Pick Your Teeth Without Being Rude
Your parents friends are over, and you have some bacon stuck in your teeth and it is SOOOOO annoying!! But you don't want to be rude and pick your teeth, so what do you do? Steps
- Pretend you dropped something, and pick your teeth uder the table out of veiw.
- Ask to go to bathroom
- you can pick your teeth right infront of them if you really want.....
- Pretend to tie your shoe and pick your teeth then
- Put your hair innfront of your face (without it looking like it's on purpose, and your have to have long hair)and then do it
- pretend to see something interesting behind you, and pick your teeth
- say you need something in your room, go and "get it" then pick your teeth
- Do these as casually as possible, the easiest is escusing yourself from the table somehow.
- Don't let anyone see you!