I'm 14 years old, and for a long time now (like since I was 6-7 years old) I get a weird ringing sound in my ears. Well, not exactly ringing, but I don't know how to describe it. It's ...
They told me 1 months ago I needed blood transfusions- my Personal reasons don't allow it. It was 5.9 hemoglobin.I refused to go to hospital. I changed my diet and took Iron faithfully- could I ...
should a person with major nerve damage from spinal chord injury smoke cigarettes i am paralyzed and my nerves are real bad i take alot of meds for it can smoking make the nervous system go hay ...
Well, it started when i was around 14. Every time i brushed my teeth i puked after or sometimes while I'm brushing my teeth. Also, around this time, i starved myself since my allowance was not ...
i am 25 yr old on ssdi because i spent ten years in a mental institution and cannot handle being in public. I moved to a differnt state and over a year ago and have not been able to get help. its a ...
My little sister was in the car and she started saying her eyes were burning when the lights were open she kept touching her eyes and we figured out the glowstick my cousin gave her was ripped and ...
I realized I had a bump under my jaw near my ear.
Its hard and I can't move it around and its painless.
I was thinking its due to my body fighting something.
After thinking about if I haven...
I was reading and suddenly I had blurred vision in part of my vision field.
It moved with my eyes like as if i had stared at a light (I hadn't, and it wasn't the same).
It was almost like ...
Im pretty sure its anna something but my nephews baby just died at birth and was diagnosed with this into the 4th month of pregnancy they said the baby had no skull from about the top of her head to ...
How long does it take for milk of magnesia to start taking affect & working? It's been 8 hours& nothing so far. I HAD to take MOM because my stool was too hard to come out. I have the ...
Hi, ive just found a lump on the back of my head and i have just been thinking about it and i remember that just recently i have been getting quite a few headaches :( Could this be anything bad do ...
im a 15 year old male and i dont want to tell my parents. if i tell my mom she would just let the whole world know.my cousins dog had hemorrhoid but it was gay. but im not and never ben . so it there ...
Hi, does anyone know of a medication that helps Chronic Fatigue? My friend battles with great fatigue on a daily basis and has tried herbs, but is now looking for a medication. Does anyone have C...
I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 10 yrs old and I had about a 15 degree curve at the time. We only knew I had it because that was the first time I had an x-ray, so technically I probably had ...
I am a 44 year old male. I am in excellent health but due at times have frequent urination issues. I used to swim but had to discontinue because this activity stimulated it. It does not hurt or sting ...
Peripherial neuropathy?
Iv been looking at web M.D and realized all my symptoms fit Peripherial neuropathy. Could Peripherial neuropathy be caused by getting my foot ran over by a car? The pain starts in my foot, and goes up my leg. (it's a burning/stabbing pain) I went to the dr and got X-rays and they said it wasn't broken but they didn't do Any thing else. I have tingling in my toes and pain In my foot that's spreading up my leg. It's been about 4 weeks since it happened. So could it be Peripherial neuropathy? If so how long does it last and what would help with the pain?
Injuries sustained from an accident such as yours do not typically result in neuropathy (damage to neuronal cells).
It would definitely be worth going back to the Dr, and telling them about what you are experiencing, but i find it unlikely that you are experiencing a form of neuropathy. More likely, there is just still damage to your foot/let from the accident. You will find that not too much other than bone shows up on a X-Ray.