Happy Man
Really you need to say what type of cancer and where it was, though it sounds like your friend was badly treated. |

Carol B
Tell her to go back to her own Doctor and ask for help and advise they will have had a her notes back from the hospital and will be able to explain what is going on.And to be truth full i think she has been treated very badly someone should do something about the people treating her this way. |

That is appalling treatment for your friend. She should have been sat down and treated more sensetively and given councelling. Can she go to her GP and ask for a second opionion its just awful I though now a days people were treated better than that. You are a good friend to her go with her maybe and just be there for her it must be hard for you to.
Good luck to you and your friend. |

How about contacting the local Macmillan Nurses they may have some suggestions. I certainly think she should have seen the consultant. She should speak to her GP and get referred again to another specialist group perhaps at a different hospital if there is a choice in your area. |

kevina p
Hi, That is just terrible for your friend to have cancer and to be treated in this way by the hospital. tell her to go to her doctors and demand a second opinion. Tell her to tell her doctor she wants to be seen immediately as she does not want to wait any longer for a full diagnosis, she wants to know what treatment is on offer, tell her don't waste time we pay our taxes and we have rights. Good Luck to her. |

I am so sorry to hear this about your Friend and of her treatment.
I think this reinforces how bad some of our hospitals are!
I cannot understand why there is not more empathy and compassion from staff towards patients that are terminally ill.
Your friend deserved to have things explained to her clearly and in a way in which she can understand. Often doctors do not like to predict time spans for life expectancy as they do not really know. It's like asking how long is a piece of string.
I think she should go back to her GP and tell him/her what has happened and maybe the GPcould liaise with the consultant and then explain things to her. She can certainly ask to be referred to another hospital.
Cancer research UK would also be a good port of call for some support.
The GP may also refer her to Marie curie nurses.
I sincerely hope your friend gets the help and support she needs and deserves. |

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