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 I have been having a long bump on the side of my forehand (in the beginning of my hair line).?
It is under the skin. You can't see the bulge only feel it with your fingers. It almost feels like a popped vein or vessel. I only have it on the right side. I noticed it years ago and it has ...

 How does adapting to cold work?
Like to be more tolerant to the cold, your suppose to gradually get used to it, and adapt, the more your around it the more tolerant you'll be of it. How does that work in your body?...

 If you click your fingers, do you get arthuritous?

 Effects of pot on kids?
We were told in school that heroin addicts are more likely to have brain damaged children or something like that...But what effects might there be o a child conceived by parents on pot?...

 Does anyone know where to get watermelon flavored chapstick that is by the regular chapstick brand?
Okay im pretty sure i did this like for my third time now but apparently it didnt submit?Pretty pretty please help me find a watermelon flavored chapstick by ChapStick®...

 Can smelling your own breath kill you?

 Do drugs make you pee?

 weird burned tongue feeling? any idea wat its from?
my tongue has felt like i burned it for the past week and a half and i know for a fact that i havent burned it! its really sensitive to hot foods and crunchy things like when i eat chips and im SUPER ...

 Will i fail a hair follicle drug test? If I did cocaine once three months ago and I just took a hair follicle?
If I did cocaine once three months ago and I just took a hair follicle drug test with the hair being collected from my under arm, what are my chances of failing? please don't just give a ...

 Tingiling in hands + headachhes ? What is this?
2 years ago i started to get tingling in my hands i also get allot of headaches and migraines its making me miss allot of school mum says its because i am stressed but i am not, sometimes i also feel ...

 Is this sleep deprivation?
For one year (Dec-09 to Dec-10) I only got 4-5 hours of sleep (my sleep pattern is fixed now), I am 17 now, did I stunt my growth or harm myself?...

 Pepcid AC, any suggestions?
Today my doc told me I should try taking Pepcid AC for burning stomach problems. I have never taken Pepcid before. What has been your experience, are there different flavors to buy ?...

 What is the medical code for repair of a right inguinal hernia with marlex mesh?
What is the medical code for repair of a right inguinal hernia with marlex mesh?...

 Is my doctor legally obligated to review my health records before treating me?
My doctor just recently wanted to schedule me for a Laparoscopy to determine if I have Endometriosis due to my symptoms. He was almost shocked when I told him another doctor had already done L...

 NEEDS HELP!! cant get to sleep and then when i get to sleep i sleep for like 10+ hours?
This question is a little bit weird, i am having trouble getting to sleep but when i finally manage to get to sleep i cant wake up for at least 10+ hours and i still wake up tired. i am constantly ...

 my thumb nail is half gone...?
i had fake nails about 2 weeks ago and i was taking them off and where my cuiticle starts is where its missing and the rest of my nail is still on there. its just a lil part missing not a whole bunch ...

 Head pains for 2 weeks?
I have been given anti inflammatories because my doctor thinks my neck muscles could be tense, but they haven't worked. I have stabbing pains throughout my head, aching behind and in my eyes, ...

 Is this health issue to be concerned with?
Recently with the dreary Ohio weather my mom had slipped and fell in a parking lot on a sheet of ice. She thought she broke her tailbone as she has done previously years before hand. Now she has got ...

 should i take a dump?
Today i just feel way too lazy to sit down and take a sh!t? What should i do?...

 pressure in my nose? 10 points?
ive just started getting a lot of pressure on the bridge of my nose like some one is squeezing it n its about to burst, ive never had a nose bleed in my life to don't know what they feel like, ...

how bad is this for my ears?
I am 15 years of age and i always listen to music on my ipod4 on full volume with my earphones on and you can even hear it through my earphones. I listen to this for like an hour and how bad is this for my ears and are their any remedies i can have to make sure my ears are healthy.

Hmmmm I think you know the answer to this. Yes, it is bad for your hearing. Turn it down. You are going to damage your hearing. Usually people won't notice the effects for awhile, but after a few years you will be noticing that you don't hear well. Do yourself a favor and turn it down. Don't you want to be able to hear the world around you ?

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