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 I've had this rash type thing for years?
It's just a rough patch of skin on my arm. Earlier in November it started getting bigger and there's a spot on my other arm now aswell. Any ideas what it could be?...

 how many teens go to a derm?
im 15 and i got a little acne and i wash my face and stuff but it wont go away.. its not bad or anything and i was just wondering if your acne as to be bad to go to derm and how many people go there? ...

 Could the tap water be irritating my skin?
We moved into a new house about 3 months ago. Anyway I've noticed my skin being red and flaky in the past few weeks. Part of its dry, but my forehead is oily and flaky (i notice because of ...

 How can I get rid of oily skin?
I'm 14 and I have oily skin. Are there any easy ways to get rid of oil and zits?...

 Toes are and itchy and somewhat red?
My toes have recently been very itchy. They are red around the knuckles near the top of basically all my toes. They aren't bumps or blisters, so I don't think it's chilblain or athlete&...

 What can I do about my lips?
My lips are unbearably dry, so much to the point that I can't smile because it hurts. I'm well aware that chapped lips hurt sometimes, but this is worse than it ever has been. I got ...

 Oops what do i do now? (pierces)?
Okay last night i pierced my lip by my self, i think it might be infected and theres no way im telling my mom or dad! i would rllyy rather die! but i dont even want the pierce any more!! wata i do??!!...

 Why is there a hard bump where my scab was?
Okay so I was shaving "down there" and cut my shaft. It scabbed over and of course the scab came off a few times and i peeled it like once or twice. Well the scab is gone but the skin is ...

 Does Cetaphil clear acne & help with extreem oily skin?
I have a ton of acne on my chin, some on cheecks & on my forehead. On top of that, I have over oily skin. I've been recomended Cetaphil, but it's not specifically for acne & irs for ...

 why is hair falling off of my legs?
alright for about a week now on my legs hair have been falling out, but on only one half of each leg. ive been experiencing no other symptoms. i have a good diet, i dont have diabetes and i feel ...

 I have HS! Are there any biochemist that want to use me as a guinea pig.?
If what they make works then i can lead a normal life....

 why do hand get dry in the winter?

 I have these sometimes painful circles under my foot what can it be?
http://i1197.photobucket I added a pic can anyone tell me what I have it hurts sometimes when I touch it it started as a splinter when I was younger what is ...

 some large dark patches on my face due to Saviour effect of sun.how can i get ridoff from that?

 How to get rid of spots(more info)?
right seriously, ive tryed everything! Ive tryed Clinique from Debenhams - cost £60 DIDNT WORK. Ive tryed tea tree oil, sudocrem, toothpaste, clean and clear, face masks drinking water, cleaning ...

 Can I get rid of my broad shoulders?
I'm 5,4''. 266 pounds. My whole upper body is big even my stomach. The lower part is ok. I know that my shoulders won't be small, but if I loose weight will they at least look a ...

 how do u get rid of blackheads?
hi, im 13 and im starting to get blackheads on my nose, under my chin, and in the middle of my eyebrows. please help mee... im really scared. and ive got heaps. :( thank youu. (:...

 Hands are REALLY ITCHY?!?! HELP!?!?
My hands started becoming really itch around night time. This has started a few days ago and the first night I was sleeping and woke up with my hands EXTREMELY itchy at the point where I was about to ...

 Has anyone here done laser treatments for stretch marks?
What were your results?...

 Lump under skin from cut need HELP?
I got a small cut on my finger now there is a small lump under a part of it that is purple and hurts when i touch it. Could it be and infection, do i go to the doctor or just let it go away??...

Red raised itchy bumps on my stomach and back?
A couple days a go I noticed a couple red bumps on my stomach, they itch a little bit but now i've noticed more popping up. Its on my back, the back of my neck, and my stomach. They itch. Do you think its just an allergic reaction? My school nurse said thats what she thought it was and said I should take benadryl. Can any body help?

If you still have them, go see a doctor. The areas you mentioned are the primary sites for the start of chicken pox. If you are older than 12, get to a doctor fast. Are they forming pustules? Are they still itching? It's better to be safe than sorry. Good Luck!

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