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 does taking aspirin lower blood pressure?

 How to find yourself; find the peace within and how to maintain it?
how to be peaceful and keep urself on the right path where ur mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally satisfied?...

 Could break outs (resembling acne) around the mouth be caused by an STD contracted orally, and if so, what?

 what is brovex 12mg/5ml used for?

 1]why can't diabetes,cholesterol patients have chocolate? 2]how much chocolate can we have daily?

 What is it called when you sit down for a longtime and get up you get dizzy? And what is it called?

 I was just perscribed an antibiotic, but I'm in college and I like to drink alcohol. Risks in mixing?
I was perscribed Bactrim, an antibiotic usually used for ear infections and such, to treat my acne. When I go back to college though, I have every intention of drinking alcohol on the weekends (I don&...

 If you take antibiotics for 4 mos, then stop, then start again 1 mo later, will your body build a resistance?
I have been on minocycline (for acne on my back) since Sept of this year. During the month of Dec I was bad about taking them, but have decided to start taking them regularly again in Jan. I am ...

 is it more sanitary: drying clothes outside or in a dryer?
There seems to be a controversy whether the sun is a better sanitizer for drying clothes or the heat of the dryer. My concern is because we live in Hawaii where there is high humidity ie: mold, ...

 Which one is harder to stop: Drinking or Smoking?

 Is it good health policy to give mental illness parity with physical illness?

 Could I be allergic to the dirt in my potted plants?

 I just wanna live!!! How do I get out of this slump?
I have been physically and mentally sick for 2 months. I haven't really seen my friend even though we do keep in touch. I get so sad and depressed the doctors don't know whats wrong. I ...

 Does anybody know how many people die each day globally?
This seems a morbid question, but statistically. I wonder......

 My son has a flight booked for 01/19/06,flight#4601,departing from Ft.Myers,Fla.to Chigago-?
He is not sure if he can fly that day as he has a health problem.He will come to

Right now he has a health problem,and is ...

 best way to fight a cold?

 Are the blind able to distinguish US paper currency?
I'm sitting here watching Ray on HBO and he keeps asking to be paid in singles. Are the new bills easily distiguishable by the blind?...

 food to help potassiumfor pains...................................…

 How did you quit smoking?
I want to quit smoking.....I need Ideas on how to quit. What worked for you?...

 How can I soothe a pinched nerve?
I have a really painful pinched nerve in my neck. Is there anything I can do to help it?...

Terri R
how do i get rid of the pain in my neck and shoulders?

C all of a sudden, I want to kno
Massage it
go to a spa
be stress free

i used cold pak instead of heat seems to work or a good massage

Oh, I had the same thing! I saw a doctor, but that didn't help. I had it 4 7 months. I saw a chiropractic, and I got adjusted. He said it was caused by lack of calcium (which was weird, cause I always drink milk) and saly. I was also a lil dehyderated. Now I take 6 (small) calcium pills a day, and I get adjusted once every 4 months. Good luck!

Darius II
slow massage... on the top area of your back and back head and neck... be carefull about your head postion time you will go to sleep... try to focus on a right colon... or change parts or position to not use the bones and musscles in only one way/dirrection.

while you work on computer change time2time(week2week) the monitor position to the other side... to not use the head in the same angle...

and there is a musscle and neck relaxation cream you cand buy....

Divorce your husband.

Pain in neck and shoulders mean it may be due to the disc prolapse in your cervical spin; You have to take an x-ray scervical spine. Consult an Orthopaedician

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