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 cancer cancer cancer!!!im so sad?
my aunty who is just like a mum to me has had a double mastectomy over the last few years now has bone cancer and it nw in her liver ! she is on chemotherapy and today all her hair fell in clumps , i ...

 My Sister Has Brain Cancer Is there any cure story's?
she has Glioblastoma multiforme in its in stage 3 in its on top of the blood veles of talking in ...

 Brain aneurysms?? My maternal grandfather died of one and my mother survived one. How concerned should I be?
Moms doctor told me and my siblings to get MRA's (MRI). Im not sure i want to know if i have a time bomb in my head. Mom survived surgery after hers ruptured, but died several months later from ...

 Can you please pray for my aunt?
She was diagnosed with leukemia a couple months ago. It's just getting worse, the gave her kemo treatment but it ended up giving her an infection and is now just taking over her body. They gave ...

 What are some signs of breast cancer? (please read on)........................................................
I am a teenager. In the earlier teenage years. I don't quite know how to do a self exam but when I felt my breast for any bumps I do have a small one. I don't know if I should worry. It is ...

 Do some people with cancer still die in pain or has medicine been able to stop the pain to the end?

 My son is 24. we have no insurance/he is diagnosis with cancer. We make to much $ for help. What do we do?
When he was younger about 11 he was diagnosed with cancer. Just a few years ago we were in a bad car wreck. It left me disabled and unable to work. I now draw social security. Last March he was ...

 if you ate cancerous cells, would you then have cancer yourself?
i got this idea from the nirvana song "heart shaped box" in it he says 'i wish i could eat your cancer' so if you ate cancer, would you develop it?...

 my dad was just diagnosed with melanoma cancer..?
iv been tanning on and off for the last couple years..im 19. My dad was just diagnosed with melanoma cancer..he only has a couple spots that he needs removed. With me tanning am i setting myself up ...

 can you get breast cancer at an early age?

 My Mom has terminal cancer. I'm not sure what this means.?
My Mom is quite secretive about her health. I just by chance discovered she has breast cancer that has gone into her bone and lymph nodes. She had radiation, but wanted NO family involvement through ...

 My mom has Stage 3 cervical cancer, it has not spread, I wanted to know if there are any survivors?
Any survivor? Share your experience? What advice can you give me? T...

 Can teenagers get lung cancer?
I know they can cause lung cancer in later life..but can they actually get it when they're a teenager?...

 Could i have breast cancer?
i have a huge lump and i noticed it cause it was sore and where it touches surface looks bruised. i didnt think it was that big until i checked it after it stoped being sore its very large and goes ...

 I just read that Tony Snow's cancer has metastasized. How can such a healthy looking person get Cancer?

 what are the leading type of cancer?
what are the three leading types of cancer?...

 Will my Grandad survive???
I just found out yesterday that my grandad of 60years old may have cancer.I was really upset when i heard it and i am really worried for him.He wont get the results back until another month and i am ...

 What are the chances of living when you have liver cancer that has entered the blood stream?
I'm just asking because I found out this is what is happening to my grandfather. My mothers ouldn't tell me anymore, just that it is serious... which is kinda lame seeing as i am 16 and I ...

 How many cigarettes does it take to get Lung Cancer?

 I am really short and and people make fun of me and i don't like it how do i get them to stop?!?
I am a freshemman in High school and alot of people/ high schoolers/ little childern/ adults, make fun of me because I am short, or they make nasty commets behind by back about how short I am. They ...

why do people get cancer??
how come certain people get cancer and some people dont?

holly simone.
Some people get cancer because of their genes.
Or smoking.

anna belle
it has to do with the make up of their cells. genes have a lot to do with it.

Amelia W
It can be hereditary.
Other times it can be from UV lighting, sun, smoking, cellphones, or just not looking after your body.

sometimes someones cell mutates randomly and causes cancer or if they have been exposed to small amounts of gamma radiation that can also cause cells to mutate

Andrei W
You can read about cancer here: http://www.healthocrates.com/Brain-Cancer

Quite good article from my point of view

Many reasons.

It is not a totally random disease.

Taking care of yourself plays a huge part in it. For example simply getting enough vitamin d throughout your life can cut your risks by around 60%. http://www.forbes.com/health/feeds/hscout/2007/06/08/hscout605382.html

Other things such as anti-oxidants and exercise reduce cancer risks too. This is because it it harder for cancer to grow in a well oxygenated environment and because antioxidants kill free radicals that help contribute to cancer growth. I have links to those, but I don't know where they are right now. Google searches for those search terms will give you some info on that.

Exposure to toxins in the air, water, and products people use contribute, too. Avoiding these things and using things like water filters helps, too. I've found after many years that for almost every toxic thing to get the job done, even things like shampoo and bleach, there is a safer, cancer-free alternative that usually costs much cheaper.

There is more, but commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle and you will most likely avoid it. A healthy life style is something that you really need to read into to know much about because there are many people out there giving advice, and not all of it is good. Go for the stuff that has some backing by clinical tests and such.

Most importantly, get enough vitamin d in your life. It makes your immune system strong and prevents cancer and does so many things. Best bet is from the sun, but don't burn, that is when the risk for skin cancer starts to come. I get out for 30 minutes a day about 3 days a week. In the winter I take about 2,000 IU a day.

Cancer is when a normal cell mutates and does not function normally anymore. It then replicates itself over and over sometimes causing tumors. Your body can usually get rid of these cells but not always. Cancer can be caused by so many things these days. Such as the sun, certain chemicals in the body, possibly cell phones, and so on.

two reasons
1. exposure to outside sources (the list is really long, but foods, chemicals, airborn toxins, etc.
2. a predisposition to cancer (inherting certain genes that make you more susecptible to cancer)

example: Christina Applegates cancer-her mother had breast cancer--she got it

also, both can occur--a person with a predisposition to cancer is a heavy smoker

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