I was diagnosed with Malignant Melonoma on two moles on my back about 2 weeks ago now, they were both very thin at just 0.4mm. I had a wide local excision of the area and i now have another 1 and a ...
Has anyone had surgery to remove a brain tumor, 95% - 98% of it, and if so has it grown back? If so please fill me in on how you thought or felt it was growing back besides headaches and seizures ...
I have non invasive cancer and atypical hyperplasia and I'm taking tamoxifen. Do you think I should be seeing an oncologist on a regular basis, and how often should I be seen or not seen? ...
I've read all the comments on yahoo answers regarding cigar smoking, cancer and other health risks. To be totally honest though, none of the comments are really informative. Most people have ...
okay,, i know this may sound wierd, but do you ever think that the cure for cancer is a simple thing, like eating a elephants poo, and then everyone is spending soo much money trying to find one, ...
My doctor said that I have a cyst, but she didn't elaborate. She didn't suggest an ultrasound or mamogram, or any treatment. She just said to avoid caffiene, because that could make the ...
I ask this question because my oncologist said that I will gain weight during chemo treatment but she says that it will be less than 5lbs. I have a feeling that I may gain more weight than just 5ibs....
I woke up this morning and my upper stomache started hurting really bad, yesturday I didn't eat breakfast, but I ate a sandwich for lunch and chineese for dinner, later I snacked on my left over ...
Is it possible for someone with Stage 4 cancer to recover? I have a friend whose father is suffering from Stage 4 cancer and he's undergoing chemo now. He was stuck in hospital for a long time ...
You guys do realize that a lot of people profit from all the money that's put into the RESEARCH and TREATMENTS for cancer. A cure would ultimately defeat that purpose.
My dad lied to me when i was six and i believed him he said he stopped smoking. i later found out he has a pack of ciggarets every week i am very sad because his dad died of lung cancer. i don't ...
I am 35 years old. My mother died of lung cancer one year ago. She didnt have any symptoms, just got sick one day, we took her to the hospital, she was diagnosed and died 6 months later. She had ...
in case of cancer patient, do we have the right to die?...
Hpv and cervical cancer?
my mom was recently diagnosed with hpv; doctor said at her age with hpv, there is a higher likelihood of cervical cancer. does hpv usually lead to cervical cancer? i heard a very small percentage of women with hpv get cervical cancer but i'm not sure, im a little worried. Additional Details she does have the high risk strain; her pap smear came back normal but tested positive for hpv. her dr. told her to get a pap smear every 6 months and gave her tips to help strengthen her immune sytem. thanks for all the kind words and helpful answers, i really appreciate it, it's helped me lessen my worries a bit.
I know how scary this must be for you. I myself have HPV and yes it can lead to cervical cancer. I have the "High risk type" and if it was left untreated it definitely would of been cancer for me. I caught it early enough to have it treated and i am on the road to recovery.
Your mom should know if she has the high risk type or not my dr. told me 2nd apt. and if she needs treatment for it because it CAN go away on its own.
here is a link and it answered all my questions!! check it out
jmk 486
Hmm my source is OPRAH lol...... I was watching the show on Oprah about HPV... there are over 20 different kinds of HPV "strands". 3 of them actually lead to cervical cancer, and the rest do not. You should find out the specific number she has and research it. HPV is the most common STD and over 80% of women will be exposed to it at one point or another..... If it is not one of the 3 BAD strands then most of the time the virus clears on it's own. I'm sure her Dr. has discussed the new vaccination. I wouldn't worry too much.
I can not really add any more to the answers you have been given so far but would like to give you this link http://www.jotrust.co.uk/ it is a charity dedicated to cervical cancer and pre cancer of the cervix with lots a info, there is also a online forum where you can post messages to others in the same situation it is like a support group, please take a look if just for interest.
Lisa P
HPV is a precursor, or fist sign of extremely high risk to develop cervical cancer. Search on Webmd and it will tell you what you need to know in pretty easy terms to understand. Your mom needs to be sure to follow up with her doctor regularly and get more frequent pap smears,etc. If your mom stays current with exams and surveillance, she can be OK. Cervical cancer is one of the more easily treatable cancers, with a high cure rate, if that were to happen to her. Let's hope and pray for the best, that it will not develop in her.