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 Non-biological laundry detergents? Know of any?
Further to my recent question: I get itchy when I launder my high thread count sheets in regular laundry detergent I live in the USA and shop at Safeways - anyone know of any non-biological ...

 How can I get rid of my Spots?
I am 21 now and think I have tried everything possible to get rid of my spots, I have been to the doctor and he has told me tht I have very light case of acne all he could give me was a cream which I ...

 How can I cure my eyebags ?

 How do I take care of my finger?
In Technology we were working with hot glue guns and my friend accidentally burnt my fingers. I know how to take care of burnt fingers BUT the glue got stuck to me and i had to rip it off. When I ...

 Okay, this is embarassing but I can hardly sit. I have a sm. hemmorroid with a sore on it. Like it's ulcerated
It is painful most of the time. I use hemmorroid cream and try to keep the area clean. I can't see it of course but I can touch it. It's like a little built up sm. area of the hemorroid. T...

 hair dye skin conditions?
Has anyone been burned or scarred on their face from hair dyes?...

 What is the BEST over the counter acne product?
for breakouts on face and ...

 Good Skin care regimen for mild acne...?
Here's what i use Neutrogena oil-free acne wash (sometimes scrub with Queen Helene Oats/Honey Scrub) Clean and Clear Advantage Spot Treatment Neutrogena Fresh M...

I have a rash on my chest and its bumby an slightly red. I dont know what it is or where it came from. I played in a lake, I just got new clothes, my grandparents house is infested with spiders.Could ...

 Is there anything good about warts?
Other than they produce humility in their wearers and can be used as terrifying weapons against the fainthearted...! I really am wondering, though. It seems to me that everything bad has something ...

 Itchy after weeding?
I was weeding outside and all of a sudden I got itchy on my knee. I got a hive. One hive, what I think is a hive anyway. It progressed to one on my shoulder, one on each hand, and it's really ...

 what insect is it???
i am in spain and was bitten by something 2 days ago on my foot, since then my foot has become swollen,red and aching...ive heard hissing sounds in my bedroom,,any ideas what it could be?????? ...

 sudden bruising--help!?
so, i went to go shower, and while looking in the mirror i noticed a huge, blue-and-purple bruise on my hip! i didn't notice it last night, or when i got dressed this morning. i didn't hit ...

 big scar problem please help!!?
i have a scar on my face and it's really bad but small and the over the counter stuff isnt working so i wan to go the the doctor dude and get it removed 1. do they do it with lasers or ...

 I'm tired of sweating?
If I had my sweat glands removed, the upside is that you wont sweat as much but what are the down sides? There has to be some right?...

 wine & cold sores?
does it cause breakouts?...

 Do you think i have lice?
My head is occasionally itchy but not constantly [i can go a few days without ever itching] I have a few bumps on the front of my hair by the crown [but i have ace and my mom said you can get acne ...

 mosquitoes bites???
hi does anybody know of any home ideas to get rid of the itch from mosquitoes bites. cause cant run to store to get anytinng now i will take all ideas u got cause somebody just gave me some but don�...

 I have theses bites and they're itchy?
I have theses bites and they're very itchy? I thought they were misquotoe bites they had the little bump and sowll up like misquetoe bites I have a bite on my 2 toes on my left foot 2 bites ...

 drinking after accutane please help?
i got off accutane a little over 2 weeks ago. is it ok to drink now? i dont drink alot/frequently but will i be ok? my derm. said it was ok to drink a bit while i was in france and thats when i was ...

What's causing this itch?
Two days ago, out of the blue I started to get this itch over my stomach and my back, and it won't go away. It only gets red after I scratch it, not before. And there aren't any bumps that I notice... I am seriously going insane because of this itch, it's all I think about. I do go tanning, last time I went was about 3-4 days ago, but it doesn't appear to be a sunburn, the area isnt red or anything. I put lotions on but they don't work. My skin doesn't look dry and isn't peeling when I itch it. Someone please help me out here! I've also been taking benedryl and that doesn't seem to be helping either.

Andrew N Lillie's Mommy
ive been itchy for 2 weeks now all over from head 2 toe and i havent used anything different and i cant think of anything other then this as well.. i can sure hope we find out something cuz this itching is driving me crazy!!

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