. My nose was really stuffy and runny and my throat was sore. it wasn't hard to swallow, it just hurt to drink liquid. eating made it ...

 what do I do?! I have to take Flagyl !..?
Okay so i just discovered i have a bacterial infection and the doctor put me on flagyl. I havn't taken it yet because i still have to pick it up at the pharmacy. I think i have to take it 2 ...

I have headache, nausea and chills the whole day today. I feel vomiting when I think of food. what is going on?
with me. I am a female and 31 years old.

Sounds like you may have the flu. Get to the Doctors.

its your body telling you to lose weight. your brain is giving you all the proper signals, you just need the willpower!

April H
food poisoning, the flu, pregancy, pms, hormone fluctuation...go to bed drink fluids and see if more syptoms come up, like fever, actual vomiting, cramps, if you get worse make a doctor apt.

Ike Krull
Have you traveled out of the country recently or had any contact with someone who has?

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